0:00:04.910,0:00:08.200 [Music] 0:00:09.120,0:00:10.960 hey everyone 0:00:09.840,0:00:12.880 thank you for joining us for the 0:00:10.960,0:00:14.400 cleaning and cocktails podcast this is 0:00:12.880,0:00:16.080 where i get the opportunity to speak 0:00:14.400,0:00:18.480 with fellow cleaning business owners 0:00:16.080,0:00:20.320 small medium and large we take the time 0:00:18.480,0:00:22.160 to let them share their stories on the 0:00:20.320,0:00:24.000 ups and downs in the industry 0:00:22.160,0:00:25.519 i also speak with other experts and 0:00:24.000,0:00:27.840 professionals in the industry 0:00:25.519,0:00:28.560 from your manufacturers your suppliers 0:00:27.840,0:00:30.880 trainers 0:00:28.560,0:00:32.480 as well as other types of entrepreneurs 0:00:30.880,0:00:33.040 my mission is to empower our cleaning 0:00:32.480,0:00:34.880 industry 0:00:33.040,0:00:36.880 to inspire and motivate each and every 0:00:34.880,0:00:37.760 one of you i want you guys to reach new 0:00:36.880,0:00:39.920 heights of success 0:00:37.760,0:00:41.520 and learn from one another my goal is to 0:00:39.920,0:00:44.320 have you walk away with some tips 0:00:41.520,0:00:46.000 secrets advice and opinions that are 0:00:44.320,0:00:47.280 relevant to all of us in our day-to-day 0:00:46.000,0:00:48.719 hustle and grind 0:00:47.280,0:00:51.120 while we're out there in the field 0:00:48.719,0:00:52.399 working every single day so sit back and 0:00:51.120,0:00:57.930 share a cocktail with us 0:00:52.399,0:01:02.160 and enjoy the show 0:00:57.930,0:01:04.559 [Music] 0:01:02.160,0:01:07.280 welcome everybody to cleanit cocktails 0:01:04.559,0:01:09.200 uh i have the pleasure of having two 0:01:07.280,0:01:11.439 fellow colleagues here that i've grown 0:01:09.200,0:01:14.080 to learn in this industry 0:01:11.439,0:01:15.439 um i have ingrid murray here and then i 0:01:14.080,0:01:16.720 have jason lee as well 0:01:15.439,0:01:18.960 i'm going to let them introduce their 0:01:16.720,0:01:21.119 companies introduce who they are so 0:01:18.960,0:01:22.479 ingrid why don't you take it away first 0:01:21.119,0:01:23.840 spend a couple minutes to talk about you 0:01:22.479,0:01:26.240 know who you are 0:01:23.840,0:01:27.200 the company name a couple company stats 0:01:26.240,0:01:29.040 as far as 0:01:27.200,0:01:30.720 you know the size of the business where 0:01:29.040,0:01:33.920 the city is that you reside 0:01:30.720,0:01:37.439 um and just take it from there 0:01:33.920,0:01:40.000 okay so i y'all it's ingrid murray 0:01:37.439,0:01:42.159 um prospect cleaning service yay go 0:01:40.000,0:01:44.960 prospect 0:01:42.159,0:01:45.920 we're located in brooklyn new york so we 0:01:44.960,0:01:49.600 were 0:01:45.920,0:01:52.840 um just up to a million 0:01:49.600,0:01:56.000 as of december of last year but with 0:01:52.840,0:01:58.719 within the first what 0:01:56.000,0:01:59.840 quarter of this year and we i know we're 0:01:58.719,0:02:03.200 going to get to that 0:01:59.840,0:02:07.040 in a little bit ricky we're now um 0:02:03.200,0:02:10.560 almost 5 million in revenue um 0:02:07.040,0:02:15.360 i have close to 0:02:10.560,0:02:18.080 70 people that are working for us now 0:02:15.360,0:02:19.200 and we do connecticut new york and new 0:02:18.080,0:02:22.080 jersey 0:02:19.200,0:02:22.879 so um those are currently our service 0:02:22.080,0:02:25.520 area 0:02:22.879,0:02:27.040 of course we provide general cleaning 0:02:25.520,0:02:30.160 building and maintenance 0:02:27.040,0:02:33.040 we provide carpet cleaning um 0:02:30.160,0:02:33.440 floor restoration and floor maintenance 0:02:33.040,0:02:35.920 and 0:02:33.440,0:02:37.360 which includes um stripping waxing of 0:02:35.920,0:02:40.480 vinyl force 0:02:37.360,0:02:41.360 polishing of marble tiles and stuff like 0:02:40.480,0:02:44.480 that 0:02:41.360,0:02:48.560 and um we're going into distribution 0:02:44.480,0:02:51.840 finally um 0:02:48.560,0:02:53.599 what else was there again no that's 0:02:51.840,0:02:55.840 it you know you said that you you 0:02:53.599,0:02:58.480 memorized okay 0:02:55.840,0:03:00.800 all right good all right jason you take 0:02:58.480,0:03:02.239 it away now my friend 0:03:00.800,0:03:04.000 hey thanks and rick thank you for 0:03:02.239,0:03:06.080 putting this together and having us on 0:03:04.000,0:03:07.840 here um but our company is lee building 0:03:06.080,0:03:08.560 maintenance we're out of the maryland 0:03:07.840,0:03:10.879 area 0:03:08.560,0:03:13.120 uh so our location we're about 50 miles 0:03:10.879,0:03:16.959 west of dc and baltimore 0:03:13.120,0:03:19.760 uh our we have about 114 employees 0:03:16.959,0:03:20.319 or revenues about two and a half million 0:03:19.760,0:03:22.640 um 0:03:20.319,0:03:23.840 and the things that we take care of are 0:03:22.640,0:03:25.840 a medical 0:03:23.840,0:03:27.440 health care side manufacturing and 0:03:25.840,0:03:30.319 office space 0:03:27.440,0:03:31.519 and uh it's been it's been a good a good 0:03:30.319,0:03:34.239 run 0:03:31.519,0:03:35.920 awesome man awesome well guys i always 0:03:34.239,0:03:36.640 forget this part i don't know why but i 0:03:35.920,0:03:39.760 wanted to say 0:03:36.640,0:03:41.840 let's bring up your drinks this is this 0:03:39.760,0:03:45.200 is called cleaning in cocktails right 0:03:41.840,0:03:46.400 so it's five o'clock somewhere so i have 0:03:45.200,0:03:47.519 a pacifico here 0:03:46.400,0:03:50.640 ingrid what do you what is it that 0:03:47.519,0:03:51.630 you're drinking god i'm drinking me some 0:03:50.640,0:03:55.840 sweet [ __ ] 0:03:51.630,0:03:57.439 [Laughter] 0:03:55.840,0:04:00.080 jason what about you it looks like a 0:03:57.439,0:04:00.640 pink drink there but i've been yeah so i 0:04:00.080,0:04:03.840 have a 0:04:00.640,0:04:08.000 yeah i have a little uh pizza rock 0:04:03.840,0:04:11.040 with watermelon simply watermelon mix 0:04:08.000,0:04:11.040 oh look thank you 0:04:11.760,0:04:15.920 i want to be in the islands i want to be 0:04:12.959,0:04:18.079 in jamaica man oh lord have mercy don't 0:04:15.920,0:04:19.519 get me [ __ ] 0:04:18.079,0:04:21.359 we're gonna get some of that we're gonna 0:04:19.519,0:04:25.280 get some of that here 0:04:21.359,0:04:27.199 awesome well guys i i always like to 0:04:25.280,0:04:28.880 to go with that first question to you 0:04:27.199,0:04:31.280 know a couple a little bit of stats 0:04:28.880,0:04:33.120 who we are right um but then i'd like to 0:04:31.280,0:04:34.880 dig a little deeper as to you know jason 0:04:33.120,0:04:37.600 we'll start with you is 0:04:34.880,0:04:38.479 you know what what made you get into 0:04:37.600,0:04:40.479 this industry 0:04:38.479,0:04:41.840 we know it's not a glamorous industry we 0:04:40.479,0:04:43.840 know it's not the first thing somebody 0:04:41.840,0:04:45.919 thinks of when they get out of school 0:04:43.840,0:04:47.120 or you know in the corporate world but 0:04:45.919,0:04:49.040 what what 0:04:47.120,0:04:51.440 what's the story of jason lee walking 0:04:49.040,0:04:51.919 into his first cleaning job or did you 0:04:51.440,0:04:54.160 start 0:04:51.919,0:04:55.600 the entrepreneurial way from day one i 0:04:54.160,0:04:58.080 mean give us some background on that and 0:04:55.600,0:05:00.160 then ingrid will take you next 0:04:58.080,0:05:02.160 uh so now i try to make this fast but so 0:05:00.160,0:05:04.720 my day one for me was 0:05:02.160,0:05:06.479 um man actually it was working for 0:05:04.720,0:05:10.240 burger king i was a burger king 0:05:06.479,0:05:12.800 uh manager and um man one of the guys 0:05:10.240,0:05:14.000 used to come i was maybe five years in 0:05:12.800,0:05:15.759 or so 0:05:14.000,0:05:17.520 uh and one of the guys to come clean the 0:05:15.759,0:05:17.840 windows and every week all i ever do is 0:05:17.520,0:05:19.440 just 0:05:17.840,0:05:20.880 sign his invoice and get my free meal 0:05:19.440,0:05:22.400 and i was so busy i just 0:05:20.880,0:05:24.240 didn't ever stop and watch him and then 0:05:22.400,0:05:26.560 one day i just did 0:05:24.240,0:05:28.080 and uh found out what the receipt was 0:05:26.560,0:05:30.080 you know kind of ask somebody how many 0:05:28.080,0:05:31.520 stores our burger king i work for the 0:05:30.080,0:05:33.360 franchise had 0:05:31.520,0:05:34.639 and once i found out he had a couple 0:05:33.360,0:05:36.400 hundred i went wow i went back to the 0:05:34.639,0:05:38.800 atom machine and i put 0:05:36.400,0:05:40.080 like hours 25 cents and i like in the 0:05:38.800,0:05:42.400 atmosphere i went oh 0:05:40.080,0:05:43.520 i'm doing the wrong thing yeah within 0:05:42.400,0:05:46.560 within about two days 0:05:43.520,0:05:47.199 i started doing window cleaning um and 0:05:46.560,0:05:48.720 then 0:05:47.199,0:05:50.400 from there we you know got to doing 0:05:48.720,0:05:53.360 restaurants and then 0:05:50.400,0:05:57.039 uh you know now or you know what i said 0:05:53.360,0:05:57.039 earlier into healthcare manufacturing 0:05:57.199,0:06:01.840 nice nice ingrid what about yourself oh 0:06:00.319,0:06:04.400 wow 0:06:01.840,0:06:06.000 so this business found me because i 0:06:04.400,0:06:08.400 wasn't looking for no damn cleaning 0:06:06.000,0:06:08.400 business 0:06:11.680,0:06:19.280 so coming into this i had 20 0:06:15.280,0:06:22.639 close to 22 years in accounting 0:06:19.280,0:06:26.000 and business administration um 0:06:22.639,0:06:29.680 i ran a couple of companies before 0:06:26.000,0:06:33.440 and i used to run a big um 0:06:29.680,0:06:38.000 insurance company in jamaica 0:06:33.440,0:06:40.800 so when i moved here in 2010 i met my 0:06:38.000,0:06:42.880 husband in 20 in 2009 0:06:40.800,0:06:45.039 and i went back home and i just couldn't 0:06:42.880,0:06:47.919 keep my mind off the dude so i flew back 0:06:45.039,0:06:48.319 in in march and the dude couldn't keep 0:06:47.919,0:06:51.840 his 0:06:48.319,0:06:56.080 mind off me too so we got married 0:06:51.840,0:06:59.120 a couple months later and he had 0:06:56.080,0:07:00.800 a carpet cleaning company but 0:06:59.120,0:07:02.400 he you know we were doing a little bit 0:07:00.800,0:07:04.080 of house he was doing a little bit of 0:07:02.400,0:07:07.199 house cleaning 0:07:04.080,0:07:10.240 but he had this one contract with 0:07:07.199,0:07:12.960 uh i think it's uh mass 0:07:10.240,0:07:14.080 electrical and they owned a lot of 0:07:12.960,0:07:16.880 property that they 0:07:14.080,0:07:18.479 leased to this to the government and so 0:07:16.880,0:07:20.080 he was responsible for doing all the 0:07:18.479,0:07:23.280 social security offices 0:07:20.080,0:07:24.639 in brooklyn through that medium but that 0:07:23.280,0:07:26.960 was his only 0:07:24.639,0:07:28.319 commercial contract everything else was 0:07:26.960,0:07:30.960 residential 0:07:28.319,0:07:31.520 and i remember asking him what what do 0:07:30.960,0:07:33.680 you say 0:07:31.520,0:07:36.160 why don't you want to move to the next 0:07:33.680,0:07:39.360 level but he didn't know how to 0:07:36.160,0:07:43.280 and so on fast forward 0:07:39.360,0:07:44.639 in 2013 he got he got diagnosed with 0:07:43.280,0:07:49.199 cancer 0:07:44.639,0:07:53.280 and he didn't want to do this anymore 0:07:49.199,0:07:56.960 thank god he beat it but in 2014 0:07:53.280,0:08:00.160 um we had a bet because he kept 0:07:56.960,0:08:03.120 rejecting everything i suggested that if 0:08:00.160,0:08:07.120 he gave the company to me that i would 0:08:03.120,0:08:10.479 i would triple the revenue within a year 0:08:07.120,0:08:12.879 so of course he gave the company to me 0:08:10.479,0:08:14.560 just like that and where we called the 0:08:12.879,0:08:16.720 account of the accountant said well you 0:08:14.560,0:08:19.919 have to even let 0:08:16.720,0:08:21.520 do some form of exchange so 0:08:19.919,0:08:23.199 he sold me all these shares for twenty 0:08:21.520,0:08:27.759 dollars 0:08:23.199,0:08:30.800 we just did that for whatever 0:08:27.759,0:08:33.919 and then of course he lost the bet 0:08:30.800,0:08:36.959 and um we moved from 77 0:08:33.919,0:08:40.000 to i think we got 210 0:08:36.959,0:08:43.680 000 within the first six months and then 0:08:40.000,0:08:46.800 we got to 4 47 0:08:43.680,0:08:50.160 and then i don't know 2016 0:08:46.800,0:08:53.600 we just got stuck right under 0:08:50.160,0:08:56.480 500 and could not move for nothing 0:08:53.600,0:08:58.160 then we got one i got one big contract 0:08:56.480,0:08:58.880 with the government and then we get up 0:08:58.160,0:09:03.279 to 0:08:58.880,0:09:04.160 um almost a million 933 but i just 0:09:03.279,0:09:07.360 couldn't pass 0:09:04.160,0:09:11.600 there um we plateaued there 0:09:07.360,0:09:14.800 and so that's basically how i got in 0:09:11.600,0:09:16.000 and i'm still the as he calls me the 0:09:14.800,0:09:18.880 pitbull 0:09:16.000,0:09:20.399 and lipstick you need hey you need that 0:09:18.880,0:09:23.600 you need that yes 0:09:20.399,0:09:25.360 that's a great there's a great segue to 0:09:23.600,0:09:26.640 a question that i you know i always 0:09:25.360,0:09:27.600 wanted to talk about but i never get the 0:09:26.640,0:09:29.760 opportunity to 0:09:27.600,0:09:31.600 uh but it's like a two-part question 0:09:29.760,0:09:34.959 because ingrid needs you know one 0:09:31.600,0:09:36.000 you talk about you know jamaican two 0:09:34.959,0:09:38.080 you're working with the federal 0:09:36.000,0:09:39.440 government um you know three 0:09:38.080,0:09:41.600 one thing that all three of us have in 0:09:39.440,0:09:42.640 common is we are minority-owned 0:09:41.600,0:09:45.440 businesses 0:09:42.640,0:09:47.519 so really tough to touch on because i 0:09:45.440,0:09:49.279 i've been talking to a lot of 0:09:47.519,0:09:51.120 smaller cleaning shops you know brand 0:09:49.279,0:09:53.040 new growing existing 0:09:51.120,0:09:54.160 stuck plateaued at you know year one 0:09:53.040,0:09:56.240 year two 0:09:54.160,0:09:57.600 a lot of minority-owned businesses are 0:09:56.240,0:09:59.680 business owners 0:09:57.600,0:10:01.200 how have you guys in ingrid would just 0:09:59.680,0:10:02.880 start with you is 0:10:01.200,0:10:04.399 how have you taken advantage having a 0:10:02.880,0:10:06.480 minority owned status do you take 0:10:04.399,0:10:08.880 advantage like do you have an mbe 0:10:06.480,0:10:11.040 or a woman owned business status and is 0:10:08.880,0:10:12.880 it helping you with contracts 0:10:11.040,0:10:14.320 and it's this will be a lengthy answer i 0:10:12.880,0:10:15.920 know for sure but i want 0:10:14.320,0:10:18.240 i think the audience and people want to 0:10:15.920,0:10:18.800 know what do you do with it how do you 0:10:18.240,0:10:20.560 do it 0:10:18.800,0:10:21.760 have people done it before so ingrid 0:10:20.560,0:10:23.440 will start with you and then jason 0:10:21.760,0:10:26.480 you'll do it too 0:10:23.440,0:10:28.800 okay so when i took over the business i 0:10:26.480,0:10:30.160 got a call from a city agency i don't 0:10:28.800,0:10:32.800 remember the name of the 0:10:30.160,0:10:33.600 agency right now and they wanted to know 0:10:32.800,0:10:37.040 if we were 0:10:33.600,0:10:40.640 uh mwbe because they had a contract 0:10:37.040,0:10:43.279 but it had to be the person had to 0:10:40.640,0:10:44.000 be nwbe and i asked the lady what was 0:10:43.279,0:10:47.519 that 0:10:44.000,0:10:50.800 she then told me what it was and so 0:10:47.519,0:10:53.839 i went to get registered 0:10:50.800,0:10:57.200 um it took it took me 0:10:53.839,0:10:59.120 close to two days 0:10:57.200,0:11:00.640 to get the application done because i 0:10:59.120,0:11:02.720 basically read through it 0:11:00.640,0:11:04.720 found out what it is that they what they 0:11:02.720,0:11:05.600 needed and then i went and prepared the 0:11:04.720,0:11:07.519 documents 0:11:05.600,0:11:09.200 of course the company was just me and 0:11:07.519,0:11:12.160 courtney so 0:11:09.200,0:11:12.640 they wanted you to have bylaws all this 0:11:12.160,0:11:14.079 when you 0:11:12.640,0:11:15.680 incorporate a business you get this 0:11:14.079,0:11:19.120 beautiful binder 0:11:15.680,0:11:22.079 that no one ever look back on 0:11:19.120,0:11:23.600 again you just have your binder you take 0:11:22.079,0:11:26.000 out that one sheet that 0:11:23.600,0:11:28.720 certificate of incorporation and that's 0:11:26.000,0:11:30.480 the only page you're concerned about 0:11:28.720,0:11:32.160 well based on the requirements for the 0:11:30.480,0:11:34.800 mwb certification 0:11:32.160,0:11:36.800 i needed to have these things in place 0:11:34.800,0:11:39.680 so what we did basically 0:11:36.800,0:11:40.480 well i was ceo and i was also chairman 0:11:39.680,0:11:43.040 of the board 0:11:40.480,0:11:44.079 and i and courtney was the treasurer and 0:11:43.040,0:11:46.880 that was it 0:11:44.079,0:11:47.200 and then we added stuff and this made 0:11:46.880,0:11:50.800 you 0:11:47.200,0:11:52.800 really had to go in and create 0:11:50.800,0:11:54.000 now you have to create a formal 0:11:52.800,0:11:56.720 structure 0:11:54.000,0:11:59.120 which a lot of people when they start 0:11:56.720,0:12:02.000 didn't have 0:11:59.120,0:12:02.880 i want to backtrack a bit courtney had 0:12:02.000,0:12:05.920 25 0:12:02.880,0:12:08.959 years um 0:12:05.920,0:12:09.680 approximately in the business when i met 0:12:08.959,0:12:12.160 him 0:12:09.680,0:12:13.839 and he got in it by chance too because 0:12:12.160,0:12:17.360 he owned a restaurant 0:12:13.839,0:12:19.440 and he was at his usual spot where he 0:12:17.360,0:12:20.079 buys stuff for his restaurant and he met 0:12:19.440,0:12:22.800 a guy 0:12:20.079,0:12:24.480 who was going back home to jamaica and 0:12:22.800,0:12:25.839 so he asked the guy 0:12:24.480,0:12:27.279 what what what's going on what are you 0:12:25.839,0:12:28.720 going to do with a business the guy said 0:12:27.279,0:12:30.560 to him you want to buy 0:12:28.720,0:12:31.920 and he said how much is it guy told him 0:12:30.560,0:12:33.680 10 grand 0:12:31.920,0:12:35.600 he went to his bank account took 0:12:33.680,0:12:36.320 everything out and purchased a business 0:12:35.600,0:12:40.000 so that's 0:12:36.320,0:12:43.040 how this all started 0:12:40.000,0:12:43.360 however not understanding the protocols 0:12:43.040,0:12:46.639 and 0:12:43.360,0:12:48.959 and the the fundamentals of the business 0:12:46.639,0:12:50.959 so my husband knows it from an operation 0:12:48.959,0:12:52.160 standpoint where he actually does the 0:12:50.959,0:12:54.959 work 0:12:52.160,0:12:55.920 go clean above floor stuff like that but 0:12:54.959,0:12:58.560 the management 0:12:55.920,0:12:59.440 administrative side he has no he had no 0:12:58.560,0:13:02.240 clue about 0:12:59.440,0:13:04.839 so that's how we balanced out each other 0:13:02.240,0:13:07.839 i went and got the 0:13:04.839,0:13:10.800 the forward now 0:13:07.839,0:13:12.720 when i got when that person spoke to me 0:13:10.800,0:13:14.079 that's when i when i got the mwb 0:13:12.720,0:13:17.200 certification 0:13:14.079,0:13:20.079 which i was told took like three to nine 0:13:17.200,0:13:22.639 months to do i did it in two days i got 0:13:20.079,0:13:24.480 my certification within six weeks after 0:13:22.639,0:13:27.760 submitting it 0:13:24.480,0:13:29.600 however nothing 0:13:27.760,0:13:31.440 was going on with it it's like the 0:13:29.600,0:13:34.480 certification is there 0:13:31.440,0:13:37.360 and it's not doing nothing and then i i 0:13:34.480,0:13:38.399 realized that it would never do anything 0:13:37.360,0:13:41.279 on its own 0:13:38.399,0:13:42.240 i had to go network i had to go every 0:13:41.279,0:13:45.279 time 0:13:42.240,0:13:48.320 new york stayed had to either had 0:13:45.279,0:13:50.880 some meeting i went i've gone to albany 0:13:48.320,0:13:51.880 i've been almost everywhere where once 0:13:50.880,0:13:55.199 it says 0:13:51.880,0:13:58.320 mwbe or dbe i am 0:13:55.199,0:14:00.639 there networking because i realize now 0:13:58.320,0:14:02.639 especially for new york you had to 0:14:00.639,0:14:05.519 register with each agent 0:14:02.639,0:14:07.519 agency individually so you now you need 0:14:05.519,0:14:09.600 to know department of sanitation you 0:14:07.519,0:14:11.519 gotta go meet procurement officers for 0:14:09.600,0:14:13.680 department of sanitation 0:14:11.519,0:14:14.800 let them now be a new best friend you 0:14:13.680,0:14:17.839 now need to know 0:14:14.800,0:14:21.360 the well like for me mta 0:14:17.839,0:14:23.440 i went to every event and goldman sachs 0:14:21.360,0:14:25.839 had a wonderful program 0:14:23.440,0:14:27.920 and i signed up and i became a graduate 0:14:25.839,0:14:31.600 of that program also so 0:14:27.920,0:14:34.079 mwb certification will never do anything 0:14:31.600,0:14:35.279 so you will have your certification and 0:14:34.079,0:14:38.800 they tell you that they 0:14:35.279,0:14:39.680 list you in in a directory which you are 0:14:38.800,0:14:42.720 listed 0:14:39.680,0:14:45.920 because i am however if you don't go 0:14:42.720,0:14:48.959 meet these procurement officers 0:14:45.920,0:14:52.000 you will never get contacted because we 0:14:48.959,0:14:54.560 thought that it was automated 0:14:52.000,0:14:56.320 what would happen a city job came in 0:14:54.560,0:14:58.320 they're just gonna go to the 0:14:56.320,0:15:00.079 city job directory and they're just 0:14:58.320,0:15:02.720 going to email blast every one of us 0:15:00.079,0:15:04.000 in there that's not the case they 0:15:02.720,0:15:06.480 actually do 0:15:04.000,0:15:08.079 go with the people who they are familiar 0:15:06.480,0:15:10.560 with i don't know why 0:15:08.079,0:15:12.240 but that's just the way it works but 0:15:10.560,0:15:14.959 mwba cert 0:15:12.240,0:15:16.079 can will do i have a lot of government 0:15:14.959,0:15:18.399 contracts 0:15:16.079,0:15:20.079 there though they are small and i got my 0:15:18.399,0:15:23.040 two little biggie out of the pot 0:15:20.079,0:15:24.320 i'm happy because it was those couple 0:15:23.040,0:15:27.680 small ones 0:15:24.320,0:15:28.560 that got me the big ones okay i mean you 0:15:27.680,0:15:30.399 just pretty much 0:15:28.560,0:15:31.680 there's there's a small little blueprint 0:15:30.399,0:15:33.920 there right jason 0:15:31.680,0:15:35.519 yeah everything's everything ingrid just 0:15:33.920,0:15:37.519 said i 0:15:35.519,0:15:38.560 i was that person for three years i let 0:15:37.519,0:15:41.360 it sit 0:15:38.560,0:15:42.880 i renewed i put it on my website but 0:15:41.360,0:15:44.800 your writing grid you got 0:15:42.880,0:15:46.320 if you don't do anything with it uh it's 0:15:44.800,0:15:48.720 nothing happens yeah it's 0:15:46.320,0:15:50.639 it's literally a piece of paper and you 0:15:48.720,0:15:52.399 know it did take me three months okay 0:15:50.639,0:15:54.000 so i don't you know this whole two day 0:15:52.399,0:15:54.800 thing i don't understand how it took you 0:15:54.000,0:15:56.639 two days 0:15:54.800,0:15:59.120 it took me three months to get that 0:15:56.639,0:16:01.279 everybody wanted to know i just went 0:15:59.120,0:16:03.360 through it first and then i worked all 0:16:01.279,0:16:06.000 day to prepare i told you we were a two 0:16:03.360,0:16:07.440 people company so we had to be everybody 0:16:06.000,0:16:10.160 in the damn company 0:16:07.440,0:16:12.720 i i remembered only one person i had i 0:16:10.160,0:16:16.079 could get was my 18 year old daughter 0:16:12.720,0:16:18.240 and she was supposed to be the secretary 0:16:16.079,0:16:21.040 to take the administration she was 0:16:18.240,0:16:22.480 18. she didn't even know she still to 0:16:21.040,0:16:24.480 this day don't know what the hell that 0:16:22.480,0:16:27.440 is 0:16:24.480,0:16:28.959 so so jason you are in the baltimore 0:16:27.440,0:16:32.240 washington dc area 0:16:28.959,0:16:34.560 i mean how are you working with federal 0:16:32.240,0:16:36.560 government um do you have government 0:16:34.560,0:16:39.440 contracts is your minority status 0:16:36.560,0:16:41.600 helping you i would think that's got to 0:16:39.440,0:16:44.079 be an arena or an area that 0:16:41.600,0:16:45.440 this has to matter um are you tell us 0:16:44.079,0:16:46.880 your story on on 0:16:45.440,0:16:50.240 being a minority owned business owner 0:16:46.880,0:16:50.800 there so our our story is that uh we so 0:16:50.240,0:16:53.920 we aren't 0:16:50.800,0:16:57.440 we aren't certified we we are a minority 0:16:53.920,0:17:00.079 owned women-owned company um but i guess 0:16:57.440,0:17:01.279 since i didn't start that way um that's 0:17:00.079,0:17:03.199 something that i kind of had in the 0:17:01.279,0:17:05.280 works like for us to probably do in the 0:17:03.199,0:17:08.799 next 18 months 0:17:05.280,0:17:11.120 um our our business has grown 0:17:08.799,0:17:13.280 strictly out of uh the just the straight 0:17:11.120,0:17:15.520 commercial side the private sector 0:17:13.280,0:17:16.799 um the closest we've gotten to the 0:17:15.520,0:17:18.959 government contractors 0:17:16.799,0:17:20.559 we were working on one of the uh 0:17:18.959,0:17:21.679 military bases with a construction 0:17:20.559,0:17:23.280 company 0:17:21.679,0:17:24.799 kind of handling all their construction 0:17:23.280,0:17:28.000 trailers 0:17:24.799,0:17:29.280 and things like that um but 0:17:28.000,0:17:32.160 you know that's something i think we'll 0:17:29.280,0:17:35.840 get into uh i you know i didn't 0:17:32.160,0:17:37.919 from a local standpoint what i didn't 0:17:35.840,0:17:39.440 like a lot of the deals that i've seen 0:17:37.919,0:17:40.960 was just 0:17:39.440,0:17:44.080 uh when i say local i'm talking about 0:17:40.960,0:17:46.640 like your city state contracts 0:17:44.080,0:17:47.280 it was a race to zero for me and you 0:17:46.640,0:17:48.880 know 0:17:47.280,0:17:50.559 and when i looked at the contracts you 0:17:48.880,0:17:51.840 looked at numbers it was like all all 0:17:50.559,0:17:53.760 someone did was 0:17:51.840,0:17:55.919 you know if it was a million last year 0:17:53.760,0:17:58.400 then dagon it was it was 9.50 after that 0:17:55.919,0:18:01.200 you look at the numbers it was like 0:17:58.400,0:18:02.640 um and i just i just didn't want to cut 0:18:01.200,0:18:04.080 my teeth there but that doesn't that 0:18:02.640,0:18:04.559 doesn't mean i don't we don't want to i 0:18:04.080,0:18:06.720 think that's 0:18:04.559,0:18:09.120 we're trying to create the plan that 0:18:06.720,0:18:12.240 when it's time for us to do it now 0:18:09.120,0:18:14.320 we have the experience that i think will 0:18:12.240,0:18:17.440 be we'll be in great shape do it 0:18:14.320,0:18:18.640 uh yeah i mean uh i think yeah it'll be 0:18:17.440,0:18:20.160 eight years for me and 0:18:18.640,0:18:22.480 i'm probably gonna land my first 0:18:20.160,0:18:24.480 government contract just about now 0:18:22.480,0:18:26.559 so it's yeah same thing i was in private 0:18:24.480,0:18:29.360 sector forever 0:18:26.559,0:18:29.679 uh so jason let's talk about you know 0:18:29.360,0:18:32.000 like 0:18:29.679,0:18:33.520 i mean where i met you right the bscai 0:18:32.000,0:18:36.720 uh conventions 0:18:33.520,0:18:40.000 um a lot of there are over a million 0:18:36.720,0:18:41.679 cleaning contractors in the u.s and 0:18:40.000,0:18:43.679 you've been at the shows ingrid you go 0:18:41.679,0:18:45.760 to the shows you know it's 0:18:43.679,0:18:47.200 do you what would you recommend to these 0:18:45.760,0:18:48.960 smaller cleaning companies 0:18:47.200,0:18:50.320 um smaller maintenance companies service 0:18:48.960,0:18:53.360 companies 0:18:50.320,0:18:56.400 um about the bsci the issa 0:18:53.360,0:18:59.520 any kind of uh 0:18:56.400,0:19:01.440 cleaning focus shows uh i 0:18:59.520,0:19:02.960 i probably see what there's probably one 0:19:01.440,0:19:03.600 percent of the industry that actually 0:19:02.960,0:19:06.240 goes 0:19:03.600,0:19:07.600 like look you know look i'm looking what 0:19:06.240,0:19:10.480 came out of it was me and you 0:19:07.600,0:19:12.240 you know meeting what's your take on 0:19:10.480,0:19:14.080 because again i got to feel like it's 0:19:12.240,0:19:15.280 it's we have to do the work to go there 0:19:14.080,0:19:17.840 and put the effort in 0:19:15.280,0:19:19.120 but what are the pros that you that you 0:19:17.840,0:19:21.200 say out of these shows and these 0:19:19.120,0:19:22.400 organizations 0:19:21.200,0:19:24.559 i think i think the big thing it's like 0:19:22.400,0:19:27.280 i mean i met all you all there 0:19:24.559,0:19:28.320 um i think it's the relationships are 0:19:27.280,0:19:31.360 key 0:19:28.320,0:19:33.360 um but i think the the key involved is 0:19:31.360,0:19:35.280 to get involved 0:19:33.360,0:19:36.559 not just to kind of you know pay a dues 0:19:35.280,0:19:38.080 to be a part of it you could be a part 0:19:36.559,0:19:40.400 of your local chamber 0:19:38.080,0:19:41.760 but so what are you involved in getting 0:19:40.400,0:19:43.200 the most out of it i think ingrid had 0:19:41.760,0:19:44.640 even alluded to it saying 0:19:43.200,0:19:46.559 hey there's some things we have to do 0:19:44.640,0:19:47.600 this will work we have to go in network 0:19:46.559,0:19:49.679 meet people 0:19:47.600,0:19:51.280 you gotta see us i think it's the same 0:19:49.679,0:19:54.000 in our industry i think 0:19:51.280,0:19:54.640 uh just kind of a twofold i think as we 0:19:54.000,0:19:57.200 go in 0:19:54.640,0:19:58.240 we can meet so many other people around 0:19:57.200,0:20:01.120 the world i think 0:19:58.240,0:20:02.320 it's like anything else you can get 0:20:01.120,0:20:04.320 trade secrets or 0:20:02.320,0:20:05.600 people to help you that that aren't in 0:20:04.320,0:20:07.679 your money you know what i mean i mean 0:20:05.600,0:20:09.600 if we're if we're steady competitors 0:20:07.679,0:20:11.360 i think it's it's it's cool to know that 0:20:09.600,0:20:13.280 hey i can go to chicago 0:20:11.360,0:20:14.640 and me and you aren't in each other's 0:20:13.280,0:20:15.919 money we can kind of learn from each 0:20:14.640,0:20:17.840 other we probably open up and be as 0:20:15.919,0:20:20.159 transparent as we can 0:20:17.840,0:20:22.240 um that's key i mean i i've had some of 0:20:20.159,0:20:23.760 my best relationships i have i've met 0:20:22.240,0:20:26.640 through the industry 0:20:23.760,0:20:28.000 um and i think it's second to none i 0:20:26.640,0:20:29.679 think the second thing is 0:20:28.000,0:20:31.840 when you get involved how can you help 0:20:29.679,0:20:32.880 someone like how how can the knowledge i 0:20:31.840,0:20:35.200 have 0:20:32.880,0:20:37.280 how can i now take that to somebody else 0:20:35.200,0:20:40.000 and i don't care how small you are 0:20:37.280,0:20:41.360 you matter you know you can help 0:20:40.000,0:20:43.039 somebody out by bringing 0:20:41.360,0:20:44.559 together a testimony or something that 0:20:43.039,0:20:45.440 you went through that could help 0:20:44.559,0:20:49.120 somebody else 0:20:45.440,0:20:50.559 um but i think i think you know bsci 0:20:49.120,0:20:52.880 i think you mentioned that somebody in 0:20:50.559,0:20:55.039 the issa and 0:20:52.880,0:20:56.320 those things to me are just crisis bsci 0:20:55.039,0:20:59.600 i mean i look at even 0:20:56.320,0:21:00.559 now you know and you i can just say but 0:20:59.600,0:21:02.720 you know we're 0:21:00.559,0:21:04.880 we're all on zoom and things have 0:21:02.720,0:21:06.480 changed because of the the virus the 0:21:04.880,0:21:08.559 kovic 0:21:06.480,0:21:09.600 and i tell you what i have to say is i 0:21:08.559,0:21:11.360 thank the psga 0:21:09.600,0:21:13.280 for stepping up and they've been doing 0:21:11.360,0:21:15.760 because today was like the eighth 0:21:13.280,0:21:17.120 week that they've done a town hall where 0:21:15.760,0:21:17.840 they've gotten everybody involved i'm 0:21:17.120,0:21:19.600 talking about 0:21:17.840,0:21:21.440 ceos everybody we're going to call we're 0:21:19.600,0:21:23.360 talking about real-time issues what's 0:21:21.440,0:21:24.640 happening in our companies 0:21:23.360,0:21:26.559 all over the world and we're able to 0:21:24.640,0:21:27.840 talk about and what things can we pivot 0:21:26.559,0:21:29.679 what things can we change 0:21:27.840,0:21:32.080 what's working for you in chicago or new 0:21:29.679,0:21:35.440 york that i have i mean even ingrid 0:21:32.080,0:21:37.120 ingrid man man wish talking to you 0:21:35.440,0:21:38.559 you have such a wealth of information 0:21:37.120,0:21:39.840 because you were a ground zero in new 0:21:38.559,0:21:40.960 york when everything was just out of 0:21:39.840,0:21:41.600 control and everybody was looking at new 0:21:40.960,0:21:43.280 york 0:21:41.600,0:21:45.440 man you have so much to share that 0:21:43.280,0:21:46.880 people in the country haven't even faced 0:21:45.440,0:21:49.919 i think those are the values of the 0:21:46.880,0:21:53.840 association is the relationship 0:21:49.919,0:21:53.840 yeah i think i mean 0:21:55.280,0:21:59.120 the same thing because i remember when 0:21:58.240,0:22:02.080 jason and i 0:21:59.120,0:22:02.799 i think came in around the same time and 0:22:02.080,0:22:05.120 um 0:22:02.799,0:22:07.360 i remember that year when you won the 0:22:05.120,0:22:10.000 new um 0:22:07.360,0:22:10.720 the new company the new company that 0:22:10.000,0:22:13.440 came in 0:22:10.720,0:22:14.159 and you won that award close to when you 0:22:13.440,0:22:16.559 were going up 0:22:14.159,0:22:18.640 to for the board seat i think there was 0:22:16.559,0:22:21.120 the following year 0:22:18.640,0:22:22.320 we i think we met the year before right 0:22:21.120,0:22:26.240 yes 0:22:22.320,0:22:27.200 yeah we did how about that yep yeah and 0:22:26.240,0:22:30.880 i remember 0:22:27.200,0:22:34.000 at that time i'd been a member no i 0:22:30.880,0:22:36.640 i realized now i was there before you 0:22:34.000,0:22:38.159 but then it took a little while i guess 0:22:36.640,0:22:41.679 at that time i was going through 0:22:38.159,0:22:43.039 one of my down times and i sat on the 0:22:41.679,0:22:46.400 membership committee with 0:22:43.039,0:22:49.760 with jason and i realized that all these 0:22:46.400,0:22:49.760 all these um 0:22:50.720,0:22:56.000 entities that and and and clubs and 0:22:54.000,0:22:58.039 everything that we joined together 0:22:56.000,0:23:01.440 everybody going it 0:22:58.039,0:23:02.720 expecting that somebody's gonna actually 0:23:01.440,0:23:05.840 come out and give you 0:23:02.720,0:23:08.640 something and so 0:23:05.840,0:23:09.600 we realized early that that's not gonna 0:23:08.640,0:23:12.799 work 0:23:09.600,0:23:16.240 i i met a lot of people to 0:23:12.799,0:23:18.240 be a cai a lot i was issa member 0:23:16.240,0:23:19.520 also even though i wasn't selling 0:23:18.240,0:23:22.159 supplies 0:23:19.520,0:23:24.240 but why i became a member is because of 0:23:22.159,0:23:26.720 the wealth of information 0:23:24.240,0:23:27.840 the classes everything remember i came 0:23:26.720,0:23:30.400 from a business 0:23:27.840,0:23:32.480 um a business environment and coming 0:23:30.400,0:23:35.919 into this there was nothing 0:23:32.480,0:23:36.640 knowing me the way i i know me the same 0:23:35.919,0:23:39.919 problems 0:23:36.640,0:23:42.480 my husband was like no no no no no no no 0:23:39.919,0:23:44.080 it's similar to the way jade um jason 0:23:42.480,0:23:46.880 and april work together 0:23:44.080,0:23:47.840 we do this this kind of thing but each 0:23:46.880,0:23:50.080 one of us 0:23:47.840,0:23:51.440 we know when to let the other take the 0:23:50.080,0:23:53.360 reign and take control 0:23:51.440,0:23:54.880 and we know how to back each other we're 0:23:53.360,0:23:57.919 in the same position 0:23:54.880,0:24:01.760 so when courtney is 0:23:57.919,0:24:04.960 is very he's not a risk taker 0:24:01.760,0:24:06.880 i'm a risk taker the thing is when it 0:24:04.960,0:24:09.520 comes to some serious gambling 0:24:06.880,0:24:10.799 i ain't doing [ __ ] because i i'm afraid 0:24:09.520,0:24:13.919 to lose 0:24:10.799,0:24:15.520 big because that's the thing but i 0:24:13.919,0:24:17.360 i want to take the risk i'm just gonna 0:24:15.520,0:24:18.960 do some more investigation 0:24:17.360,0:24:20.480 and okay all right you sure it's going 0:24:18.960,0:24:23.840 we're gonna i've 0:24:20.480,0:24:24.480 trust me i've thrown away millions of 0:24:23.840,0:24:27.520 dollars 0:24:24.480,0:24:30.159 over the years just trying to move from 0:24:27.520,0:24:31.279 one step to the next step because you're 0:24:30.159,0:24:34.159 trying to try 0:24:31.279,0:24:35.600 so much but then you realize that all 0:24:34.159,0:24:38.320 along 0:24:35.600,0:24:39.279 the the answer to the problem was right 0:24:38.320,0:24:41.760 in front of you 0:24:39.279,0:24:42.880 because i remember when we started we're 0:24:41.760,0:24:44.480 like okay 0:24:42.880,0:24:46.320 grinding grinding you're knocking on 0:24:44.480,0:24:47.679 doors you walking in i got dressed up 0:24:46.320,0:24:48.960 because i love to get dressed up 0:24:47.679,0:24:50.320 and i'm going to get dressed up and 0:24:48.960,0:24:51.679 we're going to make a presentation of 0:24:50.320,0:24:55.120 why you need to 0:24:51.679,0:24:55.840 um have prospect cleaning come into your 0:24:55.120,0:24:57.919 business and 0:24:55.840,0:24:58.960 and transform it make a change and so 0:24:57.919,0:25:00.880 you can see 0:24:58.960,0:25:03.039 savings and all of that but once we 0:25:00.880,0:25:04.159 start making a couple dollars i stopped 0:25:03.039,0:25:06.159 doing that 0:25:04.159,0:25:07.440 now i invest my money oh marketing 0:25:06.159,0:25:09.440 companies going through this 0:25:07.440,0:25:10.720 oh this website company is going to do 0:25:09.440,0:25:12.480 that 0:25:10.720,0:25:14.559 and i was just throwing my money away i 0:25:12.480,0:25:15.279 got nothing in return more than stress 0:25:14.559,0:25:19.760 headache 0:25:15.279,0:25:24.000 sleepless nights weight gain hello 0:25:19.760,0:25:28.400 you know i kind of think but of course 0:25:24.000,0:25:31.600 once i got back in my comfort zone 0:25:28.400,0:25:35.200 when i had no more money and i realized 0:25:31.600,0:25:36.400 that okay boom just go back to what you 0:25:35.200,0:25:39.279 were doing before 0:25:36.400,0:25:40.080 go knock on doors again remember the 0:25:39.279,0:25:43.279 people you 0:25:40.080,0:25:46.640 met at bsc give them a call 0:25:43.279,0:25:47.039 find out if you can help in any areas 0:25:46.640,0:25:49.279 that 0:25:47.039,0:25:51.200 because of course but people forget you 0:25:49.279,0:25:52.720 because you don't make any connections 0:25:51.200,0:25:55.520 and then we get together 0:25:52.720,0:25:57.600 in in dallas or las vegas and we're like 0:25:55.520,0:25:59.679 all one big happy family again 0:25:57.600,0:26:01.200 we enjoy that moment and after the week 0:25:59.679,0:26:03.039 is gone then we don't call each other 0:26:01.200,0:26:07.200 again 0:26:03.039,0:26:09.520 so you realize now the problem is that 0:26:07.200,0:26:11.360 we get so caught up in what's going on 0:26:09.520,0:26:13.440 around us but we don't realize we can 0:26:11.360,0:26:14.320 utilize the connections that we've made 0:26:13.440,0:26:15.919 all along 0:26:14.320,0:26:18.240 and that's what i've been doing and i 0:26:15.919,0:26:19.840 see it working some people 0:26:18.240,0:26:22.080 it's going to take some time for you to 0:26:19.840,0:26:22.480 gain their trust but don't worry about 0:26:22.080,0:26:24.799 that 0:26:22.480,0:26:25.520 because out of every 10 that is taking a 0:26:24.799,0:26:28.000 time 0:26:25.520,0:26:29.840 to sign with you there's still two or 0:26:28.000,0:26:31.440 three that are ready today 0:26:29.840,0:26:33.120 work with the two or three that are 0:26:31.440,0:26:35.919 already today 0:26:33.120,0:26:36.880 let those 10 people go on waiting when 0:26:35.919,0:26:38.240 they see you 0:26:36.880,0:26:40.640 trust me they're gonna hop on that 0:26:38.240,0:26:41.360 success but so fast you will not see it 0:26:40.640,0:26:43.600 coming 0:26:41.360,0:26:44.559 so i learned that and that's just how 0:26:43.600,0:26:46.480 i'm rolling 0:26:44.559,0:26:48.000 hey hey ricky and one thing i would say 0:26:46.480,0:26:51.120 as well in that thing i think 0:26:48.000,0:26:53.120 it's being a part of the associations in 0:26:51.120,0:26:56.880 a way just makes us professional 0:26:53.120,0:26:59.440 i think that's a big key oh yeah yes 0:26:56.880,0:27:00.159 i think most and i'll say this since 0:26:59.440,0:27:02.559 this is a 0:27:00.159,0:27:04.559 even a bigger part talking to folks who 0:27:02.559,0:27:08.080 are minorities in business 0:27:04.559,0:27:09.679 but most of us we we don't we don't 0:27:08.080,0:27:10.720 look at this thing as an opportunity a 0:27:09.679,0:27:11.840 lot of people probably get to the 0:27:10.720,0:27:13.679 cleaning business 0:27:11.840,0:27:15.120 and i'll say this in in true 0:27:13.679,0:27:17.679 transparency 0:27:15.120,0:27:19.200 um i mean black folks hispanic folks 0:27:17.679,0:27:21.440 when you look at it we were the core 0:27:19.200,0:27:24.480 back of janitorial and cleaning for 0:27:21.440,0:27:27.440 years four years 0:27:24.480,0:27:27.840 we've been doing it so i think the key 0:27:27.440,0:27:30.080 now 0:27:27.840,0:27:31.760 for us as a lot of us see the 0:27:30.080,0:27:33.440 opportunity in this business 0:27:31.760,0:27:35.679 this is where i think the associations 0:27:33.440,0:27:38.960 can help us to be professional 0:27:35.679,0:27:41.440 help us to be able to now when we go to 0:27:38.960,0:27:42.960 market our business or talk to folks 0:27:41.440,0:27:45.039 this gives us that credibility and i 0:27:42.960,0:27:46.480 think that's so super important that uh 0:27:45.039,0:27:48.159 i think a lot of folks will take 0:27:46.480,0:27:51.840 advantage of 0:27:48.159,0:27:53.200 oh yeah oh yeah you guys are speaking 0:27:51.840,0:27:55.039 speaking the truth here man this is why 0:27:53.200,0:27:56.799 i love doing what i'm doing here because 0:27:55.039,0:27:59.600 it is all about collaboration right 0:27:56.799,0:28:00.240 yeah it is image image perception is key 0:27:59.600,0:28:01.679 right 0:28:00.240,0:28:03.520 people you know when they walk into my 0:28:01.679,0:28:04.720 office here they're they don't see a 0:28:03.520,0:28:07.120 cleaning company 0:28:04.720,0:28:09.200 they're like this is i don't break i 0:28:07.120,0:28:11.200 don't know what the hell you all are but 0:28:09.200,0:28:12.960 you know this isn't my no this is what a 0:28:11.200,0:28:14.720 this is not what a cleaning company 0:28:12.960,0:28:16.240 looks like but i say to them 0:28:14.720,0:28:18.720 well what what does a cleaning company 0:28:16.240,0:28:22.320 look like exactly do you expect it to be 0:28:18.720,0:28:25.919 dirty when it's a cleaning company 0:28:22.320,0:28:26.880 crap so it's like it's a perception is 0:28:25.919,0:28:29.360 key 0:28:26.880,0:28:30.799 yes and i gotta tell you i have taken a 0:28:29.360,0:28:32.480 lot i bring my whole 0:28:30.799,0:28:34.640 teams to the to these conferences and 0:28:32.480,0:28:37.200 events i wish there were so many more 0:28:34.640,0:28:38.799 um but it's it's so crucial because you 0:28:37.200,0:28:40.080 guys said right professionalism 0:28:38.799,0:28:42.480 networking 0:28:40.080,0:28:43.679 building a brand learning little tidbits 0:28:42.480,0:28:45.440 but it's like 0:28:43.679,0:28:46.880 you you learn from the guy who's got a 0:28:45.440,0:28:48.559 500 000 a year con 0:28:46.880,0:28:50.240 or cleaning business you learn from 0:28:48.559,0:28:50.720 somebody just because they're a 50 0:28:50.240,0:28:53.279 million 0:28:50.720,0:28:55.279 business doesn't mean that they you know 0:28:53.279,0:28:57.919 they may have lost touch with 0:28:55.279,0:28:59.520 the the you know the field yeah so it's 0:28:57.919,0:29:00.880 so it's good that there's every 0:28:59.520,0:29:02.880 that's why i love the the group that 0:29:00.880,0:29:05.200 we're in right right they're different 0:29:02.880,0:29:06.799 tiers everybody's got something 0:29:05.200,0:29:08.399 different to offer 0:29:06.799,0:29:10.080 soak it in don't think we don't think 0:29:08.399,0:29:10.399 you know everything right we're here no 0:29:10.080,0:29:12.320 no 0:29:10.399,0:29:13.679 not at all yeah we're here to learn and 0:29:12.320,0:29:15.760 this is why the reason so just so you 0:29:13.679,0:29:18.080 guys know too the purpose of this show 0:29:15.760,0:29:19.279 is to give back is for somebody to take 0:29:18.080,0:29:20.720 a little bit of piece of information 0:29:19.279,0:29:23.919 that we're talking about 0:29:20.720,0:29:25.600 and say damn that struck a chord with me 0:29:23.919,0:29:27.279 i'm gonna go back and implement that 0:29:25.600,0:29:29.120 in my business because a lot of times 0:29:27.279,0:29:32.240 people don't execute right they 0:29:29.120,0:29:33.760 yeah i think idea idea idea brainstorm 0:29:32.240,0:29:36.320 brainstorm brainstorm 0:29:33.760,0:29:37.360 no execution so i wanted to talk a quick 0:29:36.320,0:29:39.039 second about 0:29:37.360,0:29:41.520 and i talk about this all the time 0:29:39.039,0:29:44.080 because i'm a family-owned business 0:29:41.520,0:29:45.200 but you guys named your spouse's right i 0:29:44.080,0:29:46.399 mean how heavily 0:29:45.200,0:29:48.399 you know ingrid will start with you is 0:29:46.399,0:29:50.320 how heavily is courtney involved and 0:29:48.399,0:29:52.960 then jason you guys you talked to 0:29:50.320,0:29:54.559 about april like is is your sport is 0:29:52.960,0:29:56.559 your spouse your partner you know 0:29:54.559,0:29:59.120 nobody knows right now does the audience 0:29:56.559,0:30:00.640 listening so is your spouse your partner 0:29:59.120,0:30:03.200 is your does your cousin work with you 0:30:00.640,0:30:04.559 does your uncle work with you like 0:30:03.200,0:30:06.840 talk a little bit about any type of 0:30:04.559,0:30:08.320 family elements you guys have in your 0:30:06.840,0:30:10.960 business 0:30:08.320,0:30:14.480 okay well for me personally so my 0:30:10.960,0:30:14.480 husband started this so 0:30:15.279,0:30:21.440 there's no this without that that guy 0:30:18.399,0:30:23.760 right so he started it 0:30:21.440,0:30:24.960 i just consider myself the one who made 0:30:23.760,0:30:28.760 it better 0:30:24.960,0:30:33.279 that's all however we do everything 0:30:28.760,0:30:36.399 together we take the six hour drive 0:30:33.279,0:30:37.679 to buffalo state because yes i drive as 0:30:36.399,0:30:41.440 much as 12 0:30:37.679,0:30:44.960 i've driven like about 0:30:41.440,0:30:48.559 close to 30 hours 0:30:44.960,0:30:52.000 in three days yeah i've done that 0:30:48.559,0:30:56.000 for work because trying to figure out 0:30:52.000,0:30:59.440 where exactly do i sit where exactly 0:30:56.000,0:31:01.600 because brooklyn the city trust me 0:30:59.440,0:31:04.000 there's so many cleaning company in new 0:31:01.600,0:31:07.039 york city in new york city 0:31:04.000,0:31:11.600 is crazy so you have to find 0:31:07.039,0:31:14.640 that sweet spot and medical is mine 0:31:11.600,0:31:15.440 and of course the government is also 0:31:14.640,0:31:17.600 there 0:31:15.440,0:31:18.640 but my husband plays such an integral 0:31:17.600,0:31:20.880 role because 0:31:18.640,0:31:21.840 when i need somebody calls this phone 0:31:20.880,0:31:23.840 and they need 0:31:21.840,0:31:25.679 a set of floors to get done who do you 0:31:23.840,0:31:28.240 think do it it's me and him 0:31:25.679,0:31:30.640 we we're both doing this together and he 0:31:28.240,0:31:33.919 taught me how to do floors 0:31:30.640,0:31:35.039 and so on and before we hired we had 0:31:33.919,0:31:37.679 enough people 0:31:35.039,0:31:39.919 because we were concerned would we be 0:31:37.679,0:31:42.559 able to afford people 0:31:39.919,0:31:43.039 of course unlike got to the point where 0:31:42.559,0:31:44.960 like 0:31:43.039,0:31:46.480 you can't grow your business while 0:31:44.960,0:31:49.519 you're doing the work 0:31:46.480,0:31:52.640 it it i can tell you that 0:31:49.519,0:31:54.799 it won't work you can only do so 0:31:52.640,0:31:56.559 much and then you have to find out how 0:31:54.799,0:31:59.360 much is your time worth 0:31:56.559,0:32:00.000 and what what is it nobody can sell your 0:31:59.360,0:32:02.159 business like 0:32:00.000,0:32:04.399 you for sure because they're not as 0:32:02.159,0:32:07.360 passionate about it as you are 0:32:04.399,0:32:08.720 until they get to that point and so 0:32:07.360,0:32:11.919 that's the weird part 0:32:08.720,0:32:14.960 my husband can't sell this physician 0:32:11.919,0:32:18.559 we sure can do the work 0:32:14.960,0:32:21.440 so i sell and then he 0:32:18.559,0:32:22.799 coordinates the team and we all grind 0:32:21.440,0:32:25.519 together so 0:32:22.799,0:32:27.200 i couldn't do this without him and he 0:32:25.519,0:32:30.000 couldn't do it without me 0:32:27.200,0:32:31.200 nice nice nice complimentary jason oh 0:32:30.000,0:32:34.399 yeah what about you 0:32:31.200,0:32:38.000 uh so so uh april and i was finally 0:32:34.399,0:32:40.399 we actually met at the bsc um 0:32:38.000,0:32:42.880 oh yeah i remember that april's 0:32:40.399,0:32:46.399 background was non-profit management 0:32:42.880,0:32:48.480 into marketing things and uh so so i 0:32:46.399,0:32:50.159 so i had a previous company i was i was 0:32:48.480,0:32:53.679 a part owner of 0:32:50.159,0:32:57.600 and um this is this is now 0:32:53.679,0:32:59.200 my 20th year in business um 0:32:57.600,0:33:00.720 but lee building maintenance came 0:32:59.200,0:33:03.360 together with april and i 0:33:00.720,0:33:04.720 in may of 2015 so just a few days ago we 0:33:03.360,0:33:08.080 just turned five years old 0:33:04.720,0:33:11.039 oh wow oh wow 0:33:08.080,0:33:12.799 yeah yep so so you know april's the 0:33:11.039,0:33:16.000 president of the company i'm ceo 0:33:12.799,0:33:18.559 uh we we're very involved um um 0:33:16.000,0:33:20.080 you know april april's role now is more 0:33:18.559,0:33:21.360 than the finance and 0:33:20.080,0:33:23.760 things like that but now she's coming 0:33:21.360,0:33:26.480 out of that role we now taking 0:33:23.760,0:33:28.000 taking a outside finance company to help 0:33:26.480,0:33:29.840 us there 0:33:28.000,0:33:31.519 and then we she's now going to be an 0:33:29.840,0:33:34.960 operational side 0:33:31.519,0:33:35.840 um our my daughters have worked in the 0:33:34.960,0:33:37.919 business 0:33:35.840,0:33:38.960 as well they don't they don't you know 0:33:37.919,0:33:40.399 summer break so if they're out of 0:33:38.960,0:33:43.679 college they would do it 0:33:40.399,0:33:46.960 um but but our you know that's the 0:33:43.679,0:33:49.440 the extent of our our family involvement 0:33:46.960,0:33:50.559 um but it's you know it's something that 0:33:49.440,0:33:52.640 we 0:33:50.559,0:33:54.159 we gotta balance every day i mean at the 0:33:52.640,0:33:55.840 end of the day 0:33:54.159,0:33:58.080 sometimes you know some of the toughest 0:33:55.840,0:34:00.159 things to do is is to turn it off 0:33:58.080,0:34:02.000 and you know this your wife first so you 0:34:00.159,0:34:03.360 kind of got a husband first you got to 0:34:02.000,0:34:05.200 kind of stop and 0:34:03.360,0:34:06.399 you know but but we're always on 0:34:05.200,0:34:08.000 supercharged like i mean 0:34:06.399,0:34:09.839 it's it's all day and you got to make 0:34:08.000,0:34:10.800 sure you stop and take that time to make 0:34:09.839,0:34:12.720 sure that 0:34:10.800,0:34:14.560 you separate your business life and your 0:34:12.720,0:34:15.760 personal life although that's very hard 0:34:14.560,0:34:18.800 to do 0:34:15.760,0:34:19.440 um but we we're we're having fun doing 0:34:18.800,0:34:22.480 it so 0:34:19.440,0:34:23.119 yeah that's it that's what it's that's 0:34:22.480,0:34:27.040 right 0:34:23.119,0:34:30.159 it's about it's about fun i mean yes 0:34:27.040,0:34:31.040 people will still you know i'm selling 0:34:30.159,0:34:33.200 24 7 0:34:31.040,0:34:34.879 right every time wherever i'm at i'm 0:34:33.200,0:34:36.159 selling but i'm not just selling 0:34:34.879,0:34:38.639 the business or the company or the 0:34:36.159,0:34:41.040 service i'm selling 0:34:38.639,0:34:42.560 like who we are as a company the culture 0:34:41.040,0:34:45.119 the fun 0:34:42.560,0:34:45.679 oh yeah oh yeah right now right look 0:34:45.119,0:34:48.720 look at where 0:34:45.679,0:34:50.159 we are in essential service we are in an 0:34:48.720,0:34:52.399 industry that's going to be booming 0:34:50.159,0:34:53.679 for years to come now um and i don't 0:34:52.399,0:34:55.839 mean it booming like 0:34:53.679,0:34:58.400 you know just money driven revenue it's 0:34:55.839,0:35:01.680 no now the scope of work 0:34:58.400,0:35:05.599 the the perception of clean is going to 0:35:01.680,0:35:08.640 change it has changed yeah yeah 0:35:05.599,0:35:10.240 this is our finally finally right 0:35:08.640,0:35:12.000 this is our time to be professional like 0:35:10.240,0:35:15.440 we said so yeah 0:35:12.000,0:35:16.880 you know jason kudos to to be a cai 0:35:15.440,0:35:18.720 because i got to tell you 0:35:16.880,0:35:20.480 i didn't know about this town hall stuff 0:35:18.720,0:35:22.160 until a few weeks ago like 0:35:20.480,0:35:23.200 if you could for you know where where 0:35:22.160,0:35:24.960 does somebody go if they don't know 0:35:23.200,0:35:25.839 about the bsc ai town house how did 0:35:24.960,0:35:29.599 somebody find 0:35:25.839,0:35:32.640 find those uh i would go on the website 0:35:29.599,0:35:34.800 dscai um and then you can look at the 0:35:32.640,0:35:36.160 mailing list and they'll send it to you 0:35:34.800,0:35:38.320 that's what they'll do they'll send out 0:35:36.160,0:35:40.320 an email to you um 0:35:38.320,0:35:42.320 and then you just get set up and you'll 0:35:40.320,0:35:44.560 get up you'll get the zoom registration 0:35:42.320,0:35:45.520 they'll come to you um and then what 0:35:44.560,0:35:47.200 they've been doing is 0:35:45.520,0:35:48.079 which has been great is you know every 0:35:47.200,0:35:49.119 week has been something a little 0:35:48.079,0:35:50.320 different because 0:35:49.119,0:35:51.920 you know week to week it's always been 0:35:50.320,0:35:53.119 something heavy one time it was it was 0:35:51.920,0:35:54.240 it's been heavily over the last few 0:35:53.119,0:35:57.200 weeks about the ppp 0:35:54.240,0:35:58.480 and right right right and then uh you 0:35:57.200,0:35:59.440 know how attending certain things so 0:35:58.480,0:36:01.040 then what they did they did some 0:35:59.440,0:36:02.720 breakout sessions which was cool they 0:36:01.040,0:36:04.400 broke out the different rooms 0:36:02.720,0:36:06.000 because we were we were averaging i'm 0:36:04.400,0:36:06.720 saying with the first few weeks we 0:36:06.000,0:36:10.079 probably still 0:36:06.720,0:36:12.240 average like 89 people wow and most 0:36:10.079,0:36:13.920 and most were ceos like wasn't this 0:36:12.240,0:36:15.599 operation you know i mean it was like 0:36:13.920,0:36:17.280 the core people getting on the call 0:36:15.599,0:36:19.599 which was very good 0:36:17.280,0:36:20.880 um it was like breakout sessions and 0:36:19.599,0:36:22.720 then it would talk about labor 0:36:20.880,0:36:24.640 operations you can kind of go into some 0:36:22.720,0:36:27.680 different rooms whenever you want 0:36:24.640,0:36:30.160 um today's meeting was again 0:36:27.680,0:36:31.839 talked about a little ppp and the 0:36:30.160,0:36:32.400 structure of it to make sure everybody 0:36:31.839,0:36:34.480 if you did 0:36:32.400,0:36:36.240 get some how are you going to handle it 0:36:34.480,0:36:37.599 making sure you talk to your bank 0:36:36.240,0:36:39.280 um to make sure whatever you can get 0:36:37.599,0:36:40.880 forgiven is the right way and then the 0:36:39.280,0:36:41.839 other piece was just around operations 0:36:40.880,0:36:44.000 what's kind of 0:36:41.839,0:36:45.839 you know the states around i mean 0:36:44.000,0:36:47.920 they're safe around the call today 0:36:45.839,0:36:49.119 who's already kind of opening a lot more 0:36:47.920,0:36:50.720 than others 0:36:49.119,0:36:52.480 you know we're like in maryland we're 0:36:50.720,0:36:55.599 still kind of in a locked in 0:36:52.480,0:36:56.240 state um but like in texas in ohio 0:36:55.599,0:36:57.440 there's some things 0:36:56.240,0:36:59.359 i mean they're kind of getting things 0:36:57.440,0:37:00.640 back rolling um so it's good to 0:36:59.359,0:37:02.240 see the kind of different experiences 0:37:00.640,0:37:04.320 everybody's having or if someone was 0:37:02.240,0:37:05.359 working in manufacturing 0:37:04.320,0:37:07.200 uh some of the things they might have 0:37:05.359,0:37:08.640 been dealing with or what customers were 0:37:07.200,0:37:11.599 asking to do 0:37:08.640,0:37:12.880 um so it was you know that that that 0:37:11.599,0:37:14.480 town hall thing is pretty good 0:37:12.880,0:37:16.079 you know i think they're still trying to 0:37:14.480,0:37:17.599 get an idea because everybody still want 0:37:16.079,0:37:19.680 to do this every week 0:37:17.599,0:37:21.119 i think you know they'll take a survey 0:37:19.680,0:37:22.240 and if it happens again they'll put it 0:37:21.119,0:37:23.040 out too you know if you're a member 0:37:22.240,0:37:24.800 you'll 0:37:23.040,0:37:26.320 you'll see it go out to your email and 0:37:24.800,0:37:29.520 you can click on 0:37:26.320,0:37:32.240 sign up and uh and get on but it's been 0:37:29.520,0:37:34.800 i think it's been valuable the last 0:37:32.240,0:37:37.040 eight weeks 0:37:34.800,0:37:38.400 well i got yeah i mean i i you you guys 0:37:37.040,0:37:40.000 see it right now the 0:37:38.400,0:37:41.920 the mastermind group that we're on as 0:37:40.000,0:37:42.800 far as not that i turn it off for a 0:37:41.920,0:37:45.280 minute but 0:37:42.800,0:37:46.240 it was it's never been so much like 0:37:45.280,0:37:48.560 there's so many 0:37:46.240,0:37:49.440 emails so many topics so many messages 0:37:48.560,0:37:51.440 going on 0:37:49.440,0:37:52.880 but it's overwhelming but it's 0:37:51.440,0:37:53.680 overwhelming with just a wealth of 0:37:52.880,0:37:55.839 knowledge that 0:37:53.680,0:37:56.800 oh yeah yeah i know for me i'm to the 0:37:55.839,0:37:58.960 point where 0:37:56.800,0:38:01.119 i'm screenshotting i'm copying and 0:37:58.960,0:38:02.880 pasting i'm sending to the team and 0:38:01.119,0:38:04.160 they're like dude stop sending me so 0:38:02.880,0:38:06.480 many emails what 0:38:04.160,0:38:07.920 what the hell i'm like i need somebody 0:38:06.480,0:38:09.680 else to see it right because that's one 0:38:07.920,0:38:12.960 thing i want to touch on is 0:38:09.680,0:38:13.599 us as ceos presidents operations 0:38:12.960,0:38:17.040 directors 0:38:13.599,0:38:18.560 you know executive level uh well 0:38:17.040,0:38:19.839 so you know with somebody starting off 0:38:18.560,0:38:21.520 think about the times when you guys 0:38:19.839,0:38:21.839 started off when i started off right we 0:38:21.520,0:38:24.400 were 0:38:21.839,0:38:25.680 it was just you and one person or you by 0:38:24.400,0:38:28.240 yourself 0:38:25.680,0:38:30.240 and you absorbed all this knowledge but 0:38:28.240,0:38:30.880 your team's got to absorb it right if 0:38:30.240,0:38:33.520 your team 0:38:30.880,0:38:35.520 doesn't absorb it then they don't know 0:38:33.520,0:38:37.520 better and they don't see the potential 0:38:35.520,0:38:38.960 right that that this industry has how 0:38:37.520,0:38:41.119 lucrative it could be and how 0:38:38.960,0:38:43.359 you know kind of legacy life-changing 0:38:41.119,0:38:44.480 yeah what's one piece of advice you 0:38:43.359,0:38:47.280 would give somebody 0:38:44.480,0:38:48.240 whether it's learning how to invoice 0:38:47.280,0:38:49.520 learning 0:38:48.240,0:38:50.880 you know how to sell you know it's 0:38:49.520,0:38:52.720 always about sales so i figured let's 0:38:50.880,0:38:54.720 not talk about sales but 0:38:52.720,0:38:56.400 what's another aspect of the business 0:38:54.720,0:38:58.079 because we were up many hats 0:38:56.400,0:39:00.880 that somebody in the beginning stages of 0:38:58.079,0:39:03.599 their you know first year in business 0:39:00.880,0:39:04.480 that you learn later in business should 0:39:03.599,0:39:07.920 really 0:39:04.480,0:39:12.839 not forget to focus on the numbers 0:39:07.920,0:39:14.960 start with you the number 0:39:12.839,0:39:18.079 yeah yes 0:39:14.960,0:39:21.359 why because it's it's 0:39:18.079,0:39:24.720 it's very important to know what your 0:39:21.359,0:39:25.839 your your numbers are what you notice 0:39:24.720,0:39:28.880 the first thing you ask 0:39:25.839,0:39:29.760 what is your size what that that that so 0:39:28.880,0:39:32.640 you need to know 0:39:29.760,0:39:33.680 your numbers in order to be able and 0:39:32.640,0:39:36.560 make sure 0:39:33.680,0:39:38.720 it's something that you fully understand 0:39:36.560,0:39:39.119 i believe that every business owner 0:39:38.720,0:39:40.960 should 0:39:39.119,0:39:43.119 understand how to read their financial 0:39:40.960,0:39:44.640 statements a lot of people don't it's 0:39:43.119,0:39:47.920 complicated to them they 0:39:44.640,0:39:50.160 think but it's not you need to know so 0:39:47.920,0:39:51.680 that is the only way you can budget it's 0:39:50.160,0:39:56.560 the only way 0:39:51.680,0:39:58.640 you can forecast and as people believe 0:39:56.560,0:40:00.480 that oh because we're so small we don't 0:39:58.640,0:40:02.160 need a budget we don't need a forecast 0:40:00.480,0:40:05.839 we don't need to make plans 0:40:02.160,0:40:08.720 in our mind we know what we want 0:40:05.839,0:40:10.720 but as a business owner i believe that 0:40:08.720,0:40:13.680 you must set goals 0:40:10.720,0:40:14.960 set goals try to follow through with 0:40:13.680,0:40:18.319 them 0:40:14.960,0:40:19.440 understand what why you're doing what 0:40:18.319,0:40:21.760 you're doing 0:40:19.440,0:40:23.040 i i think that's one of the places we 0:40:21.760,0:40:25.440 should start to 0:40:23.040,0:40:26.319 am i doing this just so that i can pay 0:40:25.440,0:40:29.920 my bills 0:40:26.319,0:40:32.800 or am i doing this because i see where 0:40:29.920,0:40:33.440 yes i'll be paid be able to pay my bills 0:40:32.800,0:40:36.560 but i'm 0:40:33.440,0:40:39.200 feeling fulfilled like me 0:40:36.560,0:40:40.000 it's not always about the money for me 0:40:39.200,0:40:45.280 and that's why i 0:40:40.000,0:40:48.000 can still do it today it's i like the 0:40:45.280,0:40:49.920 the intrinsic reward that comes with 0:40:48.000,0:40:52.560 when i provide a service 0:40:49.920,0:40:53.200 and somebody sees me and say to me damn 0:40:52.560,0:40:55.920 like 0:40:53.200,0:40:57.040 i get my calls every day from mta my 0:40:55.920,0:41:00.079 guy's walking 0:40:57.040,0:41:02.480 they feel so proud their heads held high 0:41:00.079,0:41:06.079 everybody's just seeing them thank you 0:41:02.480,0:41:08.480 we've never gotten so much thank you 0:41:06.079,0:41:09.599 you're getting more thank yous now well 0:41:08.480,0:41:12.880 my medical 0:41:09.599,0:41:14.160 um all the the chain of wild cornell 0:41:12.880,0:41:16.880 that we do 0:41:14.160,0:41:18.000 they tell us every day thank you your 0:41:16.880,0:41:21.040 team do 0:41:18.000,0:41:23.920 a wonderful job so you know 0:41:21.040,0:41:24.960 but i believe on the business side as a 0:41:23.920,0:41:27.040 business owner 0:41:24.960,0:41:28.800 you need to know these things before you 0:41:27.040,0:41:30.079 can sell the dream you need to believe 0:41:28.800,0:41:32.480 it yourself 0:41:30.079,0:41:33.440 and that will help you to make other 0:41:32.480,0:41:35.440 people believe 0:41:33.440,0:41:37.119 including the staff and they don't just 0:41:35.440,0:41:38.800 see it as a menial job 0:41:37.119,0:41:40.640 where they're walking into and getting 0:41:38.800,0:41:43.359 an hourly wage 0:41:40.640,0:41:44.400 yeah i mean that's that's numbers is so 0:41:43.359,0:41:46.480 true that's how 0:41:44.400,0:41:47.440 yeah knowing the numbers under 0:41:46.480,0:41:49.839 underbidding 0:41:47.440,0:41:51.440 happens so much and i always say you 0:41:49.839,0:41:51.839 know i you know i'm sure you guys agree 0:41:51.440,0:41:54.800 with me 0:41:51.839,0:41:55.599 to some point on this is i'm not i don't 0:41:54.800,0:41:57.520 get so 0:41:55.599,0:41:59.280 worried about underbidding where if it's 0:41:57.520,0:42:00.800 you know legitimately a mom and pop a 0:41:59.280,0:42:02.800 two-person operation 0:42:00.800,0:42:04.000 they they have the right to offer a 0:42:02.800,0:42:05.839 lower price than 0:42:04.000,0:42:07.119 a larger size company right that there's 0:42:05.839,0:42:09.440 nothing wrong with that 0:42:07.119,0:42:11.119 no it's it's the it's when you are a 0:42:09.440,0:42:13.839 larger size company right and you're 0:42:11.119,0:42:14.400 and you make those really mistakes yeah 0:42:13.839,0:42:17.200 yeah 0:42:14.400,0:42:18.720 so you know numbers thank you that's 0:42:17.200,0:42:19.760 that is something i don't think anybody 0:42:18.720,0:42:22.400 could get tired of 0:42:19.760,0:42:23.839 telling somebody um just know that 0:42:22.400,0:42:24.880 because then you know the health of your 0:42:23.839,0:42:27.520 business 0:42:24.880,0:42:28.480 of course you know you know exactly 0:42:27.520,0:42:32.720 trust me 0:42:28.480,0:42:34.400 i i i oh god i can't begin to think of 0:42:32.720,0:42:36.880 how many times like 0:42:34.400,0:42:38.800 just going over because i've seen 0:42:36.880,0:42:41.200 government contracts of course 0:42:38.800,0:42:42.800 trust me i am not always the lowest 0:42:41.200,0:42:45.920 bidder i can't tell you 0:42:42.800,0:42:46.800 all my contracts is because the person 0:42:45.920,0:42:50.480 who bid too 0:42:46.800,0:42:51.280 low didn't get it and i came in second 0:42:50.480,0:42:54.240 or third 0:42:51.280,0:42:55.359 so i'm i'm i'm the most the lowest 0:42:54.240,0:42:57.920 probably respon 0:42:55.359,0:42:58.640 the most responsible bidder that's at 0:42:57.920,0:43:01.520 the price 0:42:58.640,0:43:02.960 that they can afford and it makes sense 0:43:01.520,0:43:05.040 because now they understand they've 0:43:02.960,0:43:06.800 gotten burned too many times where 0:43:05.040,0:43:09.280 somebody come in and charge ten thousand 0:43:06.800,0:43:11.280 dollars for a fifty thousand dollar job 0:43:09.280,0:43:12.640 then two months into the contract they 0:43:11.280,0:43:14.720 can't complete it 0:43:12.640,0:43:15.760 the agencies are sitting there pulling 0:43:14.720,0:43:17.760 their hair out 0:43:15.760,0:43:19.680 because procurement officers have to now 0:43:17.760,0:43:20.640 find somebody to fill that gap because 0:43:19.680,0:43:22.960 the clients 0:43:20.640,0:43:23.920 the staff within the agency are losing 0:43:22.960,0:43:26.960 their mind 0:43:23.920,0:43:31.280 so yes i am not always the lowest better 0:43:26.960,0:43:34.079 trust me mca i wasn't even close 0:43:31.280,0:43:35.520 i was like third of the line of command 0:43:34.079,0:43:37.040 and i was like 0:43:35.520,0:43:40.000 and those people couldn't do it the 0:43:37.040,0:43:43.040 other people couldn't do they told them 0:43:40.000,0:43:43.839 compared to everybody else please revise 0:43:43.040,0:43:45.599 the number 0:43:43.839,0:43:47.520 and they did and they realized that they 0:43:45.599,0:43:48.240 wouldn't be able to do it and they walk 0:43:47.520,0:43:50.240 away 0:43:48.240,0:43:54.960 and somebody else walked away and then 0:43:50.240,0:43:54.960 boom they call me i'm present i got 0:44:00.800,0:44:05.040 jason what about what about you as far 0:44:03.760,0:44:07.359 you know you're five years in but you 0:44:05.040,0:44:10.319 know the industry longer than five years 0:44:07.359,0:44:12.240 i mean what you know what do you tell 0:44:10.319,0:44:14.240 that person that's one year in 0:44:12.240,0:44:15.920 that again you know most of the time you 0:44:14.240,0:44:17.760 think it's sale sale sales 0:44:15.920,0:44:20.400 but what's another aspect of the 0:44:17.760,0:44:22.000 business now other than numbers 0:44:20.400,0:44:24.240 i was gonna double down on the numbers 0:44:22.000,0:44:24.240 piece 0:44:24.880,0:44:30.720 but i think the other thing depends on 0:44:27.920,0:44:31.119 the scale scalability um i think people 0:44:30.720,0:44:34.880 gotta 0:44:31.119,0:44:36.079 realize um and everybody has we all have 0:44:34.880,0:44:36.640 different goals and dreams of where we 0:44:36.079,0:44:38.560 want to hit 0:44:36.640,0:44:39.839 you know um again it's not about the 0:44:38.560,0:44:42.480 money but it's about the money 0:44:39.839,0:44:44.160 and then today we all know what we need 0:44:42.480,0:44:45.440 to do to lead the legacy to do things 0:44:44.160,0:44:47.280 for our family 0:44:45.440,0:44:49.359 and those those numbers and those our 0:44:47.280,0:44:52.079 appetites are different you know 0:44:49.359,0:44:52.880 um i think you got to know what that is 0:44:52.079,0:44:54.960 figure it out 0:44:52.880,0:44:56.160 and then i think the biggest thing in 0:44:54.960,0:44:59.119 this industry 0:44:56.160,0:45:00.720 that i would say 90 of the people that 0:44:59.119,0:45:02.160 probably come into this industry 0:45:00.720,0:45:04.560 come into this industry and they create 0:45:02.160,0:45:06.079 themselves a job 0:45:04.560,0:45:08.160 and i think when you get to the point 0:45:06.079,0:45:09.680 where you notice it because again 0:45:08.160,0:45:12.960 you you're probably going to do better 0:45:09.680,0:45:15.440 than maybe where you maybe used to work 0:45:12.960,0:45:16.480 um you're doing pretty good but then you 0:45:15.440,0:45:18.079 realize in this thing 0:45:16.480,0:45:19.760 you can't do it just all yourself 0:45:18.079,0:45:22.319 there's only 24 hours in a day now 0:45:19.760,0:45:22.960 then you realize i just created myself a 0:45:22.319,0:45:24.960 job 0:45:22.960,0:45:26.240 i think the key i would tell anybody is 0:45:24.960,0:45:28.079 from day one 0:45:26.240,0:45:30.640 if this is your thing and you have your 0:45:28.079,0:45:33.119 goal to grow a business 0:45:30.640,0:45:35.359 look at scalability look at what you're 0:45:33.119,0:45:39.200 good at your strengths and weaknesses 0:45:35.359,0:45:41.760 and know where you need to hire two to 0:45:39.200,0:45:43.119 to replace that side so you know if i 0:45:41.760,0:45:45.440 was talking to myself 0:45:43.119,0:45:46.160 day one even you know many years ago it 0:45:45.440,0:45:48.319 was i 0:45:46.160,0:45:49.839 i'm glad i realized that one moment 0:45:48.319,0:45:51.040 which i didn't until i realized i went 0:45:49.839,0:45:54.560 hey you know what jay 0:45:51.040,0:45:56.319 you just created yourself a job yeah 0:45:54.560,0:45:57.680 that's not what i wanted i wanted a 0:45:56.319,0:46:00.880 business that at the end of the day 0:45:57.680,0:46:02.640 it could run itself 0:46:00.880,0:46:04.240 while i'm doing other things and we had 0:46:02.640,0:46:05.359 the proper people in place that could 0:46:04.240,0:46:06.880 manage and 0:46:05.359,0:46:09.520 i think that's one of the hardest things 0:46:06.880,0:46:12.079 for a lot of people to do 0:46:09.520,0:46:12.960 is letting themselves athletic don't 0:46:12.079,0:46:15.359 know people just 0:46:12.960,0:46:17.119 let the distinct scale yeah you guys 0:46:15.359,0:46:19.599 know what man so 0:46:17.119,0:46:21.839 this that just makes me think of so i 0:46:19.599,0:46:24.000 don't know if you guys really know 0:46:21.839,0:46:25.520 so some industry numbers and these kind 0:46:24.000,0:46:26.400 of you know they change a little year 0:46:25.520,0:46:28.640 over year 0:46:26.400,0:46:29.440 but you know it's a fragmented industry 0:46:28.640,0:46:33.040 but you guys 0:46:29.440,0:46:34.400 so we are you know uh ingrid you're over 0:46:33.040,0:46:36.079 a million dollars jason you're over a 0:46:34.400,0:46:38.240 million dollars you know i'm over a 0:46:36.079,0:46:41.680 million dollars in revenue 0:46:38.240,0:46:44.319 90 90 to 91 percent of the industry 0:46:41.680,0:46:44.960 doesn't hit one million in revenue okay 0:46:44.319,0:46:46.960 so 0:46:44.960,0:46:49.920 nine percent of the industry is over a 0:46:46.960,0:46:52.160 million but then in that nine percent 0:46:49.920,0:46:53.440 you've got point eight percent i think 0:46:52.160,0:46:56.560 or 0:46:53.440,0:46:58.800 or one point eight or 0.8 0:46:56.560,0:47:00.240 actually reached like 10 plus million in 0:46:58.800,0:47:03.359 revenue right so it's like 0:47:00.240,0:47:06.880 then yeah the abms and the harvard's and 0:47:03.359,0:47:08.240 the larger ones but so kudos to you guys 0:47:06.880,0:47:09.280 too where you know we've reached a 0:47:08.240,0:47:10.960 certain point 0:47:09.280,0:47:13.040 but that shows you how there's so many 0:47:10.960,0:47:16.319 people that are doing this as a job 0:47:13.040,0:47:18.319 you know it is because they're stuck 0:47:16.319,0:47:19.520 they're stuck in in trust issues right 0:47:18.319,0:47:19.839 and this is what i try to tell everybody 0:47:19.520,0:47:22.559 is 0:47:19.839,0:47:25.280 you guys said it is delegate right trust 0:47:22.559,0:47:27.599 trust the process build the process 0:47:25.280,0:47:29.119 don't treat it like a job you know that 0:47:27.599,0:47:30.319 when i took my business over from my 0:47:29.119,0:47:31.839 cousin 0:47:30.319,0:47:33.520 i thought he was kicking ass because he 0:47:31.839,0:47:34.240 was making like 100k a year i'm like oh 0:47:33.520,0:47:36.480 [ __ ] i make 0:47:34.240,0:47:38.960 i was making 60. i'm like this is this 0:47:36.480,0:47:38.960 is a step 0:47:40.559,0:47:44.160 supply cost comes in all these costs 0:47:42.400,0:47:45.359 come in i'm like oh [ __ ] i'm back to my 0:47:44.160,0:47:48.880 job 0:47:45.359,0:47:51.040 so it's like yeah and then you start 0:47:48.880,0:47:52.720 so it's it's a topic where i love to 0:47:51.040,0:47:55.119 just show numbers because it's that 0:47:52.720,0:47:55.839 amazes me that ninety percent of the 0:47:55.119,0:47:58.880 industry 0:47:55.839,0:48:00.800 is it is that fragmented so that that's 0:47:58.880,0:48:02.240 why i got them doing this because 0:48:00.800,0:48:05.200 there's so much potential to bring 0:48:02.240,0:48:07.359 everybody up you know and raise that bar 0:48:05.200,0:48:08.880 and and not that's going to do what 0:48:07.359,0:48:10.240 build competitors but guess what 0:48:08.880,0:48:13.200 competitors do 0:48:10.240,0:48:15.040 competition raises the bar raises the 0:48:13.200,0:48:17.760 quality raises the value 0:48:15.040,0:48:18.640 of our service so then we're all happy 0:48:17.760,0:48:20.640 that at that point 0:48:18.640,0:48:22.240 right now we don't have to win thousands 0:48:20.640,0:48:24.000 of contracts we could win a hundred 0:48:22.240,0:48:26.000 and we're doing i think i think the 0:48:24.000,0:48:27.920 thing rick that's is important for us 0:48:26.000,0:48:29.520 is i mean and we're all buying that same 0:48:27.920,0:48:31.599 age group here is 0:48:29.520,0:48:32.640 man we got we got a group of baby 0:48:31.599,0:48:34.800 boomers that 0:48:32.640,0:48:36.559 are in this business like if they don't 0:48:34.800,0:48:39.359 pass it down to somebody else 0:48:36.559,0:48:39.839 oh boy there's just opportunities as 0:48:39.359,0:48:42.880 well 0:48:39.839,0:48:43.680 for us to acquire or not just even 0:48:42.880,0:48:45.359 acquire but 0:48:43.680,0:48:47.280 as those bit you know i've seen in our 0:48:45.359,0:48:49.440 local areas someone retires here maybe 0:48:47.280,0:48:50.880 tries to sell off to somebody else 0:48:49.440,0:48:53.040 and those customers drop off because 0:48:50.880,0:48:54.640 maybe that same touch and feel from the 0:48:53.040,0:48:55.440 old owners wasn't there and i think this 0:48:54.640,0:48:58.480 is a 0:48:55.440,0:48:59.920 you know we're in that that opportunity 0:48:58.480,0:49:02.400 for ourselves over this next 0:48:59.920,0:49:05.040 five ten years for all of us here to 0:49:02.400,0:49:06.640 just really grow our companies and uh 0:49:05.040,0:49:08.079 it can't be a better time for i know for 0:49:06.640,0:49:09.920 me and i 0:49:08.079,0:49:11.520 you know what so this i wasn't even i 0:49:09.920,0:49:12.880 didn't think about talking about this 0:49:11.520,0:49:14.319 but this is actually something i did 0:49:12.880,0:49:16.559 want to talk about because i think we're 0:49:14.319,0:49:17.599 we're all in this position right now is 0:49:16.559,0:49:20.160 i'm sure i don't know how many phone 0:49:17.599,0:49:22.319 calls you guys ever get from people from 0:49:20.160,0:49:23.599 m a you know they want to purchase or 0:49:22.319,0:49:26.800 json right 0:49:23.599,0:49:30.160 and you have talked about m a before but 0:49:26.800,0:49:31.920 so with those stats that i said earlier 0:49:30.160,0:49:33.280 uh they're not looking for the ones that 0:49:31.920,0:49:34.720 are under a million in revenue you know 0:49:33.280,0:49:35.520 so there's only that many that they can 0:49:34.720,0:49:37.680 look for 0:49:35.520,0:49:39.280 but right isn't that exciting you know 0:49:37.680,0:49:41.760 isn't that something to tell people that 0:49:39.280,0:49:42.319 hey if you build a business that gets to 0:49:41.760,0:49:45.359 a certain 0:49:42.319,0:49:46.960 value that it becomes gullible 0:49:45.359,0:49:48.559 people are going to call you and reach 0:49:46.960,0:49:50.000 out because they're they're going to 0:49:48.559,0:49:52.000 want your business so 0:49:50.000,0:49:53.760 i'm not saying everybody's here to sell 0:49:52.000,0:49:56.720 but i think we all should be 0:49:53.760,0:49:58.000 thinking of what is my sell price or if 0:49:56.720,0:49:58.640 it's for the family it's for the family 0:49:58.000,0:50:02.079 and it gets 0:49:58.640,0:50:03.040 carried down but it's very it's humbling 0:50:02.079,0:50:04.720 and a compliment 0:50:03.040,0:50:07.200 to know that somebody looked at your 0:50:04.720,0:50:10.160 business from the outside looking in 0:50:07.200,0:50:11.200 and said you're somebody that i i value 0:50:10.160,0:50:13.119 and i would purchase 0:50:11.200,0:50:14.559 you know like how how have you have you 0:50:13.119,0:50:16.319 guys felt that have you ever 0:50:14.559,0:50:18.000 had those phone calls or have you 0:50:16.319,0:50:19.280 thought of purchasing a smaller science 0:50:18.000,0:50:20.079 company i know jason me and you have 0:50:19.280,0:50:23.040 talked about that 0:50:20.079,0:50:24.000 but yeah i have to talk to me ingrid 0:50:23.040,0:50:27.200 ingrid what 0:50:24.000,0:50:30.400 made you think of doing that then so 0:50:27.200,0:50:32.880 one thing was getting into a certain 0:50:30.400,0:50:34.720 market and not having to work the market 0:50:32.880,0:50:38.000 from 0:50:34.720,0:50:40.800 all the way down you know at the bottom 0:50:38.000,0:50:42.640 so i contemplated that when my husband 0:50:40.800,0:50:44.000 sold the building a couple of years ago 0:50:42.640,0:50:46.079 that we were gonna 0:50:44.000,0:50:48.000 invest the money in buying another 0:50:46.079,0:50:50.960 another company 0:50:48.000,0:50:50.960 i um 0:50:51.119,0:50:55.040 i don't know i i was hesitant to do it 0:50:53.680,0:50:58.640 because i kept 0:50:55.040,0:51:01.280 feeling as if okay 0:50:58.640,0:51:02.960 i'm looking for an easy way out not 0:51:01.280,0:51:03.920 really because i wasn't even at a 0:51:02.960,0:51:05.520 million 0:51:03.920,0:51:08.240 yeah you know what i'm saying and i'm 0:51:05.520,0:51:11.359 thinking about that and i know what's 0:51:08.240,0:51:12.000 driving that thought is because i i want 0:51:11.359,0:51:15.680 to get 0:51:12.000,0:51:16.559 there and i can't get there so i'm like 0:51:15.680,0:51:20.000 okay 0:51:16.559,0:51:22.480 if i can't get there with this 0:51:20.000,0:51:23.119 why do i feel that i will be able to 0:51:22.480,0:51:26.160 grow 0:51:23.119,0:51:29.760 that that too 0:51:26.160,0:51:30.960 you understand to take a a a x amount of 0:51:29.760,0:51:33.440 money out of your 0:51:30.960,0:51:35.440 out of your bank account to go buy 0:51:33.440,0:51:38.240 another company 0:51:35.440,0:51:40.079 while we weren't getting to where we 0:51:38.240,0:51:42.240 wanted to be with this one 0:51:40.079,0:51:45.119 which i knew what was part of the 0:51:42.240,0:51:47.680 problem was not being able to afford 0:51:45.119,0:51:50.079 some of the people to come in but i 0:51:47.680,0:51:51.760 realized that we didn't necessarily have 0:51:50.079,0:51:54.640 to pay a salary 0:51:51.760,0:51:56.880 once you're able as i said before to 0:51:54.640,0:51:58.000 sell your idea to somebody and they 0:51:56.880,0:52:00.000 believe in it 0:51:58.000,0:52:01.920 and they are more talented in a 0:52:00.000,0:52:05.359 particular area 0:52:01.920,0:52:08.000 than you are you can get the job done 0:52:05.359,0:52:09.599 and then we both get to that point where 0:52:08.000,0:52:13.280 we're growing it together 0:52:09.599,0:52:16.800 as opposed to one two you know 0:52:13.280,0:52:18.079 but some of us like i knew my husband 0:52:16.800,0:52:20.400 gave it to me 0:52:18.079,0:52:21.839 because he knew that i am not going 0:52:20.400,0:52:24.240 anywhere for sure 0:52:21.839,0:52:26.079 and i wouldn't leave him out but he 0:52:24.240,0:52:28.079 wouldn't sell it to nobody else 0:52:26.079,0:52:30.720 so there are times when even at that 0:52:28.079,0:52:33.920 point when i'm losing money and i'm like 0:52:30.720,0:52:36.800 no something is wrong and this happened 0:52:33.920,0:52:40.720 one year because we've never had a loss 0:52:36.800,0:52:41.680 before i when i once i took it over we 0:52:40.720,0:52:44.240 never lose it 0:52:41.680,0:52:46.160 lost any money i changed the name and we 0:52:44.240,0:52:49.280 did everything different 0:52:46.160,0:52:52.559 but you know you're stuck i 0:52:49.280,0:52:52.880 can't give up i am not a quitter and i 0:52:52.559,0:52:56.400 am 0:52:52.880,0:52:58.559 i won't stop fighting and that that's it 0:52:56.400,0:52:59.680 i'm like okay let's keep grinding 0:52:58.559,0:53:02.319 grinding grinding 0:52:59.680,0:53:03.760 but like you said you keep stuck at that 0:53:02.319,0:53:06.319 point because you're 0:53:03.760,0:53:07.920 giving yourself a job you know where you 0:53:06.319,0:53:09.920 need to go because of course i have the 0:53:07.920,0:53:12.000 business mindset i know what to do i've 0:53:09.920,0:53:14.480 grown other businesses before 0:53:12.000,0:53:15.200 but we realize is understanding the 0:53:14.480,0:53:17.440 culture and 0:53:15.200,0:53:20.240 everything that goes into play with 0:53:17.440,0:53:23.040 growing it and finding the right people 0:53:20.240,0:53:23.680 to put in certain positions along with 0:53:23.040,0:53:25.760 you 0:53:23.680,0:53:27.359 so you can move to the next level as 0:53:25.760,0:53:29.599 opposed to just 0:53:27.359,0:53:31.920 selling it to somebody i mean if you 0:53:29.599,0:53:34.000 come if you get to that point because i 0:53:31.920,0:53:36.960 do have an exit strategy 0:53:34.000,0:53:39.839 and selling is one of them you know and 0:53:36.960,0:53:43.280 i know where i want to go before i sell 0:53:39.839,0:53:47.760 so trust me if you can buy fine 0:53:43.280,0:53:49.920 i i'm ready yeah jason what about you 0:53:47.760,0:53:51.200 yeah i think from emerging acquisitions 0:53:49.920,0:53:54.240 i've 0:53:51.200,0:53:58.160 been a part of trying to work on two 0:53:54.240,0:54:01.680 in the last uh probably two years 0:53:58.160,0:54:04.880 um which both kind of fell through 0:54:01.680,0:54:08.079 um but i think it's it for for 0:54:04.880,0:54:10.000 us it's a great strategy 0:54:08.079,0:54:11.760 that we're looking at i mean again these 0:54:10.000,0:54:13.440 things you know the two opportunities 0:54:11.760,0:54:16.720 actually fell in our lap they were two 0:54:13.440,0:54:20.000 that we were actually uh asked 0:54:16.720,0:54:22.079 we were actually about them um 0:54:20.000,0:54:23.280 and so the goal was we kind of follow 0:54:22.079,0:54:25.040 through you know it's like it goes back 0:54:23.280,0:54:26.480 to numbers it goes back to sometimes 0:54:25.040,0:54:28.480 expectations of what people are thinking 0:54:26.480,0:54:31.040 they can get their companies 0:54:28.480,0:54:31.680 and uh yeah and when you do your due 0:54:31.040,0:54:33.280 diligence 0:54:31.680,0:54:35.359 yeah you kind of your due diligence of 0:54:33.280,0:54:37.119 everything and you you know i don't i 0:54:35.359,0:54:39.040 gotta be honest i don't think enough 0:54:37.119,0:54:40.160 people watch shark tank i mean i think 0:54:39.040,0:54:41.760 people really 0:54:40.160,0:54:44.240 really watch shark tank and understand 0:54:41.760,0:54:45.920 and evaluate their valuations 0:54:44.240,0:54:47.599 and uh you know i think just because 0:54:45.920,0:54:48.640 people think they make a million dollars 0:54:47.599,0:54:49.920 think somebody's going to pay them a 0:54:48.640,0:54:53.119 million dollars 0:54:49.920,0:54:54.559 no that's i'm not saying that's the case 0:54:53.119,0:54:58.720 i'm not saying that doesn't always 0:54:54.559,0:54:58.720 happen but nine times out of ten 0:54:59.359,0:55:03.599 in our industry it's unless somebody 0:55:01.520,0:55:07.119 really wants to get into that market 0:55:03.599,0:55:07.119 uh you wouldn't hear you wouldn't 0:55:10.000,0:55:13.599 yeah i think it's an important piece i 0:55:11.760,0:55:16.720 think it's 0:55:13.599,0:55:17.040 i i would say it's part of our strategy 0:55:16.720,0:55:20.400 my 0:55:17.040,0:55:22.559 my ears are always open um because i 0:55:20.400,0:55:23.599 think that's a great way for us to scale 0:55:22.559,0:55:26.960 in some ways 0:55:23.599,0:55:29.599 um you know 0:55:26.960,0:55:30.079 anybody who's watching this i would say 0:55:29.599,0:55:34.880 you know 0:55:30.079,0:55:36.799 do your due diligence understanding 0:55:34.880,0:55:40.079 um yeah you gotta you gotta know that 0:55:36.799,0:55:40.079 because you know 0:55:40.160,0:55:43.520 you know if you buy anything if you're 0:55:42.240,0:55:46.720 not understanding 0:55:43.520,0:55:48.640 everything about it it could uh falter 0:55:46.720,0:55:49.920 well yeah and i mean because it's it is 0:55:48.640,0:55:52.720 you said you guys said 0:55:49.920,0:55:53.920 it's strategy it's how some of the 0:55:52.720,0:55:56.559 bigger companies do 0:55:53.920,0:55:56.960 continue to get bigger right so if we 0:55:56.559,0:55:59.040 got 0:55:56.960,0:56:00.640 right yeah yes you know it's you know it 0:55:59.040,0:56:01.040 always it always should be within our 0:56:00.640,0:56:03.760 mind 0:56:01.040,0:56:05.359 mindset to you know because ingrid i 0:56:03.760,0:56:07.839 agree with you too where 0:56:05.359,0:56:08.559 i i for the last year i was like oh man 0:56:07.839,0:56:10.480 if you know 0:56:08.559,0:56:12.559 i want to hit 10 million in revenue all 0:56:10.480,0:56:13.920 right i'm short by two why don't i go 0:56:12.559,0:56:15.520 buy a company that's two million in 0:56:13.920,0:56:17.680 revenue boom i'm there 0:56:15.520,0:56:19.359 i'll get there but that's just not the k 0:56:17.680,0:56:20.000 it's it's not as simple as that you know 0:56:19.359,0:56:22.079 it's not there's 0:56:20.000,0:56:23.760 no it's not that goes into it because 0:56:22.079,0:56:24.640 it's like winning these big sized 0:56:23.760,0:56:26.400 contracts 0:56:24.640,0:56:27.760 i'm sure you guys have been there where 0:56:26.400,0:56:29.359 you know winning 0:56:27.760,0:56:31.359 let's just throw a number out let's say 0:56:29.359,0:56:34.240 hey you know you win 100 000 0:56:31.359,0:56:35.440 a month business new new monthly 0:56:34.240,0:56:37.599 business contract 0:56:35.440,0:56:39.359 from the outside looking in we may think 0:56:37.599,0:56:41.839 that's fabulous that's wonderful 0:56:39.359,0:56:42.799 awesome but can you afford that you know 0:56:41.839,0:56:46.720 can 0:56:42.799,0:56:48.079 do you have the cash flow to afford that 0:56:46.720,0:56:51.280 kind of payroll to get paid 0:56:48.079,0:56:52.880 right trust me that's not that one joke 0:56:51.280,0:56:54.799 what if it gets past 30 days and they 0:56:52.880,0:56:55.359 hit the third payroll now you're paying 0:56:54.799,0:56:57.839 for it 0:56:55.359,0:56:58.799 now now your other accounts you know 0:56:57.839,0:57:01.040 fail now 0:56:58.799,0:57:01.839 your floor service company side of the 0:57:01.040,0:57:04.000 division 0:57:01.839,0:57:05.599 that you know weighs heavy on having a 0:57:04.000,0:57:08.000 510k cash flow 0:57:05.599,0:57:09.599 has zero because you tied it up in 0:57:08.000,0:57:11.520 another so it's like 0:57:09.599,0:57:12.960 don't think all you know large numbers 0:57:11.520,0:57:14.559 are good numbers but know 0:57:12.960,0:57:16.559 your numbers you start you guys close 0:57:14.559,0:57:19.119 your numbers 0:57:16.559,0:57:19.680 you gotta know your numbers man yeah 0:57:19.119,0:57:20.960 yeah 0:57:19.680,0:57:23.280 so i think that's what we're gonna call 0:57:20.960,0:57:26.000 this episode is numbers that's it that's 0:57:23.280,0:57:26.559 what we're calling this episode all 0:57:26.000,0:57:28.480 right guys 0:57:26.559,0:57:30.799 so we're getting towards the end here 0:57:28.480,0:57:33.440 and i i always like to end 0:57:30.799,0:57:35.119 the show talking about a funny story but 0:57:33.440,0:57:36.960 before we get into that 0:57:35.119,0:57:38.480 i actually want to do a little something 0:57:36.960,0:57:40.160 a little different 0:57:38.480,0:57:41.680 you guys are you know this is your voice 0:57:40.160,0:57:44.400 too here is you know 0:57:41.680,0:57:46.240 jason ingrid do you guys have anything 0:57:44.400,0:57:46.960 else that you guys would like to start 0:57:46.240,0:57:48.400 sharing 0:57:46.960,0:57:50.240 because instead of me sticking to just 0:57:48.400,0:57:52.400 these questions over and over again 0:57:50.240,0:57:54.000 let's you know let's add lib a little 0:57:52.400,0:57:56.480 here ingrid 0:57:54.000,0:57:58.319 what what's a topic you wanted to just 0:57:56.480,0:58:00.240 for 60 seconds talk about 0:57:58.319,0:58:01.440 in the cleaning space and then jason 0:58:00.240,0:58:03.599 will bounce it to you 0:58:01.440,0:58:04.799 anything that comes up that you just 0:58:03.599,0:58:06.079 want to get off your chest and talk 0:58:04.799,0:58:09.760 about for us in this cleaning 0:58:06.079,0:58:12.799 in the cleaning space 0:58:09.760,0:58:16.240 well um for years i went around 0:58:12.799,0:58:18.240 educating um clients especially in the 0:58:16.240,0:58:20.720 medical facilities 0:58:18.240,0:58:22.720 why they needed to have their spaces um 0:58:20.720,0:58:24.880 clean on a daily basis 0:58:22.720,0:58:27.440 and it didn't have to necessarily be 0:58:24.880,0:58:30.240 something over 5 000 square feet 0:58:27.440,0:58:31.520 it could be under but they felt that oh 0:58:30.240,0:58:34.000 we could just come in 0:58:31.520,0:58:35.040 maybe three days a week and i'm in my 0:58:34.000,0:58:38.480 mind i'm i'm 0:58:35.040,0:58:39.599 i'm i'm blowing my tongue because i'm 0:58:38.480,0:58:41.760 like 0:58:39.599,0:58:43.920 this is a medical facility you have to 0:58:41.760,0:58:45.920 have the queen every single day 0:58:43.920,0:58:47.040 in the small space how many people come 0:58:45.920,0:58:50.160 through that space 0:58:47.040,0:58:52.079 and it was about educating them letting 0:58:50.160,0:58:54.160 them understand the importance of the 0:58:52.079,0:58:55.599 service why they needed it and so on and 0:58:54.160,0:58:59.599 so forth 0:58:55.599,0:59:02.079 um covet 19 is a blessing and a curse 0:58:59.599,0:59:03.760 because now they see they finally 0:59:02.079,0:59:07.680 understand 0:59:03.760,0:59:09.680 the importance of the industry 0:59:07.680,0:59:12.160 now there's actually going to be a 0:59:09.680,0:59:13.040 cleaning budget in everybody's business 0:59:12.160,0:59:16.640 and not just 0:59:13.040,0:59:17.119 class a class b or class you know those 0:59:16.640,0:59:20.640 big 0:59:17.119,0:59:23.359 buildings now the little man is going to 0:59:20.640,0:59:25.280 understand that yes if it's even one 0:59:23.359,0:59:28.000 person coming in to clean this space 0:59:25.280,0:59:32.079 every day i'm gonna have to have done 0:59:28.000,0:59:36.240 and so yes i'm sorry 0:59:32.079,0:59:38.960 in the sense that i am having a moment 0:59:36.240,0:59:40.960 during this difficult time but i don't 0:59:38.960,0:59:42.960 look at it that's the way that way i'm 0:59:40.960,0:59:46.240 happy that i'm able to 0:59:42.960,0:59:49.520 service my community my state 0:59:46.240,0:59:50.160 my region during this time with a 0:59:49.520,0:59:53.520 service 0:59:50.160,0:59:56.960 that was under 0:59:53.520,0:59:59.440 you know understated for years 0:59:56.960,1:00:01.599 and you know and letting them understand 0:59:59.440,1:00:04.880 how important that that we 1:00:01.599,1:00:05.440 we need to be there i've seen new york 1:00:04.880,1:00:08.720 city 1:00:05.440,1:00:10.880 after a labor day parade the department 1:00:08.720,1:00:12.880 of sanitation let these people out there 1:00:10.880,1:00:14.640 are millions of people in brooklyn for 1:00:12.880,1:00:18.640 labor day parade you need to come 1:00:14.640,1:00:20.559 come up um one time and enjoy the labor 1:00:18.640,1:00:24.160 day parade in new york city 1:00:20.559,1:00:25.760 in brooklyn it's chaos and department of 1:00:24.160,1:00:29.040 sanitation come within 1:00:25.760,1:00:29.599 and say an hour after it ends and the 1:00:29.040,1:00:32.160 city 1:00:29.599,1:00:32.960 looks like a brand new place that's how 1:00:32.160,1:00:36.799 important 1:00:32.960,1:00:39.119 cleaners are if they don't come out 1:00:36.799,1:00:40.960 trust me the city is locked down that's 1:00:39.119,1:00:42.000 people getting sick with germs and 1:00:40.960,1:00:45.839 everything so i'm 1:00:42.000,1:00:48.400 happy i'm part of the cause that 1:00:45.839,1:00:49.200 matters so they might think we don't 1:00:48.400,1:00:53.040 matter 1:00:49.200,1:00:53.040 we know we matter 1:00:53.599,1:00:58.720 awesome awesome that's yeah i share the 1:00:56.960,1:01:01.839 same sentiments 1:00:58.720,1:01:05.119 jason yeah my quick win 1:01:01.839,1:01:09.680 ricky is this is the same um 1:01:05.119,1:01:11.920 uh i just think we have a valuable staff 1:01:09.680,1:01:14.079 as we all know each one of our companies 1:01:11.920,1:01:14.559 uh without those folks we wouldn't be 1:01:14.079,1:01:18.559 here 1:01:14.559,1:01:20.960 and i think it's so so timely now 1:01:18.559,1:01:22.160 that they are getting the kudos but even 1:01:20.960,1:01:24.160 outside of this thing i think we've 1:01:22.160,1:01:26.400 always wanted to give our team pluto so 1:01:24.160,1:01:28.720 you know our my biggest thing is i thank 1:01:26.400,1:01:31.520 all of our all of our staff for 1:01:28.720,1:01:33.200 uh keeping things going and entrusting 1:01:31.520,1:01:35.359 us to do we got to do to make sure we're 1:01:33.200,1:01:37.359 maintaining jobs and 1:01:35.359,1:01:39.680 all the other things so again kudos to 1:01:37.359,1:01:41.599 the janitorial group 1:01:39.680,1:01:43.200 oh yeah you know what it was it brought 1:01:41.599,1:01:44.799 like i just got goose bumps right now 1:01:43.200,1:01:46.799 because i remember 1:01:44.799,1:01:48.240 uh i forgot what it was i think it was 1:01:46.799,1:01:50.319 like three weeks ago 1:01:48.240,1:01:51.680 you guys remember when google you know 1:01:50.319,1:01:52.480 you can you know the search bars they're 1:01:51.680,1:01:54.079 always 1:01:52.480,1:01:56.480 you know coming up with creative ways to 1:01:54.079,1:01:59.599 uh yeah yeah yeah google 1:01:56.480,1:02:02.240 and the janitorial workers were 1:01:59.599,1:02:04.000 on the google search so like that shows 1:02:02.240,1:02:06.799 you yeah again like 1:02:04.000,1:02:07.920 you know we're here this is our time um 1:02:06.799,1:02:10.480 the cleaning business 1:02:07.920,1:02:11.200 will never be glamorous but it's the 1:02:10.480,1:02:14.880 people are 1:02:11.200,1:02:14.880 now behind there you know 1:02:16.799,1:02:21.839 what'd you say 1:02:32.960,1:02:38.799 the the cleaning industry may never be 1:02:36.079,1:02:41.359 fully glamorous but i said the people 1:02:38.799,1:02:45.920 are what's glamorous about the industry 1:02:41.359,1:02:48.960 yeah oh of course all day every day 1:02:45.920,1:02:49.920 all day yes this is we are we are thank 1:02:48.960,1:02:53.440 you very much 1:02:49.920,1:02:55.760 but i do want i do want to end with 1:02:53.440,1:02:56.559 just get me and jason we'll start we'll 1:02:55.760,1:02:58.799 end with you 1:02:56.559,1:03:00.960 or ingrid will end with you but jason 1:02:58.799,1:03:02.319 give me a funny story 1:03:00.960,1:03:04.000 whether it was your first day on the 1:03:02.319,1:03:04.960 cleaning services whether it was 1:03:04.000,1:03:07.119 yesterday 1:03:04.960,1:03:08.720 give us give us something that i i like 1:03:07.119,1:03:10.720 to laugh so give me 1:03:08.720,1:03:11.839 give us a story of of something funny 1:03:10.720,1:03:13.200 that happened to you especially in the 1:03:11.839,1:03:16.079 field let's not talk about the office 1:03:13.200,1:03:19.359 let's talk about the field 1:03:16.079,1:03:19.359 oh my gosh 1:03:20.799,1:03:26.160 man the funniest thing in the field that 1:03:23.119,1:03:26.160 happened um 1:03:26.319,1:03:30.960 oh god oh as you know what i'll do i'll 1:03:29.680,1:03:31.680 talk about this because this is going to 1:03:30.960,1:03:33.440 be hilarious 1:03:31.680,1:03:35.359 just because this is what i did so i 1:03:33.440,1:03:35.680 remember back when i first started this 1:03:35.359,1:03:37.920 was 1:03:35.680,1:03:40.240 many many years ago some years ago so i 1:03:37.920,1:03:43.920 had a dodge stratus 1:03:40.240,1:03:45.359 and man so i i mean i mean that stratus 1:03:43.920,1:03:49.039 would to me was as 1:03:45.359,1:03:52.319 big as a ford uh 1:03:49.039,1:03:53.359 uh van or astro there i mean my distress 1:03:52.319,1:03:55.680 i crammed 1:03:53.359,1:03:56.880 ladders i had it on there so the 1:03:55.680,1:03:59.520 funniest thing is 1:03:56.880,1:04:01.599 man i i went i stopped that uh spot to 1:03:59.520,1:04:04.880 get me some acid bowl cleaner 1:04:01.599,1:04:05.440 and uh so i remember i'm out i'm in a 1:04:04.880,1:04:09.280 job 1:04:05.440,1:04:11.920 i come back i come back to my car 1:04:09.280,1:04:14.240 the acid bowl cleaner had eaten away 1:04:11.920,1:04:16.720 half of my back seat 1:04:14.240,1:04:18.160 of the vehicle and i remember just 1:04:16.720,1:04:20.640 sitting there like going 1:04:18.160,1:04:21.280 ah like and like that was a car like you 1:04:20.640,1:04:23.039 know at that time 1:04:21.280,1:04:24.880 i had my youngest daughter my oldest 1:04:23.039,1:04:27.039 daughter down and she was little then 1:04:24.880,1:04:28.160 like it took the whole seat away and to 1:04:27.039,1:04:29.599 me when i you know i look back and i 1:04:28.160,1:04:31.200 laugh at this place i go 1:04:29.599,1:04:33.280 and that was like everything like that 1:04:31.200,1:04:36.480 car was everything 1:04:33.280,1:04:37.280 and it's literally the action that seat 1:04:36.480,1:04:40.799 out 1:04:37.280,1:04:40.799 it's got a skull on there for real 1:04:42.160,1:04:45.200 so you know i could say that was 1:04:43.599,1:04:45.599 probably what came of mine right now was 1:04:45.200,1:04:47.599 just 1:04:45.599,1:04:49.839 i remember that moment so i thought yeah 1:04:47.599,1:04:52.319 like that was the car to get everybody 1:04:49.839,1:04:52.319 around so 1:04:52.839,1:04:58.640 angry 1:04:55.520,1:05:02.000 so um i went with courtney 1:04:58.640,1:05:06.400 to work one day in white stone and 1:05:02.000,1:05:09.839 as just accompany him 1:05:06.400,1:05:12.720 and um i always ask him if he would let 1:05:09.839,1:05:15.200 me help him and he always said no 1:05:12.720,1:05:15.920 so one day this time was like no we had 1:05:15.200,1:05:17.760 just met 1:05:15.920,1:05:18.960 and we were dating at the time so i 1:05:17.760,1:05:20.960 guess you know 1:05:18.960,1:05:22.640 he just had me in the car with him i 1:05:20.960,1:05:22.960 would sit in the car wait until he come 1:05:22.640,1:05:26.079 back 1:05:22.960,1:05:26.400 come back out so this time i went i was 1:05:26.079,1:05:29.440 like 1:05:26.400,1:05:32.960 god no i'm bored to death fit in the car 1:05:29.440,1:05:33.760 so i went inside and i watched him move 1:05:32.960,1:05:36.720 around 1:05:33.760,1:05:38.960 so the next day when we went to to work 1:05:36.720,1:05:40.960 when he went in to do the bathrooms 1:05:38.960,1:05:43.039 because he always started there first 1:05:40.960,1:05:44.640 he went in the mail bathroom i just ran 1:05:43.039,1:05:45.440 into the female bathroom and cleaned the 1:05:44.640,1:05:47.760 bathroom 1:05:45.440,1:05:50.000 so when he came out and he started 1:05:47.760,1:05:53.119 banging on the female bathroom doors to 1:05:50.000,1:05:55.119 say the cleaner is here i just opened 1:05:53.119,1:05:59.680 the door and i said all done 1:05:55.119,1:06:02.839 and he looked around and was like 1:05:59.680,1:06:04.640 okay and he went and he started 1:06:02.839,1:06:07.119 scrutinizing this 1:06:04.640,1:06:08.120 i said boy you know i do this damn job 1:06:07.119,1:06:13.359 better than you 1:06:08.120,1:06:16.559 [Laughter] 1:06:13.359,1:06:17.200 he was shocked to the fact that i even 1:06:16.559,1:06:20.160 got 1:06:17.200,1:06:21.200 to actually do it but what happened what 1:06:20.160,1:06:24.000 right after that 1:06:21.200,1:06:25.280 is the crazy part he went out and 1:06:24.000,1:06:27.359 somebody 1:06:25.280,1:06:29.359 went in the bathroom after he had just 1:06:27.359,1:06:32.799 cleaned it 1:06:29.359,1:06:35.839 and basically 1:06:32.799,1:06:38.319 did a number two in there and i don't 1:06:35.839,1:06:41.520 know what happened but it went crazy 1:06:38.319,1:06:43.200 so i went in and i said guess what let's 1:06:41.520,1:06:44.880 do this and he said what are you talking 1:06:43.200,1:06:46.720 about i said wait you can't do it just 1:06:44.880,1:06:48.240 by yourself so i don't know this guy 1:06:46.720,1:06:50.559 must be sick or something 1:06:48.240,1:06:51.440 i don't know how that person get that 1:06:50.559,1:06:54.000 thing 1:06:51.440,1:06:56.319 where we saw it i don't know what he was 1:06:54.000,1:07:01.440 doing but we fixed it so i said 1:06:56.319,1:07:05.760 guess what jay praise 1:07:01.440,1:07:08.000 so that was that there you go 1:07:05.760,1:07:09.760 awesome awesome hey that's that's the 1:07:08.000,1:07:12.160 way to end this is what a [ __ ] story so 1:07:09.760,1:07:14.559 i like that 1:07:12.160,1:07:16.160 all right guys well it's already been 1:07:14.559,1:07:17.920 quite quite a while it's already been an 1:07:16.160,1:07:18.720 hour 15. we could probably talk shop so 1:07:17.920,1:07:20.640 much more 1:07:18.720,1:07:22.079 but i always like to end with a chance 1:07:20.640,1:07:25.440 cheers to you guys 1:07:22.079,1:07:29.839 cheers to you guys cheers right when i'm 1:07:25.440,1:07:29.839 almost done see 1:07:38.400,1:07:42.480 okay bye