0:00:06.879,0:00:10.960 guys welcome to another episode of 0:00:08.639,0:00:12.799 cleaning cocktails i'm super excited 0:00:10.960,0:00:14.480 again you guys are getting the the feel 0:00:12.799,0:00:17.359 of the new studio that we got going on 0:00:14.480,0:00:19.680 here uh i as i always promised you guys 0:00:17.359,0:00:21.680 right i'm gonna bring people on the show 0:00:19.680,0:00:24.320 not only just from the cleaning industry 0:00:21.680,0:00:26.480 but professionals in business that help 0:00:24.320,0:00:28.400 you grow your business 0:00:26.480,0:00:29.760 get to a level that you know again as 0:00:28.400,0:00:30.960 business owners we don't need to know 0:00:29.760,0:00:32.719 everything but we need to have the 0:00:30.960,0:00:35.440 people around us that are going to help 0:00:32.719,0:00:37.600 us grow and scale so again you know the 0:00:35.440,0:00:39.280 show is about empowering the space 0:00:37.600,0:00:41.360 giving you guys as much nuggets and 0:00:39.280,0:00:43.280 information to grow your businesses 0:00:41.360,0:00:44.960 scale your businesses and reach the 0:00:43.280,0:00:47.600 heights of success that you feel is 0:00:44.960,0:00:49.920 success so today i'm super honored i got 0:00:47.600,0:00:51.440 a close friend of mine ulysses 0:00:49.920,0:00:54.160 thank you for being here man what you 0:00:51.440,0:00:56.480 guys need to know is he is my financial 0:00:54.160,0:00:58.480 planner he helps us with investments he 0:00:56.480,0:01:00.480 helps us with my 401k 0:00:58.480,0:01:02.480 i've i think it's been three or four 0:01:00.480,0:01:04.960 years now i've been trying for about 0:01:02.480,0:01:05.760 like five years but then he finally said 0:01:04.960,0:01:06.720 yes 0:01:05.760,0:01:09.280 yes 0:01:06.720,0:01:10.880 so this is true talk about sales 0:01:09.280,0:01:13.439 he hounded me for a few years before i 0:01:10.880,0:01:16.080 jumped on board but what why i wanted to 0:01:13.439,0:01:18.479 bring ulysses on to the show is 0:01:16.080,0:01:20.240 as i've been growing my business and and 0:01:18.479,0:01:22.640 the businesses that i have 0:01:20.240,0:01:24.720 financial wealth planning financial 0:01:22.640,0:01:26.799 planning understanding finances has 0:01:24.720,0:01:27.759 become more and more crucial than ever 0:01:26.799,0:01:28.720 before 0:01:27.759,0:01:31.119 so 0:01:28.720,0:01:32.720 and if you guys were like how i was in 0:01:31.119,0:01:33.600 the beginning which a lot of people are 0:01:32.720,0:01:36.320 is 0:01:33.600,0:01:37.840 i didn't take finances to that level i 0:01:36.320,0:01:39.520 didn't think it was important i thought 0:01:37.840,0:01:41.119 hey i'm a small business owner i'm 0:01:39.520,0:01:42.880 barely you know i'm making paycheck to 0:01:41.119,0:01:44.880 paycheck i need to make all the money 0:01:42.880,0:01:47.040 for myself these were the feelings that 0:01:44.880,0:01:49.360 i had early on and i never went to a 0:01:47.040,0:01:51.680 financial planner i never understood 0:01:49.360,0:01:52.720 what it was to manage my finances 0:01:51.680,0:01:54.640 um 0:01:52.720,0:01:57.200 but thank god i met you this is cause 0:01:54.640,0:01:58.479 this guy broke it down as simple stupid 0:01:57.200,0:02:01.119 as possible 0:01:58.479,0:02:03.439 for me to understand where my money was 0:02:01.119,0:02:06.240 gonna go when it needed to go 0:02:03.439,0:02:08.399 what stage everything needed to happen 0:02:06.240,0:02:10.160 uh give us an inside look at your 0:02:08.399,0:02:10.959 journey because yeah you've seen the 0:02:10.160,0:02:12.480 show 0:02:10.959,0:02:13.840 i like to share stories man and i feel 0:02:12.480,0:02:14.800 like you have a great story i mean look 0:02:13.840,0:02:16.239 this guy 0:02:14.800,0:02:17.840 you guys don't even know 0:02:16.239,0:02:19.760 you don't want to see what's under here 0:02:17.840,0:02:21.920 but this guy is dressed to the nines but 0:02:19.760,0:02:24.480 this is who ulysses is so bro take it 0:02:21.920,0:02:26.800 away man appreciate it man super pumped 0:02:24.480,0:02:29.200 up to be here cheers cheers brother 0:02:26.800,0:02:29.200 thank you 0:02:31.040,0:02:37.040 you know i um so i grew up not far from 0:02:34.000,0:02:39.440 here um and back then it wasn't called 0:02:37.040,0:02:41.360 albany park it is now but my mom was a 0:02:39.440,0:02:42.879 single mom right and 0:02:41.360,0:02:45.280 like most latinos we didn't grow up 0:02:42.879,0:02:46.000 talking around saving investing right 0:02:45.280,0:02:48.080 like 0:02:46.000,0:02:49.040 she used to sell door-to-door cables 0:02:48.080,0:02:50.480 right so i think that's where i got my 0:02:49.040,0:02:52.560 sales stuff in the beginning 0:02:50.480,0:02:54.400 is she was this ultimate salesperson 0:02:52.560,0:02:55.920 right but my father was in federal 0:02:54.400,0:02:57.760 prison right so he wasn't around he left 0:02:55.920,0:02:59.599 us when we were seven years old so the 0:02:57.760,0:03:01.200 money talk was not on the table for us 0:02:59.599,0:03:03.440 if anything we were on survivor mode 0:03:01.200,0:03:04.879 right like i remember 0:03:03.440,0:03:06.159 you know trying to wear down the balls 0:03:04.879,0:03:08.400 of my shoes so i could get some new 0:03:06.159,0:03:09.920 shoes or see my buddies with jordan's or 0:03:08.400,0:03:11.120 their dad's playing with them and just 0:03:09.920,0:03:13.040 not being a part of that and that would 0:03:11.120,0:03:14.080 just drive me nuts but i also knew our 0:03:13.040,0:03:16.480 place right 0:03:14.080,0:03:18.159 um but money was never 0:03:16.480,0:03:19.200 it was a big insecurity in my space more 0:03:18.159,0:03:20.480 than anything 0:03:19.200,0:03:22.879 uh but i ended up going to school in 0:03:20.480,0:03:24.480 nepal i got a degree blindly because my 0:03:22.879,0:03:27.280 mom she got a job at northwestern 0:03:24.480,0:03:29.040 university as a dean's assistant 0:03:27.280,0:03:30.879 she says you know what william go get a 0:03:29.040,0:03:32.400 degree in finance i see a lot of 0:03:30.879,0:03:34.080 applications coming in and that's their 0:03:32.400,0:03:35.200 major and like what does that mean and 0:03:34.080,0:03:36.720 she's like i don't know but a lot of 0:03:35.200,0:03:38.319 people are applying that's their major 0:03:36.720,0:03:39.840 so do that just do it financial 0:03:38.319,0:03:41.120 consulting i'm like i don't even know 0:03:39.840,0:03:42.879 what that means 0:03:41.120,0:03:46.319 but you know i'm the oldest in the 0:03:42.879,0:03:48.480 family i have one awesome brother um and 0:03:46.319,0:03:51.040 i just felt it was my obligation as the 0:03:48.480,0:03:52.879 head of my household and that degree to 0:03:51.040,0:03:54.879 do right right like to not mess it up 0:03:52.879,0:03:55.599 and not repeat my father's mistakes 0:03:54.879,0:03:56.879 so 0:03:55.599,0:03:58.400 i'm like okay mom you're gonna tell me 0:03:56.879,0:03:59.519 to do it so i'm gonna do it right so 0:03:58.400,0:04:02.080 study finance they didn't know what it 0:03:59.519,0:04:03.280 meant junior year wanted to skip that 0:04:02.080,0:04:05.519 major because it was hard you know it 0:04:03.280,0:04:07.040 was a topic i didn't understand you know 0:04:05.519,0:04:09.120 money compound issues i was like what 0:04:07.040,0:04:11.760 does that mean you know so this is a lot 0:04:09.120,0:04:14.879 of us yeah it's it's a foreign language 0:04:11.760,0:04:16.959 yeah it didn't stick and i remember i 0:04:14.879,0:04:19.840 was a junior and had a good buddy of 0:04:16.959,0:04:22.079 ours that you know he was buying a condo 0:04:19.840,0:04:23.680 mexican guy buying a condo on michigan 0:04:22.079,0:04:24.639 nav that was like 300 000 he was a 0:04:23.680,0:04:27.040 senior 0:04:24.639,0:04:28.320 and i was a junior it was 200 grand and 0:04:27.040,0:04:29.919 he was calling it bank he's like i got 0:04:28.320,0:04:32.160 this much saved up and then i have this 0:04:29.919,0:04:34.400 much here and i was like wait you got 0:04:32.160,0:04:36.400 like 40 50 grand you're a senior like 0:04:34.400,0:04:38.960 you're a year older than me and you got 0:04:36.400,0:04:40.479 money i'm like damn i'm i i have like 0:04:38.960,0:04:41.680 200 bucks i'm gonna go buy an express 0:04:40.479,0:04:43.520 shirt because i'm gonna go party at the 0:04:41.680,0:04:44.960 club tonight you know and i hope that i 0:04:43.520,0:04:46.400 have enough to buy a bottle of liquor 0:04:44.960,0:04:49.360 with this money so it was just a 0:04:46.400,0:04:51.440 different um landscape but i ended up 0:04:49.360,0:04:53.600 i now as a reflect back in my career 0:04:51.440,0:04:54.720 it's like a couple of stories of people 0:04:53.600,0:04:57.600 having 0:04:54.720,0:04:59.120 balances that i remember really vividly 0:04:57.600,0:05:01.039 that made me start thinking i've got to 0:04:59.120,0:05:02.479 be in a position one day to just have 0:05:01.039,0:05:04.240 some money so that i can have a seat at 0:05:02.479,0:05:06.639 the table to do whatever moves may 0:05:04.240,0:05:08.080 present itself in the future uh but at 0:05:06.639,0:05:10.960 the time it didn't stick because i just 0:05:08.080,0:05:12.400 didn't understand that world right so um 0:05:10.960,0:05:14.880 got my degree in finance and i worked as 0:05:12.400,0:05:17.440 an analyst for a bigger corporation 0:05:14.880,0:05:18.960 crutching numbers um and that was fine 0:05:17.440,0:05:19.919 because i like numbers i like analytics 0:05:18.960,0:05:21.520 but i just 0:05:19.919,0:05:22.880 i remember my family asking me hey 0:05:21.520,0:05:24.400 should i do this to my 401k or what 0:05:22.880,0:05:26.160 should i do my investments because i was 0:05:24.400,0:05:28.080 a finance major but it's a different 0:05:26.160,0:05:29.520 language when it comes to saving 0:05:28.080,0:05:31.199 investing and growing your money versus 0:05:29.520,0:05:32.160 crunching numbers for a company yeah i 0:05:31.199,0:05:33.680 was just 0:05:32.160,0:05:34.960 it's like when people think accounting 0:05:33.680,0:05:36.000 like there's a lot of different elements 0:05:34.960,0:05:37.840 of accounting a lot of different 0:05:36.000,0:05:39.199 elements right so corporate it's easy to 0:05:37.840,0:05:41.120 do but the financial plan is the 0:05:39.199,0:05:43.120 emotional part of how do we go about 0:05:41.120,0:05:44.800 making decisions right with are we 0:05:43.120,0:05:46.720 saving do we not buy this different 0:05:44.800,0:05:48.479 things like that right so for me i was 0:05:46.720,0:05:49.919 like getting stuck where i need a 0:05:48.479,0:05:51.759 financial advisor and i'm a finance 0:05:49.919,0:05:53.520 major right my family's asking me stuff 0:05:51.759,0:05:54.880 like that so at the time i remember 0:05:53.520,0:05:56.319 reaching out to a friend of mine she 0:05:54.880,0:05:57.919 worked at this one firm she had a really 0:05:56.319,0:05:59.680 cool um 0:05:57.919,0:06:01.440 name i can't even reveal it right now 0:05:59.680,0:06:02.720 because tell her who she is but i 0:06:01.440,0:06:04.960 remember 0:06:02.720,0:06:07.199 i i got engaged to my wife jennifer at 0:06:04.960,0:06:09.919 25 and i have a pit bull i have a 0:06:07.199,0:06:12.880 pivotal moment because 25 i'm like i got 0:06:09.919,0:06:14.960 to be a man you know and um 0:06:12.880,0:06:16.960 i didn't have a dime saved up to my name 0:06:14.960,0:06:18.479 i didn't have anything at all and but 0:06:16.960,0:06:21.120 i'm like i gotta just grow up right so i 0:06:18.479,0:06:23.919 propose my wife she said yes thankfully 0:06:21.120,0:06:26.639 and i had dumped in 250 into an e-trade 0:06:23.919,0:06:28.160 account bank america stock and that 250 0:06:26.639,0:06:30.000 grew about a year and a half later to 0:06:28.160,0:06:31.680 like 6 500 i took that money out and i 0:06:30.000,0:06:33.199 bought her engagement ring okay so i was 0:06:31.680,0:06:36.080 telling my babe i got your ring for like 0:06:33.199,0:06:37.280 250 bucks yeah yeah yeah yeah am i thank 0:06:36.080,0:06:38.560 god because i wouldn't have been able to 0:06:37.280,0:06:39.919 get your ring and all my other 0:06:38.560,0:06:41.280 co-workers are spending money i'm like 0:06:39.919,0:06:42.720 man how much did you spend on this and i 0:06:41.280,0:06:44.720 don't even know how to get that and i 0:06:42.720,0:06:46.000 remember having like uh six seven grand 0:06:44.720,0:06:47.759 in debt you know so this is the only 0:06:46.000,0:06:49.360 money i had on the ring 0:06:47.759,0:06:50.800 but we got we got engaged and i'm like 0:06:49.360,0:06:52.319 all right how are we going to pay for 0:06:50.800,0:06:54.240 this wedding and she grew up in the 0:06:52.319,0:06:55.759 burbs she grew up in glenview 0:06:54.240,0:06:57.199 so she i'm like your parents got this 0:06:55.759,0:06:58.960 right yeah take care of them come on 0:06:57.199,0:07:00.240 yeah and she's like no they live on 0:06:58.960,0:07:02.880 pensions i'm like but they live in the 0:07:00.240,0:07:04.240 burbs and you know your dad's white like 0:07:02.880,0:07:06.240 is that not 0:07:04.240,0:07:08.240 and she's like no we gotta do this 0:07:06.240,0:07:10.160 ourselves and at that point i'm like 0:07:08.240,0:07:11.919 crap like we gotta save for a wedding 0:07:10.160,0:07:13.520 you know like and i had no money saved 0:07:11.919,0:07:14.960 up right so 0:07:13.520,0:07:17.120 at that point i had to start figuring 0:07:14.960,0:07:19.120 out like i literally wrote down 0:07:17.120,0:07:20.880 every month how much i got to save 0:07:19.120,0:07:22.560 moved back home to my mom 0:07:20.880,0:07:23.840 lived under college for that year and 0:07:22.560,0:07:25.599 then every month tracked how much money 0:07:23.840,0:07:27.280 we started saving this wedding 0:07:25.599,0:07:28.880 but it taught me a really good lesson 0:07:27.280,0:07:30.639 and likes creating a goal right very 0:07:28.880,0:07:31.759 simple thing yeah so a question i get 0:07:30.639,0:07:33.039 asked a lot of times like what's the 0:07:31.759,0:07:34.240 best place to save money and i was 0:07:33.039,0:07:36.800 telling like when do you plan on taking 0:07:34.240,0:07:37.840 that money out right i needed this money 0:07:36.800,0:07:39.919 within a year because i want to get 0:07:37.840,0:07:42.000 married in a year so i'm just saving old 0:07:39.919,0:07:44.879 school my checking account right or old 0:07:42.000,0:07:46.479 school right but um so i saved and i was 0:07:44.879,0:07:48.080 able to save like 30 grand that year i 0:07:46.479,0:07:49.840 was like wow you know so we paid for our 0:07:48.080,0:07:52.080 wedding give me a little bit of money on 0:07:49.840,0:07:53.440 that wedding and then after what 0:07:52.080,0:07:55.199 afterwards i remember going to an 0:07:53.440,0:07:57.599 advisor i said have i have money saved 0:07:55.199,0:07:58.800 up i have 30 000 saved up in mind you 0:07:57.599,0:08:00.240 had like seven grand in credit card debt 0:07:58.800,0:08:03.120 i can tell you mom about this it's 0:08:00.240,0:08:04.960 navigating through building a wedding um 0:08:03.120,0:08:06.720 but i went to an advisor at the time and 0:08:04.960,0:08:08.720 i said hey what can i do with this now 0:08:06.720,0:08:10.639 and at the time i was 26 0:08:08.720,0:08:11.599 and um she was like call me when you got 0:08:10.639,0:08:12.879 50. 0:08:11.599,0:08:14.879 and it was like 0:08:12.879,0:08:16.240 it it took the the wind out of my sails 0:08:14.879,0:08:17.840 because i was so proud to get to this 0:08:16.240,0:08:18.960 point coming from nothing to have this 0:08:17.840,0:08:21.280 and it wasn't that much because he my 0:08:18.960,0:08:24.319 buddy who bought a condo when he was 19 0:08:21.280,0:08:25.919 i'm 26 now i had way more money 0:08:24.319,0:08:26.800 and i was just like i was probably 0:08:25.919,0:08:28.560 saying that she's like calling me when 0:08:26.800,0:08:31.039 you got 50 and i was just like damn 0:08:28.560,0:08:32.320 where do i turn to right yeah so i felt 0:08:31.039,0:08:33.760 really uh 0:08:32.320,0:08:35.360 like unmotivated at that point and kind 0:08:33.760,0:08:36.959 of defeated but i told my wife like we 0:08:35.360,0:08:38.959 got to make the right decisions with 0:08:36.959,0:08:41.440 this future right so 0:08:38.959,0:08:43.360 uh i leaned on another buddy um and 0:08:41.440,0:08:44.959 reached out and started to to figure out 0:08:43.360,0:08:46.640 what do we start doing baby steps right 0:08:44.959,0:08:47.839 but it kind of got me in that point 0:08:46.640,0:08:49.519 where i'm like i'm not the only one 0:08:47.839,0:08:50.959 that's kind of like getting to a point 0:08:49.519,0:08:52.560 where you got nothing you started build 0:08:50.959,0:08:54.720 up little by little and who do you turn 0:08:52.560,0:08:56.240 to so i find that my story was like kind 0:08:54.720,0:08:58.080 of similar to people like hey i don't 0:08:56.240,0:08:59.040 know who to talk to my friends i can't 0:08:58.080,0:09:01.440 talk to them about this because i'm 0:08:59.040,0:09:02.880 embarrassed yeah i made mistakes i have 0:09:01.440,0:09:04.560 a different hustle but a lot of that's 0:09:02.880,0:09:05.839 pride like me as a man surprise i'm 0:09:04.560,0:09:08.320 asking man like 0:09:05.839,0:09:09.920 yeah yeah 100 pride right so i i 0:09:08.320,0:09:11.120 couldn't reveal that i had debt i 0:09:09.920,0:09:12.560 couldn't tell my mom she couldn't bail 0:09:11.120,0:09:13.920 me out i couldn't tell my brother he 0:09:12.560,0:09:15.440 left out to me so it was really 0:09:13.920,0:09:17.040 embarrassing but i need to make some 0:09:15.440,0:09:18.240 changes and thank god you know we had 0:09:17.040,0:09:20.080 this wedding the way to save for because 0:09:18.240,0:09:21.760 they forced me to grow up but had i not 0:09:20.080,0:09:23.839 had this goal i probably would have kept 0:09:21.760,0:09:25.839 going on that path of popping bottles 0:09:23.839,0:09:26.800 every weekend and living paycheck to 0:09:25.839,0:09:28.800 paycheck but a lot of that was 0:09:26.800,0:09:30.959 self-driven you know short-term 0:09:28.800,0:09:32.480 purchases yeah you feel better it's like 0:09:30.959,0:09:34.560 everybody wants to become a millionaire 0:09:32.480,0:09:35.680 and hit a big splash but it's like doing 0:09:34.560,0:09:37.839 the right thing for a long period of 0:09:35.680,0:09:39.440 time yeah have your money grind too like 0:09:37.839,0:09:40.880 you're grinding like your money actually 0:09:39.440,0:09:42.880 has to grind if you're gonna start from 0:09:40.880,0:09:44.800 scratch your money needs to grind so 0:09:42.880,0:09:46.240 that's a big thing it's like everybody 0:09:44.800,0:09:48.320 wants to make fast money fast money goes 0:09:46.240,0:09:50.240 away fast but your money be long term 0:09:48.320,0:09:52.160 for yourself it's gotta grind with you 0:09:50.240,0:09:53.839 and as you have those pops man there's a 0:09:52.160,0:09:55.279 lot of cool things that start to happen 0:09:53.839,0:09:57.120 but just like yourself your money's at a 0:09:55.279,0:09:58.320 grind if you're self-made and that's why 0:09:57.120,0:10:00.160 i love working with business owners i 0:09:58.320,0:10:02.959 got into space because that's right yeah 0:10:00.160,0:10:04.079 because i i didn't grow up with much 0:10:02.959,0:10:05.440 people didn't grow a lot of people 0:10:04.079,0:10:06.880 didn't grow up as much right so you know 0:10:05.440,0:10:09.440 what unfortunately we all have that sob 0:10:06.880,0:10:10.800 story right like we all have a sad story 0:10:09.440,0:10:12.720 but that's awesome that's fuel to your 0:10:10.800,0:10:13.839 fire you know at this point we've got 0:10:12.720,0:10:15.120 kids 0:10:13.839,0:10:16.560 what kind of sob story are they gonna 0:10:15.120,0:10:18.079 have but to building grit for them 0:10:16.560,0:10:19.920 they're not to have that same stop story 0:10:18.079,0:10:21.600 we have hopefully they don't right but 0:10:19.920,0:10:22.800 how do we make them grit and fight for 0:10:21.600,0:10:24.959 their stuff right because you need grit 0:10:22.800,0:10:26.560 to grow like you know how do you how do 0:10:24.959,0:10:28.560 you be motivated right like 0:10:26.560,0:10:30.000 so you know for me i needed that grit 0:10:28.560,0:10:31.839 and i needed that pressure a family to 0:10:30.000,0:10:33.360 make sure that i got my decisions right 0:10:31.839,0:10:34.880 but that was scary a lot of times but i 0:10:33.360,0:10:36.880 think that's common with a lot of folks 0:10:34.880,0:10:38.160 that are growing so you know i got into 0:10:36.880,0:10:39.680 the space because i love aligning with 0:10:38.160,0:10:41.120 people we have the same mindset you know 0:10:39.680,0:10:42.560 and you were alluding to this before 0:10:41.120,0:10:44.240 it's like you know what sets you apart 0:10:42.560,0:10:45.360 from other financial planners advisors 0:10:44.240,0:10:47.120 there's a dime a dozen and there's a lot 0:10:45.360,0:10:49.600 of us out there guys yeah way better 0:10:47.120,0:10:52.160 looking thinner better suits a lot 0:10:49.600,0:10:54.720 taller but i think the big thing is that 0:10:52.160,0:10:56.720 uh being in a low end in life and then 0:10:54.720,0:10:59.279 starting to work your way up by yourself 0:10:56.720,0:11:01.200 but having a good tribe around you 0:10:59.279,0:11:02.800 for me i could always appreciate 0:11:01.200,0:11:04.880 somebody's journey and would never care 0:11:02.800,0:11:06.959 more about your money than yourself 0:11:04.880,0:11:08.000 right so like i tell people a lot of 0:11:06.959,0:11:09.519 your friends are going to be envious of 0:11:08.000,0:11:10.959 your success because they're hating on 0:11:09.519,0:11:12.480 you and some degree they don't they want 0:11:10.959,0:11:13.680 to be successful not more successful 0:11:12.480,0:11:15.360 than them yeah 0:11:13.680,0:11:18.399 right so i can give you enough advice 0:11:15.360,0:11:20.240 but not to get beyond them yeah to me 0:11:18.399,0:11:21.680 as an advisor i have a vested interest 0:11:20.240,0:11:23.279 we get like one percent of money we 0:11:21.680,0:11:24.959 manage people right so i want you to be 0:11:23.279,0:11:26.399 as rich as possible so i tell people i'm 0:11:24.959,0:11:28.079 like i want to make sure that you become 0:11:26.399,0:11:29.519 the richest version of yourself possible 0:11:28.079,0:11:31.120 and everyone can help facilitate that 0:11:29.519,0:11:33.040 through introducing you to good 0:11:31.120,0:11:34.720 relationships getting your deals helping 0:11:33.040,0:11:37.279 your money grow like all that stuff like 0:11:34.720,0:11:38.720 i want to be wildly successful yeah so 0:11:37.279,0:11:40.480 i tell people that it's like oh my 0:11:38.720,0:11:41.680 investments can you lose money values go 0:11:40.480,0:11:43.600 up and down and we'll go into that stuff 0:11:41.680,0:11:45.040 later on but we have invested interest 0:11:43.600,0:11:47.200 making sure you do well because i want 0:11:45.040,0:11:49.120 you to grow and unlock your friends that 0:11:47.200,0:11:50.560 want to hate on your success yeah i want 0:11:49.120,0:11:52.320 you to grow because at the end of the 0:11:50.560,0:11:54.079 day too you show me your circle and i'll 0:11:52.320,0:11:55.279 tell you who you are right and if my 0:11:54.079,0:11:57.040 circle is winning that means i'm also 0:11:55.279,0:11:57.920 winning to some degree too right so so 0:11:57.040,0:11:59.279 writing yourself around people you're in 0:11:57.920,0:12:01.200 my respect you're also going to kind of 0:11:59.279,0:12:03.920 level up to them too you know and your 0:12:01.200,0:12:06.079 money will level up too can i so take a 0:12:03.920,0:12:08.240 second here to say 0:12:06.079,0:12:09.600 this is probably the longest time i have 0:12:08.240,0:12:11.200 not said a word 0:12:09.600,0:12:13.040 and it's because you could the passion's 0:12:11.200,0:12:14.880 oozing out of you bro like it it really 0:12:13.040,0:12:16.480 is as far as you guys i hope you guys 0:12:14.880,0:12:18.079 see already in the first few minutes of 0:12:16.480,0:12:20.720 why i wanted to bring ulysses on and 0:12:18.079,0:12:22.959 julie so damn julie yeah whatever 0:12:20.720,0:12:25.680 whatever so yeah i mean 0:12:22.959,0:12:27.839 like the guys oozing out not maybe not 0:12:25.680,0:12:29.760 necessarily go the nuggets but just the 0:12:27.839,0:12:31.040 story that he's telling 0:12:29.760,0:12:32.959 should resonate with a lot of people i 0:12:31.040,0:12:34.800 mean you just hit three or four points 0:12:32.959,0:12:37.040 that i've never shared with anybody 0:12:34.800,0:12:40.399 which one that i'll share is 0:12:37.040,0:12:42.320 that journey of when you got engaged and 0:12:40.399,0:12:43.839 you had to get married so you know i 0:12:42.320,0:12:45.839 don't know if you know i think i've told 0:12:43.839,0:12:46.639 you i've been with marley for 20 years 0:12:45.839,0:12:48.800 right 0:12:46.639,0:12:50.720 uh we've been married since 16 so what 0:12:48.800,0:12:52.639 is it five years now so i was like what 0:12:50.720,0:12:55.120 the hell took you so long like what dude 0:12:52.639,0:12:56.800 you've been 20 years and you know 0:12:55.120,0:12:59.040 six you got just got married six years 0:12:56.800,0:13:01.040 ago uh but it's because when we started 0:12:59.040,0:13:03.440 the business that moment we started our 0:13:01.040,0:13:05.440 business was a moment we said 0:13:03.440,0:13:07.519 do we get married or do we build 0:13:05.440,0:13:08.880 something together we both chose let's 0:13:07.519,0:13:11.440 build something together because we were 0:13:08.880,0:13:13.200 saving up you know like to your point on 0:13:11.440,0:13:15.440 you know which is again i'm hearing a 0:13:13.200,0:13:18.079 trend in our conversation here is 0:13:15.440,0:13:20.160 you know planning milestone goals uh 0:13:18.079,0:13:23.600 he's talking about financial but it's 0:13:20.160,0:13:26.000 life life it's business it's you know 0:13:23.600,0:13:28.959 success it's everything is a plan 0:13:26.000,0:13:30.639 everything is goals and when people ask 0:13:28.959,0:13:32.079 that dude i did the same thing like 0:13:30.639,0:13:33.760 we're like all right we want a big 0:13:32.079,0:13:35.839 wedding i know you want a big wedding 0:13:33.760,0:13:37.920 marley uh okay it's gonna take us a few 0:13:35.839,0:13:39.680 years to get there but we saved every we 0:13:37.920,0:13:42.240 saved save saved because again same like 0:13:39.680,0:13:44.320 you we weren't fortunate to you know for 0:13:42.240,0:13:46.639 some the parents of each other to pay 0:13:44.320,0:13:48.240 for it we paid for everything 0:13:46.639,0:13:49.440 so and you have a lot of friends dude 0:13:48.240,0:13:51.760 that's uh yeah and you have to come 0:13:49.440,0:13:53.839 correct you got to come correct yeah so 0:13:51.760,0:13:55.600 like that that just again 0:13:53.839,0:13:57.120 references resin you know things that 0:13:55.600,0:13:59.120 resonate 0:13:57.120,0:14:01.040 man that's that dude let's keep keep 0:13:59.120,0:14:02.880 talking man keep talking keep keep 0:14:01.040,0:14:04.160 hitting us with if you guys can unders 0:14:02.880,0:14:06.639 see that 0:14:04.160,0:14:08.240 he just made that so simple as far as 0:14:06.639,0:14:09.040 understanding 0:14:08.240,0:14:10.959 what 0:14:09.040,0:14:13.120 financial wealth or the outlook looks 0:14:10.959,0:14:15.040 like differently for every single person 0:14:13.120,0:14:17.760 yeah right i think that's like 0:14:15.040,0:14:19.519 a thing that you know i'm i'm turning 37 0:14:17.760,0:14:22.160 in november right and 0:14:19.519,0:14:23.680 uh not long ago so mario lopez i'm a big 0:14:22.160,0:14:25.519 fan of him he's a mexican guy he's 0:14:23.680,0:14:28.720 stayed in shape i want to take his spot 0:14:25.519,0:14:28.720 and to be the next host dude 0:14:29.279,0:14:33.040 he's awesome he's a good family man 0:14:30.720,0:14:34.560 right so like he's he's busy he's always 0:14:33.040,0:14:36.320 dude he's always working he's working 0:14:34.560,0:14:37.440 he's got a beautiful family oh so you 0:14:36.320,0:14:40.320 know he's in hollywood i'm like you got 0:14:37.440,0:14:42.320 good hair yeah so all that stuff right 0:14:40.320,0:14:43.519 but um what was i going oh so i looked 0:14:42.320,0:14:45.519 them up one day like how old is mario 0:14:43.519,0:14:48.160 lopez right so he's like 50 years old in 0:14:45.519,0:14:50.399 my damn stop it he's 50 years old 50 0:14:48.160,0:14:52.639 years old what the [ __ ] so i said damn 0:14:50.399,0:14:54.800 he looks good for 50 you know and i say 0:14:52.639,0:14:56.399 wow i'm not that far removed from 50 and 0:14:54.800,0:14:58.560 i could think right now 0:14:56.399,0:15:00.560 50 i'm actually closer to 50 years old 0:14:58.560,0:15:02.240 than my 21st birthday and i remember my 0:15:00.560,0:15:04.320 21st birthday really vividly i remember 0:15:02.240,0:15:06.639 like you know partying and puking in a 0:15:04.320,0:15:08.000 cup and a golden nugget right you got a 0:15:06.639,0:15:09.519 golden nugget 0:15:08.000,0:15:10.839 and a golden nugget you know and it's a 0:15:09.519,0:15:12.880 restaurant here in 0:15:10.839,0:15:14.000 chicago yup and um 0:15:12.880,0:15:15.360 and it's funny though and it kind of 0:15:14.000,0:15:18.160 scared me though because i'm like wow 0:15:15.360,0:15:21.040 life just flies by right and in my 20s i 0:15:18.160,0:15:22.480 never thought two three years was a it 0:15:21.040,0:15:24.399 seemed like it was like a long time 0:15:22.480,0:15:25.839 ahead and ten years and somebody would 0:15:24.399,0:15:27.120 tell me hey save because in 10 years 0:15:25.839,0:15:29.199 you're going to need this it just 0:15:27.120,0:15:31.040 wouldn't resonate with me right because 0:15:29.199,0:15:32.320 10 years seems like such a long time i 0:15:31.040,0:15:33.839 got to worry about now like what do you 0:15:32.320,0:15:36.079 mean yes and even as business owners 0:15:33.839,0:15:38.240 right it's like man 10 years i need to 0:15:36.079,0:15:41.040 do now it's like yes invest bank in your 0:15:38.240,0:15:42.639 business now take care today but also 0:15:41.040,0:15:44.560 know that 10 years will come before you 0:15:42.639,0:15:46.320 know it five years of calm before no and 0:15:44.560,0:15:48.079 one thing i always hear from people all 0:15:46.320,0:15:49.440 the time is like man i wish i would have 0:15:48.079,0:15:51.120 known this stuff earlier on and would 0:15:49.440,0:15:52.720 have done it differently and i told him 0:15:51.120,0:15:54.320 you didn't know that you just didn't 0:15:52.720,0:15:55.600 fall on you it didn't resonate with you 0:15:54.320,0:15:57.680 because you just weren't there mentally 0:15:55.600,0:15:59.279 right my grandmother she had eight kids 0:15:57.680,0:16:00.639 my grandfather wasn't around damn trent 0:15:59.279,0:16:02.079 in our family like broken relationships 0:16:00.639,0:16:03.759 right yeah but you're around yeah but 0:16:02.079,0:16:05.199 i'm around that breaks it right but she 0:16:03.759,0:16:07.519 was always telling me you know julie 0:16:05.199,0:16:08.560 start saving your money and you know and 0:16:07.519,0:16:09.920 i was like i'll do it when i make more 0:16:08.560,0:16:10.959 money but what was i do when i was 0:16:09.920,0:16:12.079 partying and i'd say i do it in the 0:16:10.959,0:16:13.680 future i do everything is deferred 0:16:12.079,0:16:16.000 deferred deferred and i think one thing 0:16:13.680,0:16:17.519 i see a lot is as people make good money 0:16:16.000,0:16:19.040 it's actually like a hindrance on a lot 0:16:17.519,0:16:21.120 of stuff so making good money is 0:16:19.040,0:16:23.199 actually a bad thing early on and and 0:16:21.120,0:16:25.519 why is that because it allows us to 0:16:23.199,0:16:26.959 become better procrastinators right so 0:16:25.519,0:16:27.920 if you think about it you got a great 0:16:26.959,0:16:30.000 job 0:16:27.920,0:16:32.160 people making 100 grand a year out of 0:16:30.000,0:16:33.759 school doing something cool 0:16:32.160,0:16:35.519 well then you've got no incentive to 0:16:33.759,0:16:37.040 save money because in two weeks you turn 0:16:35.519,0:16:38.639 around you got money coming back in 0:16:37.040,0:16:41.279 right so it allows you to keep on 0:16:38.639,0:16:42.480 deferring the act of saving money right 0:16:41.279,0:16:43.839 and then you're like i'll do it later 0:16:42.480,0:16:45.680 i'll do it later because i keep having 0:16:43.839,0:16:47.360 money coming in here but once that job's 0:16:45.680,0:16:48.959 done your lifestyle is at this point you 0:16:47.360,0:16:50.160 don't have anything in there you lean on 0:16:48.959,0:16:51.839 debt and then it crushes everything 0:16:50.160,0:16:54.399 right so and i've experienced stuff like 0:16:51.839,0:16:55.759 that right so i think understanding that 0:16:54.399,0:16:58.560 notion and living through a lot of that 0:16:55.759,0:17:00.639 stuff uh helps me to just understand 0:16:58.560,0:17:01.440 people with empathy and understanding 0:17:00.639,0:17:02.800 like 0:17:01.440,0:17:04.400 i'm trying to break it down and connect 0:17:02.800,0:17:07.280 and say 10 years is not that long of a 0:17:04.400,0:17:09.039 time like that time flies by when i'm 50 0:17:07.280,0:17:10.400 that stuff scares me so now life is like 0:17:09.039,0:17:11.199 propping myself up for that point in 0:17:10.400,0:17:13.199 time 0:17:11.199,0:17:14.240 and as my my friends grow and mature in 0:17:13.199,0:17:15.360 their careers and they're doing some 0:17:14.240,0:17:17.039 amazing things and business 0:17:15.360,0:17:19.039 opportunities come along their way 0:17:17.039,0:17:21.120 one thing that keeps me up at night is 0:17:19.039,0:17:23.520 positioning myself and clients to be in 0:17:21.120,0:17:25.199 a position to say yes to opportunities 0:17:23.520,0:17:27.280 so that we're in our 40s and our 50s and 0:17:25.199,0:17:28.880 big things come along the way why not be 0:17:27.280,0:17:30.799 at the seat of that table to say yeah 0:17:28.880,0:17:33.120 let's do it i can write that check yeah 0:17:30.799,0:17:34.480 i could do that versus [ __ ] let me 0:17:33.120,0:17:37.679 scramble around let me see what i can do 0:17:34.480,0:17:38.720 right yeah and uh time flies by so quick 0:17:37.679,0:17:40.400 today 0:17:38.720,0:17:43.679 i saw this meme where i get all my real 0:17:40.400,0:17:45.360 data at my all my news um nas and snoop 0:17:43.679,0:17:47.440 dogg they uh they had a share they had 0:17:45.360,0:17:48.960 shares of robin hood so they had like so 0:17:47.440,0:17:50.640 robin hood went public yeah they just 0:17:48.960,0:17:53.200 went like 38 a share or something yeah 0:17:50.640,0:17:55.600 38 bucks a share right so they they 0:17:53.200,0:17:57.840 bought it and they had like 20 uh they 0:17:55.600,0:17:59.840 bought at 20 cents a share 20 cents a 0:17:57.840,0:18:01.200 share shut up so what that means right 0:17:59.840,0:18:02.960 it's like if they had a hundred grand 0:18:01.200,0:18:05.280 they gave it to robin and said here's 0:18:02.960,0:18:06.080 100 grand i get 20 000 shares or 20 a 0:18:05.280,0:18:07.840 share 0:18:06.080,0:18:09.919 if it's sold and they have that value at 0:18:07.840,0:18:11.679 38 dollars a share it's about 19 million 0:18:09.919,0:18:13.200 they're worth today so if they invested 0:18:11.679,0:18:14.720 100 grand they'd be worth about 90 0:18:13.200,0:18:15.520 million dollars today so that investment 0:18:14.720,0:18:18.240 right 0:18:15.520,0:18:19.840 so people will see that like man i'm 0:18:18.240,0:18:21.520 gonna wait until hit it big i'm gonna 0:18:19.840,0:18:23.120 find the next big thing to invest into 0:18:21.520,0:18:24.880 and it'll work that never happens right 0:18:23.120,0:18:26.799 no it happens when you're not when 0:18:24.880,0:18:29.200 you're not looking ready yeah 0:18:26.799,0:18:30.960 but these guys to many people they'll be 0:18:29.200,0:18:33.280 like blind luck that they hit that that 0:18:30.960,0:18:34.880 jackpot but what people don't realize is 0:18:33.280,0:18:36.400 they had to write a check for 100 grand 0:18:34.880,0:18:38.640 right and they were rappers in the 0:18:36.400,0:18:40.240 industry where life probably took them a 0:18:38.640,0:18:41.600 bunch of different ways but for them we 0:18:40.240,0:18:42.640 would say let me write a check i don't 0:18:41.600,0:18:44.240 know how much they wrote the check if 0:18:42.640,0:18:47.039 i'm just assuming you know 100 grand as 0:18:44.240,0:18:48.400 an example but for them to do that they 0:18:47.039,0:18:49.840 had to have some money on the side 0:18:48.400,0:18:52.480 that's i think the first step that i try 0:18:49.840,0:18:53.600 to help people see first is like prepare 0:18:52.480,0:18:55.120 yourself so that when an opportunity 0:18:53.600,0:18:57.120 comes knocking at your door you can 0:18:55.120,0:18:58.880 write that check right like yeah right 0:18:57.120,0:19:00.880 because there's a huge opportunity miss 0:18:58.880,0:19:02.559 and opportunity cost of not being able 0:19:00.880,0:19:05.039 to participate in that i've experienced 0:19:02.559,0:19:07.840 that firsthand yeah you know and and i 0:19:05.039,0:19:09.679 want to invite telling those stories 0:19:07.840,0:19:10.640 how happens to me my clients can see i'm 0:19:09.679,0:19:12.799 like man i don't want that to happen to 0:19:10.640,0:19:14.960 me right now becomes real to you right 0:19:12.799,0:19:15.840 so and i tell people as we get older 0:19:14.960,0:19:17.600 people are going to get stronger 0:19:15.840,0:19:19.200 financially and your network's going to 0:19:17.600,0:19:20.480 get stronger financially and network 0:19:19.200,0:19:21.679 peace that's huge 0:19:20.480,0:19:22.559 it's huge because you don't want to be 0:19:21.679,0:19:24.640 the guy 0:19:22.559,0:19:25.840 that can't be in that space right 0:19:24.640,0:19:27.679 you don't want to double down on your 0:19:25.840,0:19:29.039 family and their future because you're 0:19:27.679,0:19:31.520 trying to keep up with them either right 0:19:29.039,0:19:33.360 yeah so and that's a big thing that i 0:19:31.520,0:19:35.120 think us being the first generation of 0:19:33.360,0:19:36.559 wealth creators in our families it's 0:19:35.120,0:19:39.200 like we have to take care of our family 0:19:36.559,0:19:40.960 first but also have a juggernaut of 0:19:39.200,0:19:42.400 assets that we're creating here that 0:19:40.960,0:19:43.760 could be a part of those tables when 0:19:42.400,0:19:45.360 opportunity comes knocking at our door 0:19:43.760,0:19:47.200 so we can keep scaling up and make some 0:19:45.360,0:19:48.480 seismic changes to our lives right yeah 0:19:47.200,0:19:50.320 so and for a lot of business owners we 0:19:48.480,0:19:51.039 try that's my message right now it's 0:19:50.320,0:19:52.160 like 0:19:51.039,0:19:53.760 we don't know what's going to happen 0:19:52.160,0:19:55.520 because opportunities are going to keep 0:19:53.760,0:19:56.880 coming your doorway game right people 0:19:55.520,0:19:58.240 are going to bring pitch ideas to you 0:19:56.880,0:19:59.200 constantly you got to pick and choose 0:19:58.240,0:20:00.720 what you're going to do but i want you 0:19:59.200,0:20:03.760 to be able to write that check from a 0:20:00.720,0:20:05.280 position of strength not saying marley 0:20:03.760,0:20:07.039 let's let's defer eating a little longer 0:20:05.280,0:20:08.799 right because she's paid her dues right 0:20:07.039,0:20:09.919 my wife's paid her dues right like she 0:20:08.799,0:20:11.840 still pays to do this because i'm 0:20:09.919,0:20:14.159 getting fatter every year but 0:20:11.840,0:20:16.159 um but the reality of it is like our 0:20:14.159,0:20:18.159 wives are sacrificed so much right so i 0:20:16.159,0:20:20.080 want to make sure that our lives are 0:20:18.159,0:20:22.400 strong they feel secure right it's 0:20:20.080,0:20:23.760 important for us as men as family men 0:20:22.400,0:20:25.039 but then also still be able to have an 0:20:23.760,0:20:26.480 ace in the whole world building out over 0:20:25.039,0:20:27.919 here yeah so those opportunities come 0:20:26.480,0:20:29.120 knocking your door and they will because 0:20:27.919,0:20:31.760 i see that happening to a lot of my 0:20:29.120,0:20:32.960 clients now i want you to say 0:20:31.760,0:20:35.200 let me see if i want to do that because 0:20:32.960,0:20:36.400 it means right to you versus scrambling 0:20:35.200,0:20:38.159 around trying to make it happen and it's 0:20:36.400,0:20:39.760 a different mindset being offensive 0:20:38.159,0:20:41.840 they're not so i think that's a big 0:20:39.760,0:20:43.280 piece of it is like understanding that 0:20:41.840,0:20:44.559 it may be a slow ramp up time to 0:20:43.280,0:20:46.159 accumulate your wealth right but if we 0:20:44.559,0:20:48.240 could build in right habits around 0:20:46.159,0:20:49.600 saving do the boring stuff be gritty 0:20:48.240,0:20:52.240 just like your career and building your 0:20:49.600,0:20:53.760 business is great then when the pod gets 0:20:52.240,0:20:56.000 big you're there you can make it happen 0:20:53.760,0:20:57.520 yeah i mean we'll do it so i mean that's 0:20:56.000,0:21:00.080 a great point to 0:20:57.520,0:21:02.320 to talk on our audience right a lot of 0:21:00.080,0:21:03.520 the audience a lot of business owners um 0:21:02.320,0:21:04.880 for the most part a lot of them are in 0:21:03.520,0:21:07.360 the cleaning industry right cleaning 0:21:04.880,0:21:09.200 cocktails uh but 0:21:07.360,0:21:11.840 for you guys to know like i'll give you 0:21:09.200,0:21:14.080 some inside info on my life on you know 0:21:11.840,0:21:16.000 my conversations with julie too because 0:21:14.080,0:21:18.080 i feel like we said this will resonate 0:21:16.000,0:21:20.320 with you guys right is so i've been in 0:21:18.080,0:21:23.280 the business for nine years now 0:21:20.320,0:21:24.559 struggled many years into it i met julie 0:21:23.280,0:21:26.960 again like we said four or five years 0:21:24.559,0:21:28.880 ago you had come here you shared you 0:21:26.960,0:21:30.480 know how this could work and you know i 0:21:28.880,0:21:32.640 think it took us like three meetings 0:21:30.480,0:21:34.159 until i felt confident and said 0:21:32.640,0:21:35.919 i started to think the other way like we 0:21:34.159,0:21:37.520 just we're talking about where 0:21:35.919,0:21:39.440 i was like i'm a small business i'm you 0:21:37.520,0:21:41.679 know i own a cleaning company i'm you 0:21:39.440,0:21:43.360 know there's not much you know funds 0:21:41.679,0:21:45.280 there wealth i'm not i'm growing but i'm 0:21:43.360,0:21:47.760 not growing that fast blah blah blah 0:21:45.280,0:21:50.000 excuses right excuses excuses excuses to 0:21:47.760,0:21:52.320 not do it not do it not do it 0:21:50.000,0:21:53.280 i finally did it right and i got to tell 0:21:52.320,0:21:55.600 you guys 0:21:53.280,0:21:58.320 i'm in the best position i could ever be 0:21:55.600,0:22:00.400 it because what you just said on being 0:21:58.320,0:22:02.320 able to cut that check or say yes to 0:22:00.400,0:22:03.200 this opportunity or make these moves 0:22:02.320,0:22:04.960 that 0:22:03.200,0:22:06.000 i wouldn't have probably made right 0:22:04.960,0:22:07.840 because 0:22:06.000,0:22:09.120 this guy set me up for success not just 0:22:07.840,0:22:10.400 me but the company right there's a lot 0:22:09.120,0:22:11.919 of things that he's done for us that you 0:22:10.400,0:22:12.880 know we don't need to get into as deep 0:22:11.919,0:22:14.320 but 0:22:12.880,0:22:17.600 the point is 0:22:14.320,0:22:20.400 i he set me up for success you know i i 0:22:17.600,0:22:21.840 asked for help he gave it he spoke to us 0:22:20.400,0:22:23.840 he brought it down to the level for us 0:22:21.840,0:22:25.600 to understand um and i think these are 0:22:23.840,0:22:26.720 the conversations that that you guys 0:22:25.600,0:22:28.559 have to have with your financial 0:22:26.720,0:22:31.039 planners or your team or your partners 0:22:28.559,0:22:33.840 right because if you don't talk about it 0:22:31.039,0:22:35.280 it's nothing gets done uh you know 0:22:33.840,0:22:36.640 and and i'm telling you guys this 0:22:35.280,0:22:38.320 because like 0:22:36.640,0:22:40.159 people may think our success is you know 0:22:38.320,0:22:41.679 rick you're doing so well you could be 0:22:40.159,0:22:42.880 able to do so much but i'll tell you 0:22:41.679,0:22:45.280 there's times we live paycheck to 0:22:42.880,0:22:47.600 paycheck why because he put our money in 0:22:45.280,0:22:49.600 some other places that i can't touch for 0:22:47.600,0:22:51.679 a while right or he invested it in 0:22:49.600,0:22:54.559 certain degrees or us as a company we 0:22:51.679,0:22:57.200 started doing 401k and the executive i 0:22:54.559,0:22:58.159 touch on that part too yeah um julie 0:22:57.200,0:23:00.080 because 0:22:58.159,0:23:01.520 again it's it's not that we're not 0:23:00.080,0:23:03.679 making money or it's not that i don't 0:23:01.520,0:23:06.400 have the money it's the money's making 0:23:03.679,0:23:08.960 money right and it's other areas because 0:23:06.400,0:23:10.880 if not i would have spent that money and 0:23:08.960,0:23:11.679 it would be gone yeah well you know it's 0:23:10.880,0:23:13.440 like 0:23:11.679,0:23:14.720 this is meme that i saw or his picture 0:23:13.440,0:23:18.080 on instagram 0:23:14.720,0:23:20.159 and it's like your checking account 300 0:23:18.080,0:23:21.679 bucks your investment account i don't 0:23:20.159,0:23:23.440 know 0:23:21.679,0:23:24.559 20 grand right it's like i feel broke 0:23:23.440,0:23:26.000 right because 0:23:24.559,0:23:27.039 you want to just always feel broke 0:23:26.000,0:23:28.640 because that's going to keep you sharp 0:23:27.039,0:23:30.159 right now and keep you hunting right and 0:23:28.640,0:23:32.400 keeping it really hates me for that 0:23:30.159,0:23:33.679 right hates me and it's a balance right 0:23:32.400,0:23:34.880 because you know you're doing well but 0:23:33.679,0:23:36.799 you also got to play these tricks as a 0:23:34.880,0:23:38.159 business owner right to keep sharp 0:23:36.799,0:23:40.159 because i think as business owners once 0:23:38.159,0:23:41.279 you get comfortable you start to peel 0:23:40.159,0:23:42.799 back and then the business starts 0:23:41.279,0:23:44.320 unwinding unfolding you got to stay 0:23:42.799,0:23:45.840 sharp right now because your competition 0:23:44.320,0:23:47.440 is coming behind you too right oh yeah 0:23:45.840,0:23:48.880 so the nice thing is if you stay sharp 0:23:47.440,0:23:50.159 and you feel financially insecure even 0:23:48.880,0:23:52.240 though you're building a monster behind 0:23:50.159,0:23:53.919 the scenes that'll keep you even better 0:23:52.240,0:23:55.520 in your business right so i tell a lot 0:23:53.919,0:23:57.520 of people it's okay to feel broke 0:23:55.520,0:23:59.279 because i keep you sharp right like now 0:23:57.520,0:24:01.279 you don't want to get to a point where 0:23:59.279,0:24:02.320 you you know you're still eating ramen 0:24:01.279,0:24:03.679 because i don't want that to be the case 0:24:02.320,0:24:05.039 either you know but it's finding a 0:24:03.679,0:24:06.720 balance right i eat cereal in the 0:24:05.039,0:24:07.600 mornings that's not wrong 0:24:06.720,0:24:09.360 you're good 0:24:07.600,0:24:10.799 i can't do all of that all that salt and 0:24:09.360,0:24:12.480 vodka 0:24:10.799,0:24:14.320 but um you know with a lot of business 0:24:12.480,0:24:15.600 owners though i we understand and i 0:24:14.320,0:24:16.400 understand 0:24:15.600,0:24:17.679 the 0:24:16.400,0:24:19.520 the psychology that comes with a 0:24:17.679,0:24:21.679 business owner and 0:24:19.520,0:24:23.760 the insecurities that comes with money 0:24:21.679,0:24:25.279 right because you're so julie real quick 0:24:23.760,0:24:27.039 think about let's because i want to 0:24:25.279,0:24:28.799 drive this one home too is think about 0:24:27.039,0:24:31.039 the cleaning business owner and i'll 0:24:28.799,0:24:32.480 give it to you is the first year man it 0:24:31.039,0:24:34.080 is a struggle we are cleaning the 0:24:32.480,0:24:36.480 accounts we are doing all the work 0:24:34.080,0:24:37.840 ourselves we're working our asses off 0:24:36.480,0:24:39.919 and a and a 0:24:37.840,0:24:41.039 putting ourselves in an environment that 0:24:39.919,0:24:42.880 it doesn't 0:24:41.039,0:24:44.720 doesn't look you know like people will 0:24:42.880,0:24:46.720 say oh you own a cleaning company right 0:24:44.720,0:24:48.880 just the perception man it really sucks 0:24:46.720,0:24:50.080 at some points right so well that's what 0:24:48.880,0:24:52.400 i that's what i love about this talk 0:24:50.080,0:24:54.480 about that like what should those people 0:24:52.400,0:24:56.000 i i love thinking i love a cleaning 0:24:54.480,0:24:57.600 owner's story right so my most 0:24:56.000,0:24:59.760 successful clients are in the cleaning 0:24:57.600,0:25:02.159 space yeah so my wealthiest clients 0:24:59.760,0:25:04.640 right actually so i got into financial 0:25:02.159,0:25:06.320 planning and my marketplace was i want 0:25:04.640,0:25:07.919 to work with blue collar people that 0:25:06.320,0:25:09.919 don't look successful but they're the 0:25:07.919,0:25:12.240 wealthiest people right 0:25:09.919,0:25:14.000 that's the coolest thing ever it's like 0:25:12.240,0:25:16.080 the millionaire next door right because 0:25:14.000,0:25:18.000 they're doing the oddest things that you 0:25:16.080,0:25:19.600 think are not wealth so i love how in 0:25:18.000,0:25:21.440 one of your podcasts you had a guy that 0:25:19.600,0:25:22.799 uh he didn't look like like a janitor 0:25:21.440,0:25:24.159 right so he didn't look the part right 0:25:22.799,0:25:26.240 like what is that what does that mean 0:25:24.159,0:25:27.760 right but reality is like yeah your 0:25:26.240,0:25:29.600 first year you're slugging out first 0:25:27.760,0:25:32.000 couple years you're suddenly not right 0:25:29.600,0:25:33.520 but it's finding a little bit in that 0:25:32.000,0:25:35.039 space there to see the bigger picture 0:25:33.520,0:25:36.240 right because even though you're not 0:25:35.039,0:25:37.679 where your peers are at where your 0:25:36.240,0:25:38.720 friends are at you're actually building 0:25:37.679,0:25:40.480 momentum 0:25:38.720,0:25:42.080 right and you're building relationships 0:25:40.480,0:25:43.440 and a lot that's a lot of value in it 0:25:42.080,0:25:44.799 there's a lot of monetary value in that 0:25:43.440,0:25:46.240 because you're building a book of 0:25:44.799,0:25:47.840 business you're building a resume for 0:25:46.240,0:25:49.200 yourself right there's a lot of money 0:25:47.840,0:25:50.640 you're building in there it's like 0:25:49.200,0:25:52.159 agency bulls you're really building for 0:25:50.640,0:25:54.320 yourself so as i see you building a 0:25:52.159,0:25:55.840 brand that's a value to it right you 0:25:54.320,0:25:57.200 build a lot of momentum you just thought 0:25:55.840,0:25:58.640 your bank account doesn't show it though 0:25:57.200,0:26:00.400 right yeah but you're getting your 0:25:58.640,0:26:02.000 highest highs are now your lowest lows 0:26:00.400,0:26:03.200 right so you know you're going to double 0:26:02.000,0:26:04.480 your revenue quickly you're going to and 0:26:03.200,0:26:05.760 then become more efficient in your 0:26:04.480,0:26:06.559 margins you're going to understand 0:26:05.760,0:26:08.000 things a lot better you're going to 0:26:06.559,0:26:09.600 learn your business better as time goes 0:26:08.000,0:26:11.039 on but you got to you gotta make a lot 0:26:09.600,0:26:12.480 of mistakes along the way so a lot of 0:26:11.039,0:26:14.480 business owners in the cleaning space 0:26:12.480,0:26:15.760 right i think the big thing is you know 0:26:14.480,0:26:17.360 you have to reinvest back in your 0:26:15.760,0:26:18.480 business right because you can't exactly 0:26:17.360,0:26:20.240 that's what i say those are the first 0:26:18.480,0:26:21.520 things we think about is always the 0:26:20.240,0:26:24.080 money's got to go back in my business 0:26:21.520,0:26:26.240 first hire a good staff right higher 0:26:24.080,0:26:27.840 staff higher good operations managers 0:26:26.240,0:26:28.640 right they're going to be able to have 0:26:27.840,0:26:30.159 you 0:26:28.640,0:26:32.480 focus on the thing that's most important 0:26:30.159,0:26:34.880 and that's for you rain make right so 0:26:32.480,0:26:37.039 you have to be the offensive juggernaut 0:26:34.880,0:26:39.039 building relationships getting deals 0:26:37.039,0:26:40.720 doing the sales not 0:26:39.039,0:26:42.559 doing the hourly work you're paying 0:26:40.720,0:26:43.919 somebody to do any longer right yeah and 0:26:42.559,0:26:45.120 that's a big a big difference because a 0:26:43.919,0:26:46.640 lot of business owners were 0:26:45.120,0:26:48.159 perfectionists yeah it's tough to let 0:26:46.640,0:26:49.840 that go you can't let that go right now 0:26:48.159,0:26:51.279 but you have to invest into high staff 0:26:49.840,0:26:52.480 pay them well and that's going to hurt 0:26:51.279,0:26:53.600 you because you can't pay yourself 0:26:52.480,0:26:55.120 because you can't be yourself right 0:26:53.600,0:26:56.799 you're like [ __ ] i can't get that car 0:26:55.120,0:26:58.320 that my buddy has but he's been in the 0:26:56.799,0:26:59.520 business or he had a couple strokes to 0:26:58.320,0:27:00.799 look differently right 0:26:59.520,0:27:02.720 comparison 0:27:00.799,0:27:04.240 comparison is a thief of joy and that's 0:27:02.720,0:27:06.080 one thing i've learned from myself 0:27:04.240,0:27:07.360 personally that you cannot compare 0:27:06.080,0:27:08.960 yourself to somebody else's success do 0:27:07.360,0:27:11.919 you guys hear that comparisons are a 0:27:08.960,0:27:13.279 thief a joy comparison is a thief of joy 0:27:11.919,0:27:15.039 and you have to celebrate your buddy 0:27:13.279,0:27:17.520 success you have to be there for them 0:27:15.039,0:27:19.360 but also don't think you're invaluable 0:27:17.520,0:27:21.679 because that your time has not come 0:27:19.360,0:27:23.120 right but reality of it is even if your 0:27:21.679,0:27:24.640 bank account doesn't reflect that that's 0:27:23.120,0:27:26.240 crazy i got this really crazy story 0:27:24.640,0:27:27.760 personally for myself i went from not 0:27:26.240,0:27:29.120 being able to save anything one year to 0:27:27.760,0:27:30.480 saving a hundred grand in a year flip 0:27:29.120,0:27:33.200 over like that why because when you 0:27:30.480,0:27:35.440 build your business that [ __ ] happens 0:27:33.200,0:27:37.200 yeah that happens you go from nothing to 0:27:35.440,0:27:39.360 something because you've been building 0:27:37.200,0:27:40.880 things out like for so long for so long 0:27:39.360,0:27:42.480 it just clicks it's just compounds and 0:27:40.880,0:27:44.240 then a normal person 0:27:42.480,0:27:45.360 won't be able to understand that because 0:27:44.240,0:27:46.799 but then again they haven't put 0:27:45.360,0:27:49.279 themselves in that grit that you put 0:27:46.799,0:27:50.960 into mental physical relationship 0:27:49.279,0:27:52.640 exhaustion so you know you paid a high 0:27:50.960,0:27:54.000 price for that you know so yeah you 0:27:52.640,0:27:55.760 deserve it and then you get there faster 0:27:54.000,0:27:58.080 and faster right as you keep on scaling 0:27:55.760,0:28:00.320 up that happens right so invest back in 0:27:58.080,0:28:02.399 your business but not invest into the 0:28:00.320,0:28:04.159 shiny toys right invest into the right 0:28:02.399,0:28:05.840 people right you could trust pay them 0:28:04.159,0:28:07.440 well have them here happy right so as a 0:28:05.840,0:28:09.279 business owner in any space invest back 0:28:07.440,0:28:10.799 in your staff right have them be there 0:28:09.279,0:28:12.640 so you can pull back and then focus on 0:28:10.799,0:28:14.480 the big picture stuff right so as 0:28:12.640,0:28:16.640 business owners a lot of times 0:28:14.480,0:28:18.240 if i meet a good person like yourself 0:28:16.640,0:28:19.840 and i see the trajectory and i've been 0:28:18.240,0:28:21.679 doing this a long time now i can see 0:28:19.840,0:28:22.720 people's trajectory 0:28:21.679,0:28:24.720 i'm like this person's going to go 0:28:22.720,0:28:26.399 somewhere let's be with them right let's 0:28:24.720,0:28:27.600 be with them because i believe in them 0:28:26.399,0:28:29.200 right just like we believe in you and 0:28:27.600,0:28:30.480 everybody sees that now it's like i want 0:28:29.200,0:28:32.080 to find a diamond rough and that's been 0:28:30.480,0:28:33.919 my neck it's finding diamonds in a rough 0:28:32.080,0:28:36.080 yeah but the reality is 0:28:33.919,0:28:37.840 is is that what time will come right so 0:28:36.080,0:28:39.440 business owners develop back into your 0:28:37.840,0:28:40.559 business hire good staff that you could 0:28:39.440,0:28:42.399 be there so you can focus on the raid 0:28:40.559,0:28:43.360 making stuff finding the deals and then 0:28:42.399,0:28:45.360 you can get better at running your 0:28:43.360,0:28:47.520 business too and then as you start to 0:28:45.360,0:28:49.360 make money then get in the habits of 0:28:47.520,0:28:50.960 saying you know let me parcel off a 0:28:49.360,0:28:53.200 little bit of money on the sidelines 0:28:50.960,0:28:54.799 here right i'm gonna keep on reinvesting 0:28:53.200,0:28:56.159 back in my business but i want to have a 0:28:54.799,0:28:57.520 little get my little get out of jail 0:28:56.159,0:28:58.880 card here 0:28:57.520,0:29:00.640 10 20 0:28:58.880,0:29:02.159 money and a satellite so julie real 0:29:00.640,0:29:03.600 quick i'm going to intervene there 0:29:02.159,0:29:06.640 because i think this is a this would be 0:29:03.600,0:29:08.080 a good nugget for the audience to know 0:29:06.640,0:29:09.760 you may or may not be able to do this 0:29:08.080,0:29:12.159 but just off the whim 0:29:09.760,0:29:13.760 is there so we have stages right like 0:29:12.159,0:29:16.080 think about the first couple years in 0:29:13.760,0:29:17.520 our industry especially uh you're 0:29:16.080,0:29:18.720 working in the business right you gotta 0:29:17.520,0:29:20.000 learn your craft you gotta you know 0:29:18.720,0:29:21.919 you're doing everything so that you can 0:29:20.000,0:29:24.640 know every department and be able to 0:29:21.919,0:29:26.960 delegate and hire somebody 0:29:24.640,0:29:28.720 is there a metric or is there a 0:29:26.960,0:29:31.760 something that we can say hey 0:29:28.720,0:29:33.919 i have a 250 000 in your business 0:29:31.760,0:29:35.360 julie you're my financial you know 0:29:33.919,0:29:36.720 wizard 0:29:35.360,0:29:39.760 can i put 10 0:29:36.720,0:29:41.360 away how do i put 10 away do i put like 0:29:39.760,0:29:42.880 is there a metrics as far as when you 0:29:41.360,0:29:44.960 get to you know because i'll tell you 0:29:42.880,0:29:46.080 there's a stat the stat for us in in our 0:29:44.960,0:29:48.799 industry is 0:29:46.080,0:29:51.279 uh about 90 of the industry is at a 0:29:48.799,0:29:53.360 million in revenue and under 0:29:51.279,0:29:54.720 for those people yeah how do they level 0:29:53.360,0:29:57.440 up right like 0:29:54.720,0:29:58.880 is there different milestones or based 0:29:57.440,0:30:01.919 on numbers yeah 0:29:58.880,0:30:03.279 every business is different based on uh 0:30:01.919,0:30:04.799 a city you're living in right so your 0:30:03.279,0:30:06.080 margins are different costs a little bit 0:30:04.799,0:30:07.600 costly right so that makes a big 0:30:06.080,0:30:09.440 difference the cost of goods are going 0:30:07.600,0:30:11.039 up like crazy you know you're paying if 0:30:09.440,0:30:12.320 it depends if you're paying your staff 0:30:11.039,0:30:14.080 for their mileage and all that stuff 0:30:12.320,0:30:16.080 right so that also goes in place 0:30:14.080,0:30:18.399 i tell people that's one thing though is 0:30:16.080,0:30:19.760 as a business owner think about a number 0:30:18.399,0:30:21.360 right of money that's coming in every 0:30:19.760,0:30:22.720 month so if you're if your business is 0:30:21.360,0:30:24.640 doing a million dollars a year that's 0:30:22.720,0:30:26.240 about uh you know 100 a month eight 0:30:24.640,0:30:27.520 grand a week right 0:30:26.240,0:30:29.760 if you think about eight grand a week 0:30:27.520,0:30:31.360 coming in there think about how much of 0:30:29.760,0:30:33.039 that eight grand a week that's coming in 0:30:31.360,0:30:35.279 can i put in a side that i wouldn't even 0:30:33.039,0:30:38.480 think about whatever that number is this 0:30:35.279,0:30:39.760 is it to 100 bucks 200 000 bucks 0:30:38.480,0:30:41.679 once you start thinking about that and 0:30:39.760,0:30:43.919 your your breath gets a little bit tight 0:30:41.679,0:30:45.679 that's that number yeah so you should be 0:30:43.919,0:30:46.960 a little worried a little bit right 0:30:45.679,0:30:48.159 because it's too easy then it's like 0:30:46.960,0:30:48.880 you're exactly you still should keep 0:30:48.159,0:30:50.000 going 0:30:48.880,0:30:51.279 so it's like running a marathon and 0:30:50.000,0:30:53.200 saving is it running the marathon you're 0:30:51.279,0:30:55.039 gonna run 26 miles today 0:30:53.200,0:30:56.320 pick a number you're comfortable with if 0:30:55.039,0:30:57.919 i'm going to run for a marathon i'm 0:30:56.320,0:30:59.039 going to start at like a mile ricky's 0:30:57.919,0:31:01.679 going to run marathons and run at three 0:30:59.039,0:31:03.120 miles because it's a little bit better 0:31:01.679,0:31:05.200 so and that's kind of the same thing 0:31:03.120,0:31:07.440 with saving right is that pick a number 0:31:05.200,0:31:09.039 that that feels a little bit scary but 0:31:07.440,0:31:10.000 it's not going to unmotivate you from 0:31:09.039,0:31:11.919 saving 0:31:10.000,0:31:14.640 a little bit on the side right 0:31:11.919,0:31:17.840 i like to think though ideally 10 is a 0:31:14.640,0:31:19.200 good target 20 is optimal right but rome 0:31:17.840,0:31:20.799 wasn't built overnight and neither is 0:31:19.200,0:31:23.039 saving right so pick a number that you 0:31:20.799,0:31:24.799 feel fine with and then check yourself 0:31:23.039,0:31:26.320 every month or every six months and say 0:31:24.799,0:31:28.799 you know i'm getting stronger let me add 0:31:26.320,0:31:30.480 more weights right add more savings you 0:31:28.799,0:31:32.080 get stronger you add more weight and do 0:31:30.480,0:31:33.600 it right because if you make more and 0:31:32.080,0:31:35.760 you start spending more and buying 0:31:33.600,0:31:36.960 bigger cars and burying bigger things 0:31:35.760,0:31:38.399 now you got to work just as hard just to 0:31:36.960,0:31:40.080 kind of cover all that stuff right but 0:31:38.399,0:31:41.600 add more weight to your savings so this 0:31:40.080,0:31:42.720 because saving money 0:31:41.600,0:31:44.640 it's not going to make you the 0:31:42.720,0:31:46.960 wealthiest person in the room because 0:31:44.640,0:31:48.080 investment business will but having a 0:31:46.960,0:31:50.080 tree that's going to give you 0:31:48.080,0:31:52.080 opportunity it's opportunity man that's 0:31:50.080,0:31:54.080 the biggest thing yeah so i tell people 0:31:52.080,0:31:56.880 think about building a tree for your 0:31:54.080,0:31:58.320 life where you want to water it right 0:31:56.880,0:32:00.080 and you can't speed up that process but 0:31:58.320,0:32:01.360 it needs time the more you want it the 0:32:00.080,0:32:03.200 better and bigger stronger that you will 0:32:01.360,0:32:04.960 be so you could say yes to other 0:32:03.200,0:32:06.799 opportunities and there's a lot of cool 0:32:04.960,0:32:08.080 things we could do within that tree 0:32:06.799,0:32:09.600 a lot of different accounts so people 0:32:08.080,0:32:11.440 ask me what's the best kind of 0:32:09.600,0:32:14.320 investment in concrete so cryptocurrency 0:32:11.440,0:32:16.000 my 401k roth iras those are all products 0:32:14.320,0:32:18.159 right but the behavior of saving is the 0:32:16.000,0:32:20.480 first and foremost important thing and 0:32:18.159,0:32:21.679 people want to shortcut that process 0:32:20.480,0:32:23.440 where we got to train people to become 0:32:21.679,0:32:25.600 good savers first and then as you get 0:32:23.440,0:32:27.679 stronger save more yeah so the others 0:32:25.600,0:32:29.600 are vehicles exactly vehicles and 0:32:27.679,0:32:31.840 they're all i'm a big my kids are super 0:32:29.600,0:32:34.000 hero fans i'm a big superhero fan batman 0:32:31.840,0:32:35.760 i think about youtube these kids are in 0:32:34.000,0:32:38.000 superhero costumes all the time it's 0:32:35.760,0:32:39.120 summertime 100 degrees 0:32:38.000,0:32:40.840 we don't even watch those things anymore 0:32:39.120,0:32:42.559 because it's so hot the bacteria 0:32:40.840,0:32:44.240 disintegrates 0:32:42.559,0:32:45.840 but you know like you have a utility 0:32:44.240,0:32:47.760 belt and there's all vehicles those are 0:32:45.840,0:32:49.760 all tools you use depending on the job 0:32:47.760,0:32:52.000 or what's going on in place but to get 0:32:49.760,0:32:54.399 that belt filled you need to save right 0:32:52.000,0:32:56.159 that's the big thing right but there's a 0:32:54.399,0:32:57.760 journey to saving and once you learn 0:32:56.159,0:32:59.679 yourself better you become a better 0:32:57.760,0:33:00.799 saver and then up the opportunity comes 0:32:59.679,0:33:02.399 back in you know you can say yes because 0:33:00.799,0:33:04.000 you've done a good job of building that 0:33:02.399,0:33:05.519 up so i think that's a big thing ricky 0:33:04.000,0:33:07.360 is for people 0:33:05.519,0:33:08.640 everybody's at different metrics i like 0:33:07.360,0:33:10.159 to think the easiest thing is try to 0:33:08.640,0:33:12.640 live off 80 of what you're bringing and 0:33:10.159,0:33:15.039 save 20 yeah it's a good 80 20 rule but 0:33:12.640,0:33:16.720 don't get neglected or demoralized if 0:33:15.039,0:33:18.960 you can't do 20 right yeah start off 0:33:16.720,0:33:21.039 baby steps but then know as you get 0:33:18.960,0:33:22.480 stronger each and every month add more 0:33:21.039,0:33:24.320 weight to that until you get to that 0:33:22.480,0:33:25.679 point where you're in a good rhythm um 0:33:24.320,0:33:26.559 and have a good team around you right 0:33:25.679,0:33:28.559 but 0:33:26.559,0:33:29.760 it's the 80 20 rule live off with 80 0:33:28.559,0:33:30.960 because one of the things i remember 0:33:29.760,0:33:32.799 doing with my wife when we were first 0:33:30.960,0:33:34.640 trying to become better savers 0:33:32.799,0:33:35.519 is i was actually trying to save too 0:33:34.640,0:33:37.519 much 0:33:35.519,0:33:39.120 we were saving 50 of our income but then 0:33:37.519,0:33:41.120 we kept dipping and we were dipping 0:33:39.120,0:33:42.399 interest i did the same thing yeah 0:33:41.120,0:33:43.679 it was driving my wife crazy she's like 0:33:42.399,0:33:44.880 what the hell is the point like what are 0:33:43.679,0:33:46.880 you saying transferring money you're 0:33:44.880,0:33:48.720 taking money out transfer game yeah so 0:33:46.880,0:33:50.000 that happens right so i had to like slow 0:33:48.720,0:33:51.120 down like all right i have to be 0:33:50.000,0:33:53.600 comfortable because at the end of the 0:33:51.120,0:33:55.600 day it's like you got to build momentum 0:33:53.600,0:33:57.120 and progress and save you money like so 0:33:55.600,0:33:59.039 pick a number you're comfortable with 0:33:57.120,0:34:01.120 see that it can't grow and then add more 0:33:59.039,0:34:02.559 weight to it but the reality of it is 0:34:01.120,0:34:04.320 don't compare yourself to anybody else 0:34:02.559,0:34:05.679 because that hurts you yeah and then 0:34:04.320,0:34:06.880 you'll you'll get demoralized you'll 0:34:05.679,0:34:10.480 stop and then you you stop the 0:34:06.880,0:34:12.000 trajectory okay so julie now 0:34:10.480,0:34:13.839 let's talk about you know some of the 0:34:12.000,0:34:16.320 audience that that does have a bigger 0:34:13.839,0:34:18.079 team they are hitting that trajectory 0:34:16.320,0:34:19.599 mark right and the reason why i want to 0:34:18.079,0:34:21.040 bring this up you guys too is i had not 0:34:19.599,0:34:23.440 known about this executive plan until 0:34:21.040,0:34:24.879 you brought it up to us yeah but can you 0:34:23.440,0:34:26.879 so can you touch on that a little bit 0:34:24.879,0:34:28.560 yeah so those that you know we may be in 0:34:26.879,0:34:30.000 that position yeah so you know it's 0:34:28.560,0:34:31.599 interesting because there's like when it 0:34:30.000,0:34:33.119 comes to financial planning 0:34:31.599,0:34:34.960 you'd be like we need to help you build 0:34:33.119,0:34:36.639 from scratch ground up right building 0:34:34.960,0:34:38.000 some good habits or you're in a position 0:34:36.639,0:34:40.320 where you have money it's like now what 0:34:38.000,0:34:41.839 do i do now to keep on growing right how 0:34:40.320,0:34:42.800 do i make my money work for me how do i 0:34:41.839,0:34:44.159 scale 0:34:42.800,0:34:45.760 so there's a lot of different things you 0:34:44.159,0:34:47.679 could do right so i think first and 0:34:45.760,0:34:49.280 foremost is any business you have to 0:34:47.679,0:34:50.879 revisit your lines of credit right we've 0:34:49.280,0:34:52.639 talked about that in the past right 0:34:50.879,0:34:54.720 so have lines of credit right and 0:34:52.639,0:34:56.159 revisit that get those expanded because 0:34:54.720,0:34:57.920 a lot of times i'd rather you have a 0:34:56.159,0:34:59.599 line of credit with low interest rate 0:34:57.920,0:35:01.520 help you pay for an agency but that's 0:34:59.599,0:35:03.520 coming in next week versus your cash 0:35:01.520,0:35:05.200 that can be reinvested elsewhere and 0:35:03.520,0:35:07.359 make more right so kind of think about 0:35:05.200,0:35:09.520 this right the stock market the s p's 0:35:07.359,0:35:10.720 average eight percent growth over 0:35:09.520,0:35:12.160 decades right 0:35:10.720,0:35:13.760 you're gonna earn eight percent of your 0:35:12.160,0:35:15.200 money you can borrow money at three 0:35:13.760,0:35:16.640 percent 0:35:15.200,0:35:18.320 borrow that make the difference right 0:35:16.640,0:35:20.000 yeah right so that's just a little a 0:35:18.320,0:35:21.359 little tool right and that borrowing 0:35:20.000,0:35:22.560 rate you're getting a tax deduction for 0:35:21.359,0:35:24.160 it too and as a business owner you need 0:35:22.560,0:35:26.640 to maximize those things right 0:35:24.160,0:35:28.320 so um for a lot of folks we start saying 0:35:26.640,0:35:30.560 as you have cash on the sidelines don't 0:35:28.320,0:35:31.920 be an old school mexican right don't 0:35:30.560,0:35:34.079 have your money out of the mattress my 0:35:31.920,0:35:36.160 dad dude i found 0:35:34.079,0:35:38.400 this in the sock under the mattress and 0:35:36.160,0:35:40.400 under the behind the yeah the picture 0:35:38.400,0:35:42.480 frame within the picture i'm like bob 0:35:40.400,0:35:44.079 what the hell 0:35:42.480,0:35:46.160 i don't trust them yeah you don't trust 0:35:44.079,0:35:46.160 me 0:35:47.200,0:35:49.760 but you know like that's old-school 0:35:48.400,0:35:51.760 mentality right but life's getting more 0:35:49.760,0:35:53.359 expensive we call that inflation so your 0:35:51.760,0:35:54.640 money has got to keep up with that right 0:35:53.359,0:35:56.800 so don't keep it on the mattress first 0:35:54.640,0:35:58.400 and foremost right keep your emergency 0:35:56.800,0:36:00.320 fund there six months of your living 0:35:58.400,0:36:02.240 expenses on a personal side maybe even a 0:36:00.320,0:36:04.240 year's worth of expenses on the business 0:36:02.240,0:36:06.400 side but you know once you're at that 0:36:04.240,0:36:08.560 point have your cash got grown for you 0:36:06.400,0:36:11.520 right so one of the cool things that 0:36:08.560,0:36:13.359 i had a client do and i like using run 0:36:11.520,0:36:15.359 numbers for examples right so he had 100 0:36:13.359,0:36:16.880 grand uh he had like 300 grand in the 0:36:15.359,0:36:18.720 bank this guy's doing really awesome for 0:36:16.880,0:36:19.680 himself and he doesn't want to send his 0:36:18.720,0:36:21.760 kids to private school he's like it's 0:36:19.680,0:36:23.920 too expensive and my comments is private 0:36:21.760,0:36:24.640 school he's got two kids he's like it's 0:36:23.920,0:36:26.640 uh 0:36:24.640,0:36:28.320 it's gonna cost me 10 grand it's like 0:36:26.640,0:36:29.920 okay well 0:36:28.320,0:36:31.680 uh 10 grand to send your kids to private 0:36:29.920,0:36:33.599 school you know if you had 100 in this 0:36:31.680,0:36:34.640 account it would have made you 10 grand 0:36:33.599,0:36:36.480 in interest and you could have taken 0:36:34.640,0:36:38.560 that interest paper you get school 0:36:36.480,0:36:40.480 he's like what i'm like yeah bro like 0:36:38.560,0:36:42.880 let your money work for you right yeah 0:36:40.480,0:36:44.480 and and and now you could send your kids 0:36:42.880,0:36:46.480 to school and not worry about that like 0:36:44.480,0:36:48.240 he's like oh [ __ ] yeah like i should do 0:36:46.480,0:36:49.599 that right so it's like little things 0:36:48.240,0:36:51.680 like that it's like working smarter not 0:36:49.599,0:36:53.040 harder right but it took him to get a 0:36:51.680,0:36:54.400 while to get to that point right but 0:36:53.040,0:36:57.200 that's how to say that point right there 0:36:54.400,0:36:59.520 too guys is it took a while like yeah i 0:36:57.200,0:37:01.359 don't want anybody to to tune in and 0:36:59.520,0:37:02.880 hear it these guys are talking like yeah 0:37:01.359,0:37:05.920 it's easy to say when you have the money 0:37:02.880,0:37:08.160 to do but it's we it takes time it could 0:37:05.920,0:37:10.560 take decades to get to you at first 100. 0:37:08.160,0:37:12.560 but that's what's possible is exactly he 0:37:10.560,0:37:15.040 could have sent you could send your kids 0:37:12.560,0:37:17.440 like me right now three years old nico 0:37:15.040,0:37:19.440 i've got about 10 years before he could 0:37:17.440,0:37:22.000 go to private school junior high right 0:37:19.440,0:37:24.160 or then or high school or then private 0:37:22.000,0:37:26.160 school and then college comes up like 0:37:24.160,0:37:27.440 that's in 10 that's in 10 years already 0:37:26.160,0:37:30.560 that's not that far away i've got to do 0:37:27.440,0:37:32.880 it now yeah we got to work on that but 0:37:30.560,0:37:34.000 but but that point though i and i hate 0:37:32.880,0:37:35.520 to throw out numbers right because i 0:37:34.000,0:37:37.680 want people to think like 0:37:35.520,0:37:41.839 no it's not that at all it does take 0:37:37.680,0:37:43.839 time you know i'm 36 37 years old um you 0:37:41.839,0:37:46.480 know it does take time to get to that 0:37:43.839,0:37:47.760 point right and you know so so kobe i 0:37:46.480,0:37:49.599 was i listened to a lot of this podcast 0:37:47.760,0:37:50.880 i'll study a little bit earlier but he 0:37:49.599,0:37:52.560 talks about matching the fundamentals 0:37:50.880,0:37:54.480 matches the fundamentals then you get a 0:37:52.560,0:37:56.160 tax return you get bonuses whatever it 0:37:54.480,0:37:58.640 is start saving that money right and you 0:37:56.160,0:38:01.119 get that number and um 0:37:58.640,0:38:02.720 so it just takes time give yourself give 0:38:01.119,0:38:04.160 yourself permission to take time but 0:38:02.720,0:38:06.320 going back to your business owners right 0:38:04.160,0:38:07.680 like i think a big thing is helping them 0:38:06.320,0:38:09.200 make sure they have lots of credits 0:38:07.680,0:38:11.520 right so that their money they have 0:38:09.200,0:38:13.119 isn't disintegrating like water because 0:38:11.520,0:38:14.480 you're making money and people see oh 0:38:13.119,0:38:16.800 you've got a lot of revenue coming in 0:38:14.480,0:38:18.240 but your expenses are high too right so 0:38:16.800,0:38:19.440 you've got a multi-million dollar 0:38:18.240,0:38:21.520 operation you're a millionaire no it's 0:38:19.440,0:38:23.119 just revenue coming in but my expenses 0:38:21.520,0:38:24.640 are costing it right it's like it's like 0:38:23.119,0:38:26.400 quicksand at that point and you've got 0:38:24.640,0:38:28.400 to keep on becoming efficient and better 0:38:26.400,0:38:30.320 at making that money faster to keep on 0:38:28.400,0:38:31.839 supporting operating costs right so one 0:38:30.320,0:38:33.920 of the things you do is you get a nice 0:38:31.839,0:38:34.960 line of credit to help fund and your 0:38:33.920,0:38:36.880 agency builds that's coming in 0:38:34.960,0:38:39.440 predictable right and internally what do 0:38:36.880,0:38:40.880 you do make sure your accounting team is 0:38:39.440,0:38:42.480 knocking down an agency people's wall so 0:38:40.880,0:38:43.839 that nobody's beyond 90 days right 0:38:42.480,0:38:46.320 making sure you're keeping that tight 0:38:43.839,0:38:49.280 right so that your money kudos to alex 0:38:46.320,0:38:50.480 and neil on my team they killed the game 0:38:49.280,0:38:52.800 you've got to have a great accounting 0:38:50.480,0:38:54.480 team right to keep that in check right 0:38:52.800,0:38:56.160 because now you're keeping that money 0:38:54.480,0:38:57.359 right and now you know what you have and 0:38:56.160,0:38:58.480 maybe every quarter you look at this and 0:38:57.359,0:39:00.160 say okay how much do we have this 0:38:58.480,0:39:01.760 account is it a thousand five thousand 0:39:00.160,0:39:03.040 fifty thousand hundred whatever that is 0:39:01.760,0:39:05.680 and let's keep on building on this 0:39:03.040,0:39:07.119 number like just keep watching it right 0:39:05.680,0:39:09.119 uh and then there's a lot of different 0:39:07.119,0:39:11.760 cool ways you could save money so one 0:39:09.119,0:39:13.040 thing are 401 k plans right like as you 0:39:11.760,0:39:14.400 get bigger you funded through your 0:39:13.040,0:39:16.000 payroll you could save for your 0:39:14.400,0:39:17.119 retirement because you know for us we're 0:39:16.000,0:39:18.640 not getting any younger but you can do 0:39:17.119,0:39:20.079 it through your paycheck right what i 0:39:18.640,0:39:21.280 like about these things at times though 0:39:20.079,0:39:23.680 is that 0:39:21.280,0:39:26.480 it's uh going to get taxed in the future 0:39:23.680,0:39:27.839 but people don't save on their own easy 0:39:26.480,0:39:30.400 the easiest way to save is through the 0:39:27.839,0:39:31.599 paycheck so if you good point and that's 0:39:30.400,0:39:33.760 the biggest thing it's outside out of 0:39:31.599,0:39:35.280 mind exactly so it's like how do we 0:39:33.760,0:39:37.040 create an environment for you to have 0:39:35.280,0:39:38.800 the highest chance of probability of 0:39:37.040,0:39:40.160 saving money before you even get 0:39:38.800,0:39:42.640 yourself that money depositing your bank 0:39:40.160,0:39:44.800 account so save their 401k plan protect 0:39:42.640,0:39:46.320 yourself from yourself right so i saw 0:39:44.800,0:39:47.760 another thing on instagram it's like oh 0:39:46.320,0:39:49.680 you pay tax on it yeah but you would 0:39:47.760,0:39:51.599 never have had that money and then begin 0:39:49.680,0:39:52.800 with yeah so just put yourself in a 0:39:51.599,0:39:54.640 position of success create your 0:39:52.800,0:39:56.560 environment to be successful take that 0:39:54.640,0:39:59.200 money out before you spend it so 401k 0:39:56.560,0:40:01.280 plan is cool it's a great tool to use 0:39:59.200,0:40:03.760 and 10 15 20 30 years you'll have a ton 0:40:01.280,0:40:05.040 of money in there promise you that um 0:40:03.760,0:40:06.880 that's that's probably the biggest thing 0:40:05.040,0:40:08.400 i see people having easiest without a 0:40:06.880,0:40:10.160 lot of savings yeah in about four or 0:40:08.400,0:40:11.839 five years as a business owner if you 0:40:10.160,0:40:13.359 max that out you'll have a hundred grand 0:40:11.839,0:40:15.119 in there in about 45 years i promise you 0:40:13.359,0:40:16.160 that yeah okay the cool thing about that 0:40:15.119,0:40:17.839 though is you've got about a hundred 0:40:16.160,0:40:20.800 grand in there you can borrow half of 0:40:17.839,0:40:22.319 that money 50 grand and if you and your 0:40:20.800,0:40:23.680 siblings are all in the same company you 0:40:22.319,0:40:24.880 could say hey we're going to take out 0:40:23.680,0:40:26.160 some of this money let's buy some real 0:40:24.880,0:40:28.319 estate with this thing and we'll borrow 0:40:26.160,0:40:31.280 from this account so i'll put in money 0:40:28.319,0:40:33.280 tax deducted i'll borrow it tax free and 0:40:31.280,0:40:34.480 i'll buy a president real estate flip it 0:40:33.280,0:40:36.319 not make some more money put that money 0:40:34.480,0:40:37.440 back in there and we keep on doing this 0:40:36.319,0:40:39.040 all over again 0:40:37.440,0:40:40.960 that's a good way to do it let your 0:40:39.040,0:40:42.160 business help you save money but do it 0:40:40.960,0:40:43.839 out of sight out of mind like you're 0:40:42.160,0:40:44.960 saying right yeah so these 401 k plans 0:40:43.839,0:40:46.160 are awesome it just takes a couple of 0:40:44.960,0:40:47.520 years to kind of build a balance in 0:40:46.160,0:40:49.119 there and then you gotta borrow from it 0:40:47.520,0:40:50.160 put the money back in there especially 0:40:49.119,0:40:52.319 as you're just getting started it's 0:40:50.160,0:40:54.560 finding ways to leverage your cash until 0:40:52.319,0:40:56.720 you really get your own working capital 0:40:54.560,0:40:58.240 for yourself right yeah and everybody's 0:40:56.720,0:41:00.160 at a different journey but it's how you 0:40:58.240,0:41:01.920 use these tools along the way they all 0:41:00.160,0:41:04.000 have pros and cons to it that's one of 0:41:01.920,0:41:05.920 the pros into it um we have these 0:41:04.000,0:41:07.359 defined benefit plans there's these 0:41:05.920,0:41:09.119 these life insurance policies out there 0:41:07.359,0:41:11.200 right and you could actually save money 0:41:09.119,0:41:12.480 inside a life insurance policy you could 0:41:11.200,0:41:15.520 pull that money out there's this tax 0:41:12.480,0:41:16.880 code in section 7702 you could actually 0:41:15.520,0:41:18.319 stuff money inside these policies you 0:41:16.880,0:41:19.839 could borrow from it take it out tax 0:41:18.319,0:41:21.680 free a lot of cool things you could do 0:41:19.839,0:41:23.520 with that right um 0:41:21.680,0:41:25.200 so it's got to be designed properly but 0:41:23.520,0:41:27.040 you could use that so people think wow 0:41:25.200,0:41:28.240 that's different uh you have investment 0:41:27.040,0:41:29.599 accounts that are different from like 0:41:28.240,0:41:31.440 cryptocurrencies so right now everybody 0:41:29.599,0:41:33.359 thinks about like cryptocurrency two 0:41:31.440,0:41:35.200 years ago it was like canada stock right 0:41:33.359,0:41:37.599 like yeah you make money fast you lose 0:41:35.200,0:41:39.520 it right well let's not talk about kids 0:41:37.599,0:41:41.200 so it's always going to be like a theme 0:41:39.520,0:41:42.880 right but i say you know investments in 0:41:41.200,0:41:44.960 the market people are like ah i don't 0:41:42.880,0:41:47.200 trust the market over time the market 0:41:44.960,0:41:48.880 just keeps on growing right it's proven 0:41:47.200,0:41:50.480 itself it's proven itself for sure you 0:41:48.880,0:41:52.720 know but it's just got to be in that 0:41:50.480,0:41:54.560 space it's like uh you got to be surfing 0:41:52.720,0:41:56.800 for a long time around the ways but it's 0:41:54.560,0:41:58.480 proven itself strong right um but the 0:41:56.800,0:42:00.160 cool thing is for a lot of our business 0:41:58.480,0:42:01.359 owners what we do now is we'll have an 0:42:00.160,0:42:02.560 investment account and you can actually 0:42:01.359,0:42:04.079 take out a lot of credit on your money 0:42:02.560,0:42:06.319 right that's a nice thing to have 0:42:04.079,0:42:08.079 because line of credit is an under under 0:42:06.319,0:42:10.640 talked about tool for business owners to 0:42:08.079,0:42:12.560 have because for latinos or minorities 0:42:10.640,0:42:14.000 that can see be seen as a bad thing the 0:42:12.560,0:42:16.079 line of credits are very impactful 0:42:14.000,0:42:18.079 things ah dude it's working smooth out 0:42:16.079,0:42:20.160 cash flow it's the best thing that ever 0:42:18.079,0:42:21.599 i mean it yeah i i could see what you 0:42:20.160,0:42:23.280 mean as far as it could be looked at the 0:42:21.599,0:42:25.040 wrong way but if you use it the right 0:42:23.280,0:42:26.640 way it's it is a tool 0:42:25.040,0:42:28.000 we're a pro culture we're a product 0:42:26.640,0:42:30.640 culture right so if you tell anybody i 0:42:28.000,0:42:32.400 got into debt it's a bad thing it's a it 0:42:30.640,0:42:33.920 makes you look bad who gives a [ __ ] 0:42:32.400,0:42:35.119 right but it's a good thing not a debt 0:42:33.920,0:42:36.720 if you don't you if 0:42:35.119,0:42:38.079 you don't want to pull out 0:42:36.720,0:42:39.440 you know it's just smoothing our cash 0:42:38.079,0:42:41.440 flow yeah right it's like yeah i'm gonna 0:42:39.440,0:42:42.839 pull my line but i get this agency was 0:42:41.440,0:42:45.119 like paid 0:42:42.839,0:42:46.800 yeah that's it man and so those are some 0:42:45.119,0:42:48.880 like small little tools you could have 0:42:46.800,0:42:50.960 right maybe a line of credit have a good 0:42:48.880,0:42:52.880 game plan to save some money on the side 0:42:50.960,0:42:55.119 if you can't implement a retirement plan 0:42:52.880,0:42:57.119 to your your business right you can have 0:42:55.119,0:42:58.720 profit sharing plans for your key staff 0:42:57.119,0:43:00.800 keep them in there because the big thing 0:42:58.720,0:43:02.400 i think that i want to help people do is 0:43:00.800,0:43:04.319 empower their staff to be there forever 0:43:02.400,0:43:05.760 because these are incentives right like 0:43:04.319,0:43:08.720 you're talking about like you know this 0:43:05.760,0:43:11.280 labor market is tough so ways to stand 0:43:08.720,0:43:13.040 out is all of these other ways to say 0:43:11.280,0:43:14.640 you're not only going to make salary and 0:43:13.040,0:43:16.240 have health insurance but look at all 0:43:14.640,0:43:18.720 these ways 0:43:16.240,0:43:19.839 if the company succeeds you succeed and 0:43:18.720,0:43:22.160 i think that's a big thing right it's 0:43:19.839,0:43:23.760 like i think as as 0:43:22.160,0:43:26.640 i don't know the ceos or presidents of 0:43:23.760,0:43:27.760 companies we have a little bit of a 0:43:26.640,0:43:30.079 of um 0:43:27.760,0:43:31.680 of an alpha but we love the attention 0:43:30.079,0:43:33.119 like you love that right but you also 0:43:31.680,0:43:34.880 have to deliver to your family you have 0:43:33.119,0:43:36.720 like a lot of stakeholders that you 0:43:34.880,0:43:38.560 actually are leading and they actually 0:43:36.720,0:43:39.839 rely on you so 0:43:38.560,0:43:41.680 you always want i always want to help 0:43:39.839,0:43:43.599 people understand that 0:43:41.680,0:43:44.800 your success that your family members 0:43:43.599,0:43:46.480 also know that they participate in that 0:43:44.800,0:43:48.640 success right that's a big piece that's 0:43:46.480,0:43:50.560 a huge thing right so and they want them 0:43:48.640,0:43:52.160 to know there's a monetary component to 0:43:50.560,0:43:54.000 that right because yeah you're our 0:43:52.160,0:43:55.920 shining star but i'm also taking care of 0:43:54.000,0:43:57.040 you and you're doing that that's awesome 0:43:55.920,0:43:58.800 you know because a lot of people don't 0:43:57.040,0:44:00.240 do that right it's like yes it's my 0:43:58.800,0:44:02.319 success but it's really our success and 0:44:00.240,0:44:03.359 i think when people see that they are 0:44:02.319,0:44:04.720 following you they're gonna they're 0:44:03.359,0:44:06.480 gonna ride you 0:44:04.720,0:44:08.000 forever they're gonna follow you because 0:44:06.480,0:44:09.680 they know you got their back you know 0:44:08.000,0:44:11.760 what i mean and there's tools that are 0:44:09.680,0:44:13.040 there to recruit retain them and also 0:44:11.760,0:44:14.400 give you confidence like yeah i am 0:44:13.040,0:44:15.920 actually helping them out yeah because i 0:44:14.400,0:44:17.200 am doing it and if they stay with me i 0:44:15.920,0:44:18.720 am actually taking care of because even 0:44:17.200,0:44:20.319 as a leader you might be like man am i 0:44:18.720,0:44:21.680 doing the right thing no you do there's 0:44:20.319,0:44:23.359 doubt all the time oh it's because then 0:44:21.680,0:44:24.480 you you always have that one person that 0:44:23.359,0:44:25.520 could say something that you're just 0:44:24.480,0:44:26.960 like 0:44:25.520,0:44:28.800 damn did i really you're right it's 0:44:26.960,0:44:30.160 alone i have to rethink myself like you 0:44:28.800,0:44:32.079 know like i thought i was doing 0:44:30.160,0:44:34.240 everything good but that person just 0:44:32.079,0:44:35.680 said that that makes me think being a 0:44:34.240,0:44:37.119 leader in your space is a very lonely 0:44:35.680,0:44:38.960 world i've found with a lot of my 0:44:37.119,0:44:40.800 business owner clients so i've connected 0:44:38.960,0:44:42.079 with them in a lot of ways but because i 0:44:40.800,0:44:44.319 understand what's keeping you up at 0:44:42.079,0:44:46.079 night and it's a lonely space you know 0:44:44.319,0:44:47.760 um but there's a lot of pressure for you 0:44:46.079,0:44:50.160 to deliver right but there's a lot of 0:44:47.760,0:44:51.599 cool tools in there to give yourself a 0:44:50.160,0:44:52.880 check and say you know what i'm taking 0:44:51.599,0:44:54.400 care of my family and they're awesome be 0:44:52.880,0:44:56.160 good in long run it's not just me 0:44:54.400,0:44:57.680 because i know you got into a space not 0:44:56.160,0:44:59.040 just for yourself yeah you know and 0:44:57.680,0:45:00.800 that's your mission i think one of the 0:44:59.040,0:45:02.560 first times you had to talk i forget one 0:45:00.800,0:45:04.079 of the the number but yeah it said i 0:45:02.560,0:45:06.079 just want to be able to employ 0:45:04.079,0:45:07.599 thousands of people right and that's a 0:45:06.079,0:45:09.200 powerful message right but the most 0:45:07.599,0:45:10.720 important people there are people that 0:45:09.200,0:45:12.160 have helped you grow right yeah you want 0:45:10.720,0:45:14.079 it foundation you want to make sure 0:45:12.160,0:45:15.200 they're secure you know that that they 0:45:14.079,0:45:16.319 could pay their bills they could send 0:45:15.200,0:45:17.440 their kids to the best schools possible 0:45:16.319,0:45:18.720 right yeah so you have all these 0:45:17.440,0:45:20.400 financial instruments that are available 0:45:18.720,0:45:21.920 to people but also for you to be like 0:45:20.400,0:45:23.359 yeah i could hook you up and it's not a 0:45:21.920,0:45:24.560 matter of hook you know it's i'm laying 0:45:23.359,0:45:27.119 a foundation so that you have that 0:45:24.560,0:45:29.599 security for yourself too nice 0:45:27.119,0:45:31.680 well man you guys 0:45:29.599,0:45:32.800 i know talking about numbers and finance 0:45:31.680,0:45:34.960 is you know 0:45:32.800,0:45:37.440 it could get it could bog you down it 0:45:34.960,0:45:39.920 could it's a lot to intake but i hope 0:45:37.440,0:45:42.160 that this conversation that we had um 0:45:39.920,0:45:44.960 just gave you guys some information some 0:45:42.160,0:45:47.040 some nuggets of just good information 0:45:44.960,0:45:50.000 and a wealth of knowledge to understand 0:45:47.040,0:45:52.560 how important finance planning setting 0:45:50.000,0:45:54.640 goals the different instruments 0:45:52.560,0:45:56.160 that especially us right the cleaning 0:45:54.640,0:45:58.480 industry 0:45:56.160,0:45:59.680 business ownership that we can take 0:45:58.480,0:46:01.839 advantage of 0:45:59.680,0:46:04.480 and find your everybody find yourself a 0:46:01.839,0:46:06.240 yulie right everybody needs one right 0:46:04.480,0:46:08.079 it's just important for you to know you 0:46:06.240,0:46:10.400 don't have to do this by yourself you 0:46:08.079,0:46:14.240 have people that could be on your team 0:46:10.400,0:46:15.920 um and support you so julie dude any any 0:46:14.240,0:46:17.520 last minute 0:46:15.920,0:46:18.640 things that you want to share other than 0:46:17.520,0:46:20.319 that 0:46:18.640,0:46:21.680 life is tough as it is i think the 0:46:20.319,0:46:23.200 biggest thing is 0:46:21.680,0:46:24.400 you know don't compare yourself to that 0:46:23.200,0:46:26.720 person that's doing well out of you 0:46:24.400,0:46:28.960 right comparison is a diva joy right 0:46:26.720,0:46:31.280 and progress little by little is 0:46:28.960,0:46:32.480 progress nonetheless right so just take 0:46:31.280,0:46:34.560 one step in the right direction and 0:46:32.480,0:46:36.960 build momentum that's all you focus on 0:46:34.560,0:46:39.040 is one day at a time right so 0:46:36.960,0:46:41.200 don't get caught up in instagram and 0:46:39.040,0:46:43.200 social media where we should be at you 0:46:41.200,0:46:45.680 all have your own journey take your time 0:46:43.200,0:46:47.359 to make progress every day oh man 0:46:45.680,0:46:49.839 cheers buddy cheers 0:46:47.359,0:46:51.599 thank you guys and then also for for 0:46:49.839,0:46:53.040 everybody that's watching if you're cool 0:46:51.599,0:46:56.480 with it we're going to put your linkedin 0:46:53.040,0:46:58.560 yeah and all your social media maybe an 0:46:56.480,0:46:59.920 email as well like just so you guys can 0:46:58.560,0:47:01.119 actually reach out to him it'll be in 0:46:59.920,0:47:02.800 the description down below in the 0:47:01.119,0:47:05.680 youtube channel don't forget to 0:47:02.800,0:47:07.839 subscribe hit that bell um for more and 0:47:05.680,0:47:09.599 more information uh i hope you guys 0:47:07.839,0:47:11.200 enjoy man it's it's 0:47:09.599,0:47:12.480 you know julie doesn't come from the 0:47:11.200,0:47:14.160 cleaning industry 0:47:12.480,0:47:15.040 but he's a business professional that 0:47:14.160,0:47:16.800 helps 0:47:15.040,0:47:18.319 people in the cleaning industry this is 0:47:16.800,0:47:20.480 why i brought you on bro thank you so 0:47:18.319,0:47:22.839 much i appreciate it all right until 0:47:20.480,0:47:25.530 next time guys 0:47:22.839,0:47:28.609 cheers was good 0:47:25.530,0:47:28.609 [Music]