0:00:04.910,0:00:09.150 [Music] 0:00:06.710,0:00:11.429 hey everyone how are you doing my name 0:00:09.150,0:00:13.259 is Ricky regalado the founder of route 0:00:11.429,0:00:14.400 the service platform it's a sales 0:00:13.259,0:00:16.920 platform for the commercial cleaning 0:00:14.400,0:00:18.570 services industry I am also the owner of 0:00:16.920,0:00:21.000 Rose a lot of services a family-owned 0:00:18.570,0:00:23.310 commercial cleaning company so welcome 0:00:21.000,0:00:24.600 to cleaning and cocktails a show where I 0:00:23.310,0:00:27.180 get the opportunity to sit down with 0:00:24.600,0:00:30.179 cleaning industry experts and share 0:00:27.180,0:00:32.520 stories talk shop about the industry so 0:00:30.179,0:00:35.719 grab your cocktail listening and I hope 0:00:32.520,0:00:35.719 you guys enjoy the show everybody 0:00:37.410,0:01:08.700 [Music] 0:00:39.649,0:01:11.610 welcome to another episode of just 0:01:08.700,0:01:13.560 really share stories share ideas share 0:01:11.610,0:01:17.840 visions of what the outlook of our 0:01:13.560,0:01:17.840 industry looks like really just talk to 0:01:18.590,0:01:37.740 let's get right into this alright my 0:01:35.310,0:01:39.900 name is Ricky funk my company's 0:01:37.740,0:01:42.420 dustbusters premium cleaning services 0:01:39.900,0:01:43.950 we've been in Union we've been in the 0:01:42.420,0:01:46.920 business for about three years 0:01:43.950,0:01:48.600 close to three years right before the 0:01:46.920,0:01:51.060 whole covet thing we had about 10 0:01:48.600,0:01:55.439 employees we scale down a bit now we're 0:01:51.060,0:01:57.659 recovering we do both residential and 0:01:55.439,0:02:03.060 commercial I'll talk about that a little 0:01:57.659,0:02:05.460 bit later and 2019 we did 250,000 in 0:02:03.060,0:02:09.390 residential in about 50,000 and 0:02:05.460,0:02:11.120 commercial nice nice good numbers only 0:02:09.390,0:02:14.099 three years into that 0:02:11.120,0:02:16.170 yeah those numbers are for last year our 0:02:14.099,0:02:20.549 second year in business cool 0:02:16.170,0:02:23.549 Carlos woody take it away I'm Carlos 0:02:20.549,0:02:27.230 Mejia my company is premier maids were 0:02:23.549,0:02:29.819 based here in DC in the greater DC area 0:02:27.230,0:02:33.540 I've been in business just over three 0:02:29.819,0:02:40.140 years going yeah just over three years 0:02:33.540,0:02:44.700 and in 2019 we did just over 300,000 in 0:02:40.140,0:02:50.489 sales for residential and commercial we 0:02:44.700,0:02:57.870 did probably roughly 65 to 70 thousand 0:02:50.489,0:02:59.700 give and take right there similar by the 0:02:57.870,0:03:03.659 size of companies similar years in the 0:02:59.700,0:03:04.319 business Ricky has more employees and I 0:03:03.659,0:03:06.810 do actually 0:03:04.319,0:03:12.870 or had before Cova died I'm doing 0:03:06.810,0:03:14.190 everything with seven in pool then we'll 0:03:12.870,0:03:16.470 talk about that too because I think 0:03:14.190,0:03:18.540 that's gonna be just a nugget that I 0:03:16.470,0:03:20.430 want to talk about as far as the 0:03:18.540,0:03:22.410 employee the way employees look at 0:03:20.430,0:03:24.780 residential versus the employees look on 0:03:22.410,0:03:26.639 a commercial side right but before we 0:03:24.780,0:03:32.970 get into commercial let's continue to 0:03:26.639,0:03:34.379 talks about residential because I really 0:03:32.970,0:03:37.709 don't do much other residential side 0:03:34.379,0:03:39.660 guys I you know I do floor services I 0:03:37.709,0:03:40.709 would say that's about the only service 0:03:39.660,0:03:43.260 that I'll provide on the residential 0:03:40.709,0:03:44.609 side so this is gonna be great for me to 0:03:43.260,0:03:46.169 learn what it is to be in the 0:03:44.609,0:03:49.230 residential cleaning industry from you 0:03:46.169,0:03:50.810 guys so why don't we first say Carlos 0:03:49.230,0:03:53.340 what three years ago 0:03:50.810,0:03:55.829 what made you step into because again 0:03:53.340,0:03:57.299 you always hear it right is nobody gets 0:03:55.829,0:03:58.980 out of college graduates and says hey 0:03:57.299,0:04:02.549 I'm gonna open up a cleaning business so 0:03:58.980,0:04:04.079 what what what motivated you or what you 0:04:02.549,0:04:09.780 know was a family was an opportunity 0:04:04.079,0:04:11.370 what got you into residential yeah it's 0:04:09.780,0:04:12.900 a little bit of a combination of family 0:04:11.370,0:04:17.659 and opportunity 0:04:12.900,0:04:20.130 I grew up them I'm very classic 0:04:17.659,0:04:22.440 immigrant story my mom came to the u.s. 0:04:20.130,0:04:24.570 first and she started working for her 0:04:22.440,0:04:26.790 own and 0:04:24.570,0:04:28.050 wanted to retire so she kind of stopped 0:04:26.790,0:04:32.340 cleaning and I had to kind of had that 0:04:28.050,0:04:33.540 back Brown growing up through high 0:04:32.340,0:04:35.970 school and even a little bit in college 0:04:33.540,0:04:39.300 just helping out and in getting to know 0:04:35.970,0:04:42.570 clients and stuff like that so I had 0:04:39.300,0:04:43.890 been working in government in the public 0:04:42.570,0:04:46.650 sector for a little bit 0:04:43.890,0:04:50.420 great enjoyed it but I was always on 0:04:46.650,0:04:53.760 contracts in those and after a while so 0:04:50.420,0:04:57.060 the last contract I had ended and I was 0:04:53.760,0:04:59.970 like well what do I do now and so I 0:04:57.060,0:05:03.330 wanted to just venture out and so I did 0:04:59.970,0:05:04.980 a few other things but I came back to 0:05:03.330,0:05:07.140 residential cleaning and I was like you 0:05:04.980,0:05:08.850 know what I why don't I do this I have 0:05:07.140,0:05:11.730 the background I can always rely on my 0:05:08.850,0:05:14.640 mom do it at that point tired but you 0:05:11.730,0:05:17.910 know I was like why not there's nothing 0:05:14.640,0:05:23.640 stopping me so I did and I started in DC 0:05:17.910,0:05:27.720 that was my first base and I say DC but 0:05:23.640,0:05:30.600 obviously like if anyone's familiar with 0:05:27.720,0:05:31.080 the DC area it you can get to Virginia 0:05:30.600,0:05:33.870 and Maryland 0:05:31.080,0:05:35.750 within minutes so it's not like you're 0:05:33.870,0:05:38.130 driving an hour to a different state but 0:05:35.750,0:05:39.570 so yeah that's how I got into it and 0:05:38.130,0:05:47.210 I've been yeah I've been doing it three 0:05:39.570,0:05:51.690 years now it's interesting but to do Oh 0:05:47.210,0:05:54.300 how many people did clean the house or 0:05:51.690,0:05:56.850 clean during college or even in high 0:05:54.300,0:05:59.160 school like as a part time job or just I 0:05:56.850,0:06:05.490 feel like everybody's done a cleaning 0:05:59.160,0:06:07.500 job everybody Rickey what about you 0:06:05.490,0:06:10.230 what was it residential that you got to 0:06:07.500,0:06:12.720 do first was a commercial or what so we 0:06:10.230,0:06:16.440 got into residential first and I believe 0:06:12.720,0:06:18.600 it's a lot of people do it for a 0:06:16.440,0:06:20.880 necessity you know they start cleaning 0:06:18.600,0:06:23.670 just a house or two and and you know it 0:06:20.880,0:06:26.370 grows to a business we actually decided 0:06:23.670,0:06:28.380 from day one from day zero let's do a 0:06:26.370,0:06:31.010 business we're not just cleaning houses 0:06:28.380,0:06:34.410 we're gonna own a business and I feel 0:06:31.010,0:06:37.500 that residential is the easiest way to 0:06:34.410,0:06:41.160 get into the industry without no 0:06:37.500,0:06:43.020 I feel like if I knew from day zero what 0:06:41.160,0:06:45.390 Intel's commercial and what tells 0:06:43.020,0:06:48.270 residential I would have gone commercial 0:06:45.390,0:06:50.820 from day zero it's just that people 0:06:48.270,0:06:53.100 don't know I didn't know we didn't know 0:06:50.820,0:06:55.020 so we were in residential because it's 0:06:53.100,0:06:59.130 probably the easiest way to get into the 0:06:55.020,0:07:03.270 industry long story short it was 0:06:59.130,0:07:05.010 Christmas 2017 I believe my wife and I 0:07:03.270,0:07:07.110 were so tired my backgrounds in 0:07:05.010,0:07:09.510 technology and I was just tired of 0:07:07.110,0:07:11.670 working for someone else so we said 0:07:09.510,0:07:15.360 let's do our own thing and and we said 0:07:11.670,0:07:17.190 let's do cleaning and two weeks later we 0:07:15.360,0:07:19.470 had all the legality we had everything 0:07:17.190,0:07:21.300 in plays website two weeks later we had 0:07:19.470,0:07:25.140 everything ready and we started our 0:07:21.300,0:07:26.640 business nice why you know what I mean 0:07:25.140,0:07:28.710 you touched on something that you know I 0:07:26.640,0:07:30.150 just I was talking to somebody out here 0:07:28.710,0:07:31.320 in Chicago this guy just started his 0:07:30.150,0:07:33.960 business three months ago 0:07:31.320,0:07:36.150 hit the ground running and he actually 0:07:33.960,0:07:38.400 touched on something that said Rick you 0:07:36.150,0:07:41.190 know I have no business starting a 0:07:38.400,0:07:43.560 company he's like I own ten events for 0:07:41.190,0:07:45.810 many years you know and he was like but 0:07:43.560,0:07:49.020 I'll tell you what there is little to no 0:07:45.810,0:07:50.580 barrier to entry to this just just 0:07:49.020,0:07:53.400 screaming in general right whether it's 0:07:50.580,0:07:55.440 commercial residential but what you said 0:07:53.400,0:07:56.780 about and I saw Carlos smile a little 0:07:55.440,0:07:59.100 bit too is he's probably got a 0:07:56.780,0:08:00.900 perception of residential versus 0:07:59.100,0:08:03.990 commercial as far as what's easier now 0:08:00.900,0:08:05.729 is you know you you I would have thought 0:08:03.990,0:08:06.810 to that I'll resurrect so it's easy to 0:08:05.729,0:08:09.390 find somebody that needs their house 0:08:06.810,0:08:12.660 clean Oh get that one get another one 0:08:09.390,0:08:14.640 get the next-door neighbor I I've done 0:08:12.660,0:08:17.300 residential that dumb commercial I gotta 0:08:14.640,0:08:20.310 say residential is talk you know like 0:08:17.300,0:08:22.190 expectations is a different beast when 0:08:20.310,0:08:24.750 it comes to residential or commercial 0:08:22.190,0:08:26.729 and you get the feeling sometimes like 0:08:24.750,0:08:30.620 it's not there they're building you know 0:08:26.729,0:08:30.620 it's not their office you know a lot of 0:08:30.650,0:08:35.370 residential that's their home 0:08:32.760,0:08:37.650 you know like they've got certain 0:08:35.370,0:08:39.060 expectations there so it to me it was 0:08:37.650,0:08:41.250 scary I think he try to get into 0:08:39.060,0:08:43.440 residential so I you know kudos to you 0:08:41.250,0:08:47.300 guys for both starting and residential 0:08:43.440,0:08:49.209 cuz I think you learned cleaning 0:08:47.300,0:08:52.240 commercial it's like 0:08:49.209,0:08:56.470 yes it's open spaces to me at easy right 0:08:52.240,0:08:58.509 but as far as residential guys I think 0:08:56.470,0:09:02.019 you guys would be great to break this 0:08:58.509,0:09:03.670 down for me is when somebody when 0:09:02.019,0:09:07.839 somebody wins of one client I don't they 0:09:03.670,0:09:09.459 went five or ten or eleven I mean you're 0:09:07.839,0:09:11.110 what is the frequency like for 0:09:09.459,0:09:14.519 residential you know is it one time a 0:09:11.110,0:09:17.110 week that you're servicing these clients 0:09:14.519,0:09:19.420 once a week or is there a month or how 0:09:17.110,0:09:22.059 does the how does a single-family 0:09:19.420,0:09:24.850 three-bedroom house frequency of the 0:09:22.059,0:09:27.730 cleaning look like usually it will be 0:09:24.850,0:09:30.519 for us at least it's every two weeks we 0:09:27.730,0:09:33.069 do have weekly clients bi-weekly monthly 0:09:30.519,0:09:35.290 you know once in a while but probably 0:09:33.069,0:09:38.199 the most common is every two weeks and 0:09:35.290,0:09:39.670 that's I don't want to get ahead of 0:09:38.199,0:09:41.439 myself but that's a big difference with 0:09:39.670,0:09:44.889 commercial that a lot of people don't 0:09:41.439,0:09:46.660 seem to get the the price commercial as 0:09:44.889,0:09:48.970 residential when they don't seem to 0:09:46.660,0:09:51.100 understand the volume of ours that's a 0:09:48.970,0:09:53.499 big difference so you can you can lower 0:09:51.100,0:09:55.689 you cost because you're gonna make a lot 0:09:53.499,0:09:58.420 more hours in commercial so I'm sorry 0:09:55.689,0:10:00.369 I'm getting ahead of myself but uh like 0:09:58.420,0:10:02.199 that's the biggest difference on 0:10:00.369,0:10:04.209 residential and commercial related to 0:10:02.199,0:10:05.529 pricing and people don't seem to get 0:10:04.209,0:10:07.660 that especially coming from the 0:10:05.529,0:10:10.299 residential side they still want to 0:10:07.660,0:10:12.639 charge those prices and obviously 0:10:10.299,0:10:16.509 they're not gonna get a lot of contracts 0:10:12.639,0:10:17.949 they just pricing it wrong yeah so so 0:10:16.509,0:10:22.059 Carlos talking about pricing for 0:10:17.949,0:10:23.970 residential right how Ricky said it's 0:10:22.059,0:10:26.019 more expensive in your in your 0:10:23.970,0:10:28.990 situations do you see that same thing 0:10:26.019,0:10:31.059 like his residential a higher priced 0:10:28.990,0:10:35.110 because it's low frequency or because of 0:10:31.059,0:10:39.369 the expectations that my client has so 0:10:35.110,0:10:42.069 because of the expectation so you I mean 0:10:39.369,0:10:43.929 in my in my experience you you know like 0:10:42.069,0:10:47.649 Ricky said you go into a commercial 0:10:43.929,0:10:50.259 account and you bill on the frequency 0:10:47.649,0:10:52.799 and you you know you make money on the 0:10:50.259,0:10:55.049 billable hours as opposed to a 0:10:52.799,0:10:56.980 residential account you have 0:10:55.049,0:10:59.379 expectations you have nothing you don't 0:10:56.980,0:11:01.870 in commercial but you have set 0:10:59.379,0:11:03.310 expectations every time you go in and it 0:11:01.870,0:11:05.920 has to be done this way 0:11:03.310,0:11:09.490 and sometimes those explanations rotate 0:11:05.920,0:11:14.319 because you know they're renovating the 0:11:09.490,0:11:18.819 bathroom so now you have to redo the 0:11:14.319,0:11:20.709 entire kitchen and and/or skip that area 0:11:18.819,0:11:22.420 and so now you now you have to like work 0:11:20.709,0:11:26.050 around stuff like that where in 0:11:22.420,0:11:28.899 commercial you have less surprises I 0:11:26.050,0:11:32.589 would want to say and so you now you 0:11:28.899,0:11:34.600 have to kind of make up for lost time or 0:11:32.589,0:11:36.399 even at a time in residential wearing 0:11:34.600,0:11:39.399 commercial you you're you have what 0:11:36.399,0:11:41.559 you're doing and you're doing it and you 0:11:39.399,0:11:43.809 let's say the frequency is three times a 0:11:41.559,0:11:46.120 week or four times a week you know the 0:11:43.809,0:11:50.309 the more you're doing it the easier it 0:11:46.120,0:11:54.490 becomes and you can rotate those 0:11:50.309,0:11:58.149 expectations or tasks basically yeah 0:11:54.490,0:12:00.579 it's crazy like we have we have one of 0:11:58.149,0:12:03.189 the one of our team members on the 0:12:00.579,0:12:05.079 editorial side cleans our apartment my 0:12:03.189,0:12:08.410 wife and I and she's there once a week 0:12:05.079,0:12:09.970 right but it's like well I'll catch my 0:12:08.410,0:12:12.160 wife because she was the head trainer 0:12:09.970,0:12:14.800 you know the inspector or the bulldog 0:12:12.160,0:12:16.990 and I'll couch capture like moving 0:12:14.800,0:12:18.879 things and you know moving the move the 0:12:16.990,0:12:20.470 couch moving the table wood I'm like you 0:12:18.879,0:12:22.569 know when you look at it she's like why 0:12:20.470,0:12:23.529 you know I expected this to be moved I 0:12:22.569,0:12:26.079 want to make sure it wasn't moved I'm 0:12:23.529,0:12:28.720 like holy crap if my commercial client 0:12:26.079,0:12:31.689 did that for everything every corner 0:12:28.720,0:12:35.949 every desk every chair I mean yeah it's 0:12:31.689,0:12:38.620 that's why I get it it's amazing when I 0:12:35.949,0:12:45.329 see presidential orders scale regrow 0:12:38.620,0:12:45.329 because it just one thing one clients so 0:12:50.100,0:12:54.790 I'm gonna ask a lot of questions you 0:12:52.319,0:12:59.170 know the Barbie is with questions but 0:12:54.790,0:13:01.809 let's not let's let's go to Ricky but 0:12:59.170,0:13:03.999 how did the feeling go for when you are 0:13:01.809,0:13:05.800 doing residential the whole time and you 0:13:03.999,0:13:08.470 had your foot so was it that your first 0:13:05.800,0:13:09.279 commercial contract opportunity did you 0:13:08.470,0:13:11.889 go look for it 0:13:09.279,0:13:14.439 did it come I did a fall in your lap how 0:13:11.889,0:13:16.959 did the first commercial contract how 0:13:14.439,0:13:20.199 did that go so 0:13:16.959,0:13:21.699 let me give you a bit of context when we 0:13:20.199,0:13:23.470 open our business I was the one in 0:13:21.699,0:13:27.309 charge of Lewin estimates and all that 0:13:23.470,0:13:29.470 for residential and I'm a bit of a shy 0:13:27.309,0:13:31.899 person you know their business actually 0:13:29.470,0:13:34.209 helped me out to get out of that cocoon 0:13:31.899,0:13:37.420 that protection you know then I put 0:13:34.209,0:13:40.749 myself in but I'm naturally a bit shy so 0:13:37.420,0:13:42.610 I can tell you even I guess that 0:13:40.749,0:13:45.129 residential kind of prepared me for the 0:13:42.610,0:13:47.709 commercial because at first I was like 0:13:45.129,0:13:49.569 sweating like it was I was embarrassed 0:13:47.709,0:13:51.160 to go you know knocking on someone's 0:13:49.569,0:13:55.119 door and you know even though they they 0:13:51.160,0:13:56.860 call us to ask for an estimate but for 0:13:55.119,0:13:58.809 common commercial I think the 0:13:56.860,0:14:03.220 residential kind of you know put me on 0:13:58.809,0:14:05.589 the right track I'll be honest probably 0:14:03.220,0:14:08.980 the first couple of contracts I didn't 0:14:05.589,0:14:11.800 know what I know now now I can just walk 0:14:08.980,0:14:13.149 in and and be honest and sell it and and 0:14:11.800,0:14:15.910 tell them you know what we do how much 0:14:13.149,0:14:17.290 blah blah and it's all good but at the 0:14:15.910,0:14:18.910 beginning it was difficult it was 0:14:17.290,0:14:21.970 difficult because there's a big 0:14:18.910,0:14:23.620 difference on on the scope of work that 0:14:21.970,0:14:25.149 that's the biggest difference and and 0:14:23.620,0:14:26.740 that's something that rouse actually 0:14:25.149,0:14:29.709 helped me a lot even with the default 0:14:26.740,0:14:32.139 scope of work that gave me an idea I was 0:14:29.709,0:14:35.069 like oh okay so okay I get it 0:14:32.139,0:14:38.439 so this what's supposed to be done right 0:14:35.069,0:14:40.749 and because it's completely different 0:14:38.439,0:14:41.290 from from residential it's it's a big 0:14:40.749,0:14:43.029 difference 0:14:41.290,0:14:44.709 what you doing commercial and what you 0:14:43.029,0:14:45.839 doing residential to different 0:14:44.709,0:14:49.749 businesses 0:14:45.839,0:14:51.819 so yeah it's it was it was scary until I 0:14:49.749,0:14:53.230 actually got the knowledge and and now 0:14:51.819,0:14:54.459 I'm I'm good with that but at the 0:14:53.230,0:14:57.009 beginning it was a bit scary you know 0:14:54.459,0:15:02.199 walking into a commercial place yeah I 0:14:57.009,0:15:08.860 mean it's it's confidence regardless 0:15:02.199,0:15:15.790 what about you the first commercial 0:15:08.860,0:15:17.649 contract look for you surely I want to 0:15:15.790,0:15:19.209 say basically fell in my lap I mean a 0:15:17.649,0:15:21.490 client 0:15:19.209,0:15:24.850 Russell intro client that I that I we 0:15:21.490,0:15:26.559 did work for they owned a an office 0:15:24.850,0:15:29.529 space and they were like hey I have a 0:15:26.559,0:15:30.760 tenant moving out and we want to start 0:15:29.529,0:15:33.280 servicing that 0:15:30.760,0:15:37.390 with frequency because it just seems 0:15:33.280,0:15:38.590 that the you know medical space there 0:15:37.390,0:15:40.270 weren't a doctor or anything but they 0:15:38.590,0:15:41.710 did medical work I think they were just 0:15:40.270,0:15:43.270 imaging or something but they still had 0:15:41.710,0:15:45.130 a lot of foot traffic and it was just 0:15:43.270,0:15:47.610 always a mess so they were like hey I'll 0:15:45.130,0:15:50.020 just you know bill it to them and 0:15:47.610,0:15:52.330 included in the in the the lease 0:15:50.020,0:15:54.030 agreement it has to get serviced you 0:15:52.330,0:15:56.620 know three times a week with janitorial 0:15:54.030,0:15:58.810 service and so you know can you come out 0:15:56.620,0:16:01.060 deep clean it and then give me a quote 0:15:58.810,0:16:04.750 for ongoing service I said absolutely 0:16:01.060,0:16:12.850 and so that's that's what I that's how I 0:16:04.750,0:16:15.820 came about I mean that's a great point 0:16:12.850,0:16:18.070 so I was I was going to say I would 0:16:15.820,0:16:21.760 assume these residential clients they 0:16:18.070,0:16:24.700 could be CEOs they could be facilities 0:16:21.760,0:16:26.050 you don't know really who they are so if 0:16:24.700,0:16:27.880 you're putting your best foot forward 0:16:26.050,0:16:30.160 and you're doing a good job with the 0:16:27.880,0:16:32.740 residential I can only imagine what they 0:16:30.160,0:16:35.620 would say oh man you know Carlos is 0:16:32.740,0:16:46.960 great I'm just look what just happened 0:16:35.620,0:16:49.270 they were serviced so it doesn't it ends 0:16:46.960,0:16:57.460 up turning out that these people are in 0:16:49.270,0:17:04.180 a commercial office business or they are 0:16:57.460,0:17:12.520 the business come from a good job you 0:17:04.180,0:17:15.070 cut out a little bit but let me know if 0:17:12.520,0:17:17.020 I cut out okay I think Ricky you were 0:17:15.070,0:17:20.079 asking about if we actually got clients 0:17:17.020,0:17:21.610 from the residential side to the 0:17:20.079,0:17:29.320 commercial correct you know because they 0:17:21.610,0:17:31.330 could be owners of okay correct on my 0:17:29.320,0:17:34.540 case it might be a little bit different 0:17:31.330,0:17:37.360 than most people just because we leave 0:17:34.540,0:17:39.520 right next with the biggest retired 0:17:37.360,0:17:42.180 community in the United States about a 0:17:39.520,0:17:44.320 hundred 150 thousand people they live in 0:17:42.180,0:17:46.720 the city right next door 0:17:44.320,0:17:50.769 so you know that they don't really have 0:17:46.720,0:17:52.889 a business per se they're retired but it 0:17:50.769,0:17:56.409 happened occasionally not a lot 0:17:52.889,0:17:57.940 occasionally we did get some leads from 0:17:56.409,0:17:59.380 the residential through the commercial 0:17:57.940,0:18:00.880 side okay 0:17:59.380,0:18:02.830 Carlos what about mean I know you said 0:18:00.880,0:18:05.830 your first contract ended up being that 0:18:02.830,0:18:08.289 way but what about other opportunities 0:18:05.830,0:18:10.809 did they come out just because you're 0:18:08.289,0:18:13.870 cleaning the space of a business owner 0:18:10.809,0:18:20.500 or you know executive that can call the 0:18:13.870,0:18:22.870 shots or commercial contracts from I 0:18:20.500,0:18:24.220 mean they've been from clients that are 0:18:22.870,0:18:26.799 on the residential side but they're not 0:18:24.220,0:18:29.919 the decision-makers and but they're like 0:18:26.799,0:18:31.299 hey like I you know I was talking to my 0:18:29.919,0:18:36.809 manager and we were just complaining 0:18:31.299,0:18:38.710 about the cleaning service do you do 0:18:36.809,0:18:39.879 commercial can you come out and take a 0:18:38.710,0:18:41.740 look at I'll set you up with an 0:18:39.879,0:18:44.860 appointment so they've provided leads 0:18:41.740,0:18:46.600 like very warm leads for me so doesn't 0:18:44.860,0:18:48.429 happen I think that's only happened four 0:18:46.600,0:18:51.299 or five times and if I have those 0:18:48.429,0:18:51.299 accounts so 0:18:57.110,0:19:02.180 Oh Ricky you guys were awesome Ricky you 0:18:59.510,0:19:04.870 touch someone's I said so you touch that 0:19:02.180,0:19:08.600 one right as far and you hear me now 0:19:04.870,0:19:11.600 yeah okay so we touched on one major 0:19:08.600,0:19:14.000 difference scope of work right as far as 0:19:11.600,0:19:17.450 resonant to the commercial what would be 0:19:14.000,0:19:20.180 another difference then you guys have 0:19:17.450,0:19:22.850 felt coming from the residential side to 0:19:20.180,0:19:29.620 commercial side so they did the only 0:19:22.850,0:19:32.900 difference is everything that's you know 0:19:29.620,0:19:34.340 for me I see this you know because 0:19:32.900,0:19:36.650 people think about cleaning so they 0:19:34.340,0:19:39.430 think about it's about the same the best 0:19:36.650,0:19:42.740 way for me to explain it is the guy that 0:19:39.430,0:19:45.020 puts your roof and the guy that probably 0:19:42.740,0:19:47.990 puts you know electrical outlets 0:19:45.020,0:19:49.970 throughout your home so it's you know 0:19:47.990,0:19:52.820 it's related but I see it as two 0:19:49.970,0:19:54.830 different businesses the way you the way 0:19:52.820,0:19:55.580 you charge it's completely different for 0:19:54.830,0:19:58.160 me 0:19:55.580,0:20:02.600 the scope of work then way you manage 0:19:58.160,0:20:05.920 the business I mean I learned through 0:20:02.600,0:20:08.180 Armando you know a friend of yours that 0:20:05.920,0:20:09.950 about the janitorial closet because I 0:20:08.180,0:20:11.870 thought okay so it's just like a 0:20:09.950,0:20:13.190 residential I need trucks and in company 0:20:11.870,0:20:16.280 vehicles so they can go and bring 0:20:13.190,0:20:18.620 everything blah blah and then when when 0:20:16.280,0:20:20.300 I visited Russell Otto and browse he's 0:20:18.620,0:20:22.280 like no you know that there you leave 0:20:20.300,0:20:27.080 everything at at their location you just 0:20:22.280,0:20:30.200 asked for a closet I'm like something so 0:20:27.080,0:20:32.750 simple and that's why that's why I said 0:20:30.200,0:20:34.780 you know when you just want to get into 0:20:32.750,0:20:36.590 the industry without any knowledge 0:20:34.780,0:20:38.300 residential is much easier than 0:20:36.590,0:20:40.730 commercial just because you don't know 0:20:38.300,0:20:42.620 how commercial it's done because once I 0:20:40.730,0:20:45.080 for example I learned that little piece 0:20:42.620,0:20:47.630 of information I was like oh my god it's 0:20:45.080,0:20:47.930 so easy you have everything set up over 0:20:47.630,0:20:50.990 there 0:20:47.930,0:20:54.050 you just need to find two three clients 0:20:50.990,0:20:57.350 for your employee and the way that I set 0:20:54.050,0:21:00.860 it up is I do try to have one employee 0:20:57.350,0:21:04.340 per facility so it becomes their 0:21:00.860,0:21:06.380 facility in a way and once I find 0:21:04.340,0:21:08.600 depending on on how many hours you know 0:21:06.380,0:21:08.920 some people one two visits a week three 0:21:08.600,0:21:11.440 visit 0:21:08.920,0:21:13.270 a week so I feel like with two three 0:21:11.440,0:21:16.240 clients I can have a full-time employee 0:21:13.270,0:21:20.290 busy and then I move on to the next one 0:21:16.240,0:21:21.880 so going back to your question I feel 0:21:20.290,0:21:24.510 like everything is different on 0:21:21.880,0:21:26.500 comparing residential to commercial 0:21:24.510,0:21:29.650 Carlos what about you what are some 0:21:26.500,0:21:33.970 differences you saw I have to agree 0:21:29.650,0:21:34.780 I mean it's it's like it's a whole 0:21:33.970,0:21:37.750 different beast 0:21:34.780,0:21:41.110 I mean it's cleaning but completely 0:21:37.750,0:21:43.750 different and you know this scope of 0:21:41.110,0:21:48.580 work is it's so it's like the brain of 0:21:43.750,0:21:52.270 the of a computer like CPU you know 0:21:48.580,0:21:54.340 that's basically what leads our business 0:21:52.270,0:21:56.350 in our services it's the scope of work 0:21:54.340,0:21:59.590 that's what we base our pricing on 0:21:56.350,0:22:02.770 that's what we base our training on and 0:21:59.590,0:22:05.290 you don't really have that in mates in 0:22:02.770,0:22:07.390 residential cleaning you have what you 0:22:05.290,0:22:09.970 do and the clients either won it or 0:22:07.390,0:22:11.560 don't but you know you coming from a 0:22:09.970,0:22:14.710 commercial side the client tells you 0:22:11.560,0:22:20.350 what they want and how often they want 0:22:14.710,0:22:22.780 it that's just the interesting part man 0:22:20.350,0:22:23.830 is like brother because residential yeah 0:22:22.780,0:22:25.360 I mean it's a one-bedroom it's a 0:22:23.830,0:22:26.860 two-bedroom it's a three-bedroom but 0:22:25.360,0:22:41.290 they're all the same the tasks are the 0:22:26.860,0:22:43.420 same right this is me assuming I got rid 0:22:41.290,0:22:44.500 of them I found them they took too much 0:22:43.420,0:22:47.170 time and you're talking about the 0:22:44.500,0:22:49.240 initial walkthrough no yes we used to 0:22:47.170,0:22:51.130 and I used to tell people you know on 0:22:49.240,0:22:52.870 Facebook you have to you have to see 0:22:51.130,0:22:55.210 what's the current state and blah blah 0:22:52.870,0:22:57.040 blah and I realized you know what I 0:22:55.210,0:23:00.010 don't need to do that you know we set up 0:22:57.040,0:23:01.750 a price we send our employees that take 0:23:00.010,0:23:03.040 care of it we do a walkthrough at the 0:23:01.750,0:23:05.110 end of the cleaning making sure that the 0:23:03.040,0:23:09.460 client is happy done move on to the next 0:23:05.110,0:23:11.680 one and we were partly personally we 0:23:09.460,0:23:15.240 were able to accomplish that through our 0:23:11.680,0:23:17.950 online booking system that helps a lot 0:23:15.240,0:23:20.620 but yeah we got rid of them I don't know 0:23:17.950,0:23:22.750 about Carlos yeah I'm from when I 0:23:20.620,0:23:25.600 started my business I 0:23:22.750,0:23:28.330 I would never do in home estimates not 0:23:25.600,0:23:30.340 because there they can be good you can 0:23:28.330,0:23:32.860 learn information you can maybe have a 0:23:30.340,0:23:34.780 better success rate and closing deal but 0:23:32.860,0:23:38.110 they're time-consuming like Greggy said 0:23:34.780,0:23:40.480 and if you praise price it outright you 0:23:38.110,0:23:43.060 can still deliver a high quality service 0:23:40.480,0:23:45.720 that meets the expectations of the 0:23:43.060,0:23:48.190 client without having to do the initial 0:23:45.720,0:23:50.920 in-home estimate so I never did them 0:23:48.190,0:23:53.950 I've always thought online booking and 0:23:50.920,0:23:55.660 it's worked for me and you know what 0:23:53.950,0:23:59.080 when you guys talk about booking that 0:23:55.660,0:24:01.090 that strikes another chord for me on it 0:23:59.080,0:24:04.000 was it was amazing for me to see that 0:24:01.090,0:24:05.800 and the residential side you guys could 0:24:04.000,0:24:08.380 literally on your website set up a 0:24:05.800,0:24:11.170 calendar and be booked for services 0:24:08.380,0:24:13.510 nowhere for commercial you can't do that 0:24:11.170,0:24:16.540 that's not possible like you you could 0:24:13.510,0:24:19.590 to an extent I guess but the calendar 0:24:16.540,0:24:22.480 changes every day for us right and we do 0:24:19.590,0:24:24.460 accounts to do it five days a week three 0:24:22.480,0:24:27.130 days a week four days a week my whole 0:24:24.460,0:24:29.980 goal is to be fixed right to have a 0:24:27.130,0:24:32.350 concrete schedule where when I see 0:24:29.980,0:24:33.490 residential websites man they got they 0:24:32.350,0:24:35.470 got everything they need they're like 0:24:33.490,0:24:38.410 you could book the service arrive 0:24:35.470,0:24:44.440 on-site perform a service swipe a credit 0:24:38.410,0:24:49.120 card boom you're done but there's a big 0:24:44.440,0:24:51.460 difference in in just give an example in 0:24:49.120,0:24:52.420 my second year I did two fifty thousand 0:24:51.460,0:24:54.640 two hundred fifty thousand in 0:24:52.420,0:24:56.890 residential and I know it I know a 0:24:54.640,0:24:58.990 company that you probably heard of Ricky 0:24:56.890,0:25:00.700 that did in their second year you they 0:24:58.990,0:25:04.660 also did two hundred fifty thousand and 0:25:00.700,0:25:06.880 commercial with 15 clients one five we 0:25:04.660,0:25:10.270 did the same two hundred fifty thousand 0:25:06.880,0:25:13.870 we residential with 150 so you can 0:25:10.270,0:25:16.930 actually dedicate a lot more time to a 0:25:13.870,0:25:19.960 commercial client a lot more assets a 0:25:16.930,0:25:21.370 lot more resources because the contract 0:25:19.960,0:25:23.560 is gonna be much bigger than a 0:25:21.370,0:25:26.320 residential and and again that comes 0:25:23.560,0:25:27.970 back to the volume of ours that that's a 0:25:26.320,0:25:30.640 big difference in commercial and 0:25:27.970,0:25:32.230 residential that because Carlos to suck 0:25:30.640,0:25:33.670 in debt or follow that up again you're 0:25:32.230,0:25:35.890 in inside on the two because I got a 0:25:33.670,0:25:37.360 feel 0:25:35.890,0:25:40.780 you know that whether it takes less 0:25:37.360,0:25:43.240 clients for me right like I and I'll 0:25:40.780,0:25:44.950 generate revenue but I'll have less 0:25:43.240,0:25:48.610 amount of them I want to say headaches 0:25:44.950,0:25:51.520 but just operational you know just 0:25:48.610,0:25:53.860 operational issues running to my clients 0:25:51.520,0:25:56.200 where if I have a hundred you know 0:25:53.860,0:25:57.850 residential like I could see where 0:25:56.200,0:26:00.640 that's why I started telling people 0:25:57.850,0:26:03.160 there has been you should think about 0:26:00.640,0:26:06.370 commercial to kind of diversify and 0:26:03.160,0:26:08.500 offset some operation you know Carlos I 0:26:06.370,0:26:10.410 do look at it that way too like did you 0:26:08.500,0:26:13.360 was that a good analogy for you to see 0:26:10.410,0:26:15.549 how many residential clients it may take 0:26:13.360,0:26:22.660 to equal a low amount of commercial 0:26:15.549,0:26:24.280 clients but the same revenue so I it 0:26:22.660,0:26:27.429 2010 reach you brought up that example 0:26:24.280,0:26:29.980 because I when I saw that I was like 0:26:27.429,0:26:33.520 you've got the beginning me like I have 0:26:29.980,0:26:38.200 to work three times as hard and have 0:26:33.520,0:26:39.700 more stress in training in just ordering 0:26:38.200,0:26:41.530 supplies and it's just like I said 0:26:39.700,0:26:45.040 earlier it's a scheduling nightmare when 0:26:41.530,0:26:51.610 you have 150 residential clients that 0:26:45.040,0:26:53.650 all one fridays and so this when when 0:26:51.610,0:26:58.120 you provide a cleaning service to a 0:26:53.650,0:27:00.010 office yeah you're you're making more 0:26:58.120,0:27:02.530 money because you're there more often 0:27:00.010,0:27:04.630 obviously but if you're providing a 0:27:02.530,0:27:06.429 service and it's consistent because you 0:27:04.630,0:27:08.950 have the same staff or you try to have 0:27:06.429,0:27:11.260 the same staff member you're there with 0:27:08.950,0:27:13.660 frequency and you know you have 0:27:11.260,0:27:16.360 everything you need there and there is 0:27:13.660,0:27:18.490 no logistic all right we need to be at 0:27:16.360,0:27:21.070 the office at 7:00 pick up the car put 0:27:18.490,0:27:23.290 up supplies and you you're at the client 0:27:21.070,0:27:25.179 site eight you worked it for four hours 0:27:23.290,0:27:28.000 and come back and drop off everything 0:27:25.179,0:27:29.980 and then repeat no you you have the 0:27:28.000,0:27:31.630 janitor's closet which is like a gem 0:27:29.980,0:27:34.210 right and you have things delivered 0:27:31.630,0:27:36.540 there in terms of supplies if you need 0:27:34.210,0:27:39.640 to and your employee shows up there and 0:27:36.540,0:27:41.500 clocks it in and then is done clocks out 0:27:39.640,0:27:46.000 and goes home and repeats the next day 0:27:41.500,0:27:48.490 so it's less logistic nightmares like 0:27:46.000,0:27:49.540 you said Ricky and it's just so much 0:27:48.490,0:27:51.730 better 0:27:49.540,0:27:53.500 I mean think about the from an 0:27:51.730,0:27:55.330 operational standpoint you guys to 0:27:53.500,0:27:59.020 that's why you know again commercial for 0:27:55.330,0:28:00.430 me was just it allowed me to build a 0:27:59.020,0:28:03.310 company right it allowed me to 0:28:00.430,0:28:04.720 understand different departments yes we 0:28:03.310,0:28:06.340 all have to do you guys probably have 0:28:04.720,0:28:09.010 done every department yourselves first 0:28:06.340,0:28:11.470 right but it goes back to do it yourself 0:28:09.010,0:28:13.690 first to then go and find that 0:28:11.470,0:28:14.980 accounting payable or receivables person 0:28:13.690,0:28:17.770 you know you have to do the employee 0:28:14.980,0:28:20.110 first right go find the person that 0:28:17.770,0:28:21.730 order supplies better than you so that's 0:28:20.110,0:28:24.370 like it's like you start to plug people 0:28:21.730,0:28:26.350 in different positions with commercial 0:28:24.370,0:28:28.540 when you win large the commercial 0:28:26.350,0:28:39.880 clients that's when I saw gave me the 0:28:28.540,0:28:44.280 ability to build client it might be well 0:28:39.880,0:28:47.140 claimed you don't really need much staff 0:28:44.280,0:28:49.210 full-time but then you say man if I win 0:28:47.140,0:28:51.250 two or three more of those I can 0:28:49.210,0:28:53.500 actually hire supervisor I can actually 0:28:51.250,0:28:55.750 hire an inspector I could spend more 0:28:53.500,0:28:59.050 time on my business so that's my biggest 0:28:55.750,0:29:00.550 I think that was my biggest challenge 0:28:59.050,0:29:03.070 with residential when I was like man 0:29:00.550,0:29:05.080 it's it's teams like I have to I have to 0:29:03.070,0:29:06.970 have hundreds of clients to reach where 0:29:05.080,0:29:10.090 I want to go to so I'm just gonna go 0:29:06.970,0:29:11.920 commercial right but commercial has its 0:29:10.090,0:29:13.570 own issues to that I think what we 0:29:11.920,0:29:15.580 should do is help people that are 0:29:13.570,0:29:18.760 residential prepare for that which 0:29:15.580,0:29:19.990 Carlos suit up son thank you I got a 0:29:18.760,0:29:22.210 believe the residential you guys are 0:29:19.990,0:29:27.670 really not using a cocking clock on 0:29:22.210,0:29:30.370 system right we we do okay well yeah 0:29:27.670,0:29:37.210 just just to have an idea where our 0:29:30.370,0:29:39.670 employees are we just basically start 0:29:37.210,0:29:40.990 and end between houses you know when you 0:29:39.670,0:29:43.090 start Lee and when you're done cleaning 0:29:40.990,0:29:47.380 with a house just to make sure that 0:29:43.090,0:29:49.660 they're on time and all that we don't 0:29:47.380,0:29:52.240 really pay much attention than that it's 0:29:49.660,0:29:56.200 just to have an idea where employees are 0:29:52.240,0:29:57.850 at the moment more or less not where you 0:29:56.200,0:30:01.450 know for payment 0:29:57.850,0:30:04.550 related things I don't 0:30:01.450,0:30:06.940 no I don't do hourly charges either so 0:30:04.550,0:30:09.410 it's like Ricky said it's more for 0:30:06.940,0:30:11.270 keeping them in track and making sure 0:30:09.410,0:30:13.370 we're on time to our appointments and if 0:30:11.270,0:30:17.050 they're delayed we can get ahead of the 0:30:13.370,0:30:20.780 issue by notifying the client actually 0:30:17.050,0:30:23.840 guys is it common for residential to 0:30:20.780,0:30:25.070 just do like a allotted price for a 0:30:23.840,0:30:28.130 one-bedroom loader price for a 0:30:25.070,0:30:30.140 two-bedroom we're in commercial you 0:30:28.130,0:30:32.540 probably price hourly or a per square 0:30:30.140,0:30:35.030 feet to get to the to the end price 0:30:32.540,0:30:39.590 right you guys are do you're not 0:30:35.030,0:30:42.350 charging per hour right no we so we we 0:30:39.590,0:30:43.880 have a flat rate and we even have it on 0:30:42.350,0:30:45.559 our website you know you can pick and 0:30:43.880,0:30:49.070 choose what you want it will cleave you 0:30:45.559,0:30:51.500 a flat rate we do only charge hourly but 0:30:49.070,0:30:53.179 only if it's something is special you 0:30:51.500,0:30:55.100 know on the residential side that we 0:30:53.179,0:30:56.780 have you know and we're I'm honest with 0:30:55.100,0:30:58.550 a with a client I tell them you know 0:30:56.780,0:31:00.590 what we have no idea how long it's gonna 0:30:58.550,0:31:03.520 take because it's a special special 0:31:00.590,0:31:06.020 scenario so let's just do it hourly 0:31:03.520,0:31:08.300 contrary to commercial as you know which 0:31:06.020,0:31:10.820 is do it we just do it hourly on 0:31:08.300,0:31:13.490 commercial and I might do it a bit 0:31:10.820,0:31:17.840 different than then other commercial 0:31:13.490,0:31:21.559 companies we we we do it hourly and we 0:31:17.840,0:31:23.300 basically we do a contract estimating 0:31:21.559,0:31:25.640 the hours but we don't go by the 0:31:23.300,0:31:27.410 contract so what we do at the end of the 0:31:25.640,0:31:29.120 month I'll charge you for whatever time 0:31:27.410,0:31:32.240 we spent at your facility no more no 0:31:29.120,0:31:34.700 less and I feel like that has helped me 0:31:32.240,0:31:37.190 to gain contracts because people don't 0:31:34.700,0:31:39.230 feel like I wonder if he's charging me 0:31:37.190,0:31:41.809 too much I wonder if he's you know they 0:31:39.230,0:31:43.309 don't feel as if you were giving an 0:31:41.809,0:31:46.700 estimated on a flat rate for a 0:31:43.309,0:31:48.620 commercial yeah we tell them you know 0:31:46.700,0:31:50.530 whatever time we spent at your facility 0:31:48.620,0:31:51.770 that's what were you getting charged for 0:31:50.530,0:31:55.280 okay 0:31:51.770,0:31:56.660 now Carlos what about so cuz I guess you 0:31:55.280,0:32:00.830 guys have done and you're starting to do 0:31:56.660,0:32:02.809 more commercial you know don't charge 0:32:00.830,0:32:04.580 you less you get to a Christ maybe by an 0:32:02.809,0:32:05.990 hourly or a production rate and then you 0:32:04.580,0:32:08.030 know per square feet and things like 0:32:05.990,0:32:10.309 that but the client really never knows 0:32:08.030,0:32:10.700 the hourly rate that you how you came up 0:32:10.309,0:32:13.880 to 0:32:10.700,0:32:16.270 price right they just know it's 3,000 a 0:32:13.880,0:32:18.410 month for five days a week did you guys 0:32:16.270,0:32:19.910 you know Ricky I think you thoughts on 0:32:18.410,0:32:21.680 it but Carlos did you find it a little 0:32:19.910,0:32:24.290 difficult to transition to the 0:32:21.680,0:32:25.970 commercial model to understand you know 0:32:24.290,0:32:29.500 how did you big how did you ask me how 0:32:25.970,0:32:32.030 did you proposals come about because I 0:32:29.500,0:32:37.340 think you don't really do a proposal 0:32:32.030,0:32:39.440 right no I just it because they can 0:32:37.340,0:32:41.840 cancel anytime they want they when they 0:32:39.440,0:32:44.600 book online they you know they see the 0:32:41.840,0:32:45.710 price upfront you know happy with it 0:32:44.600,0:32:47.210 they're happy with it they're not 0:32:45.710,0:32:50.780 they're not you know there won't be my 0:32:47.210,0:32:53.120 car so I know some other companies do 0:32:50.780,0:32:56.660 like agreements or contracts but I 0:32:53.120,0:32:59.120 choose not to I'm just straight for 0:32:56.660,0:33:02.960 wearing up front so I want a client that 0:32:59.120,0:33:07.760 that doesn't that's something I've 0:33:02.960,0:33:09.650 always seen when it's crazy for this 0:33:07.760,0:33:11.480 contract for another year and you could 0:33:09.650,0:33:13.730 see like they're upset they don't like 0:33:11.480,0:33:15.680 that they're locked in I'm like man if I 0:33:13.730,0:33:18.680 were that company why would I lock you 0:33:15.680,0:33:20.390 in and then you're not working well with 0:33:18.680,0:33:22.490 each other there's no respect there it's 0:33:20.390,0:33:25.310 like if you don't want to work with me 0:33:22.490,0:33:26.840 you have 30 days you know go ahead we'll 0:33:25.310,0:33:27.890 go our separate ways because you want to 0:33:26.840,0:33:30.890 work with the people that want to work 0:33:27.890,0:33:32.660 with you yeah Jim's do it so why can't 0:33:30.890,0:33:34.580 we like when you sign up for a gym 0:33:32.660,0:33:52.390 membership you have to cancel with and 0:33:34.580,0:33:55.910 give notice going back to your point 0:33:52.390,0:33:58.520 your question I mean when I first 0:33:55.910,0:34:06.380 started meeting I will admit my first 0:33:58.520,0:34:08.060 bid what I was doing but somehow I still 0:34:06.380,0:34:10.070 managed to make money on that account 0:34:08.060,0:34:14.960 and I still have that I'm very grateful 0:34:10.070,0:34:17.480 but since then though I have you know 0:34:14.960,0:34:19.460 obviously calculated in my cost and then 0:34:17.480,0:34:22.100 I've added my profit and then okay so 0:34:19.460,0:34:24.320 and then that's how I base my pricing I 0:34:22.100,0:34:27.310 I do I'm a little different 0:34:24.320,0:34:29.420 Ricky I don't do it hourly I give them a 0:34:27.310,0:34:31.640 but I kikes it kind of works out the 0:34:29.420,0:34:32.120 same I give them I ask me how long it 0:34:31.640,0:34:35.240 will take 0:34:32.120,0:34:38.750 based on my production rates and my cost 0:34:35.240,0:34:42.890 and then I give them a flat ee but they 0:34:38.750,0:34:45.050 pay and you know I obviously train my 0:34:42.890,0:34:47.570 employees and talk to them and about 0:34:45.050,0:34:50.060 what our target target hours are each 0:34:47.570,0:34:51.680 night that we're there so we're not that 0:34:50.060,0:34:54.380 way I'm not spending more money than I 0:34:51.680,0:34:56.560 need to on the employee and I and I 0:34:54.380,0:34:59.450 don't feel like I'm being cheated out of 0:34:56.560,0:35:01.700 the contract because I'm not charging 0:34:59.450,0:35:04.730 enough so I calculate yeah so I 0:35:01.700,0:35:07.220 calculated based on you know my cost and 0:35:04.730,0:35:13.100 what my profit and what I think you know 0:35:07.220,0:35:14.930 will be there for ya know if you Center 0:35:13.100,0:35:16.820 Carlos but when you guys said that you 0:35:14.930,0:35:19.400 you have your pricing on the website 0:35:16.820,0:35:21.230 again common thing that I see a lot of 0:35:19.400,0:35:23.390 residential websites you know one 0:35:21.230,0:35:26.630 bedroom one fifty two bedroom two twenty 0:35:23.390,0:35:28.010 five and so on like that's that's a big 0:35:26.630,0:35:30.860 difference for commercial you'll never 0:35:28.010,0:35:32.270 see pricing uh you know it's you have to 0:35:30.860,0:35:35.780 acquire you have to do a walk-through 0:35:32.270,0:35:37.220 you have to understand that you know you 0:35:35.780,0:35:39.020 know you guys have ever run into this 0:35:37.220,0:35:40.850 this is some advice from me for 0:35:39.020,0:35:42.470 everybody is you know in the beginning I 0:35:40.850,0:35:44.120 thought 3,000 square feet was 3,000 0:35:42.470,0:35:45.230 square feet like it's gonna be the same 0:35:44.120,0:35:50.660 price whether you're an office a 0:35:45.230,0:35:52.910 restaurant or healthcare no it is a 0:35:50.660,0:35:55.510 3,000 square foot bar restaurant that 0:35:52.910,0:35:58.430 has honor people walking in every hour 0:35:55.510,0:36:00.670 versus a 3,000 square foot office that 0:35:58.430,0:36:04.040 has ten employees no foot traffic 0:36:00.670,0:36:06.440 completely different cleanings so it's 0:36:04.040,0:36:07.970 like just other elements that I could 0:36:06.440,0:36:10.370 see why it could be intimidating 0:36:07.970,0:36:12.140 properly to walk into and try to price 0:36:10.370,0:36:14.570 out something that you have to assume 0:36:12.140,0:36:16.730 your production rate but I think like 0:36:14.570,0:36:19.520 you guys said to with Reza ventures with 0:36:16.730,0:36:22.250 years or with you know doing the work 0:36:19.520,0:36:24.500 and understanding production of you and 0:36:22.250,0:36:26.710 your team's it starts to become a 0:36:24.500,0:36:28.970 science right it really does become a 0:36:26.710,0:36:31.610 science that you guys understand and 0:36:28.970,0:36:32.690 your team's start to understand but it's 0:36:31.610,0:36:35.060 like you have to walk in their footsteps 0:36:32.690,0:36:36.670 right I mean you guys both can you tell 0:36:35.060,0:36:37.969 me you guys have both cleaned yourself 0:36:36.670,0:36:40.400 yes 0:36:37.969,0:36:42.440 definitely at the beginning at the 0:36:40.400,0:36:44.180 beginning it was my wife and I and I 0:36:42.440,0:36:46.759 would go with my wife and then do it 0:36:44.180,0:36:48.589 cleaning with her I wanted to expand on 0:36:46.759,0:36:50.150 on the on the pricing and the way we 0:36:48.589,0:36:51.920 charge a bit because I still feel like 0:36:50.150,0:36:54.589 we do it just a little bit different 0:36:51.920,0:36:58.430 because we did the production rate we 0:36:54.589,0:37:00.079 basically do hourly now obviously as you 0:36:58.430,0:37:02.569 mentioned it's different to clean an 0:37:00.079,0:37:04.759 office to to health facility to a 0:37:02.569,0:37:08.289 restaurant so there are different rates 0:37:04.759,0:37:13.759 that we have but we do have a base rate 0:37:08.289,0:37:16.130 for a normal office and we basically did 0:37:13.759,0:37:18.559 our numbers you know and this is you 0:37:16.130,0:37:20.569 know this is how much we charge and we 0:37:18.559,0:37:23.630 charge by the time that we spend at the 0:37:20.569,0:37:26.359 facility we don't do like you mentioned 0:37:23.630,0:37:28.880 you know it's gonna be 3,000 a month we 0:37:26.359,0:37:30.319 tell them we estimate it's gonna be this 0:37:28.880,0:37:31.609 much at the end of the day we're only 0:37:30.319,0:37:33.650 gonna charge you for the time that we 0:37:31.609,0:37:34.940 spend at their facility so it might I 0:37:33.650,0:37:36.410 don't know if I might be a little bit 0:37:34.940,0:37:40.160 different than that's different 0:37:36.410,0:37:41.599 that's definitely different area here 0:37:40.160,0:37:43.099 and I guess you could say if you find 0:37:41.599,0:37:45.380 the right clientele they're gonna 0:37:43.099,0:37:49.640 respect you and actually appreciate 0:37:45.380,0:37:52.219 entrusting you feel safer cuz I'm not 0:37:49.640,0:37:53.959 I'm not overcharging I'm not under 0:37:52.219,0:37:56.150 charging I know I'm making a profit 0:37:53.959,0:37:58.819 because I did my numbers so per hour I'm 0:37:56.150,0:38:01.369 making X amount of profit so at the end 0:37:58.819,0:38:03.349 of the day you know we can do the scope 0:38:01.369,0:38:06.499 of work great we can do as much as you 0:38:03.349,0:38:08.059 want you're paying per hour so we're 0:38:06.499,0:38:10.459 gonna be there cleaning we're not gonna 0:38:08.059,0:38:12.259 be there doing anything else so if today 0:38:10.459,0:38:14.059 we spend six hours we're gonna charge 0:38:12.259,0:38:15.380 you for six hours if tomorrow we spend 0:38:14.059,0:38:17.029 four hours we're gonna charge you for 0:38:15.380,0:38:21.619 four hours at the end of the month right 0:38:17.029,0:38:23.269 so they feel a bit safe that okay well 0:38:21.619,0:38:24.469 he told me three thousand a month I 0:38:23.269,0:38:28.130 don't know if that's gonna be too much 0:38:24.469,0:38:29.959 or not so in that way I know we're 0:38:28.130,0:38:32.959 making money and I know they can feel 0:38:29.959,0:38:35.150 safe on on you know I'm only paying for 0:38:32.959,0:38:38.390 what I'm using and in a way I wouldn't 0:38:35.150,0:38:41.029 be I think that would be a great side 0:38:38.390,0:38:43.940 topic to go on to Ricky because I that 0:38:41.029,0:38:46.880 that's definitely unique I've heard of 0:38:43.940,0:38:49.250 that type of pricing but I guess my my 0:38:46.880,0:38:52.940 fear would be messy 0:38:49.250,0:38:55.040 to the status quo everybody just assumes 0:38:52.940,0:38:58.220 a monthly contract service press right 0:38:55.040,0:38:59.840 everybody assumes you know it is 3,000 a 0:38:58.220,0:39:03.650 month it's you know they can forecast 0:38:59.840,0:39:05.900 they can budget for that x 12 I can give 0:39:03.650,0:39:08.150 you an estimate you know and and you you 0:39:05.900,0:39:10.210 talked about disruption in the industry 0:39:08.150,0:39:13.970 you know with the Amtrak to make it work 0:39:10.210,0:39:15.290 I don't know I again I feel it's a good 0:39:13.970,0:39:18.800 way to look at it if you find the right 0:39:15.290,0:39:20.810 clients again I think they they wouldn't 0:39:18.800,0:39:22.250 understand I mean in post construction 0:39:20.810,0:39:24.500 that's how we do it right we do face 0:39:22.250,0:39:26.270 cleaning it's never the same you know 0:39:24.500,0:39:28.670 it's bail it early the hours that we 0:39:26.270,0:39:30.710 work are the hours we bill you for that 0:39:28.670,0:39:34.900 yeah that's what we do and so forth it's 0:39:30.710,0:39:51.080 work worked out for us okay 0:39:34.900,0:39:52.880 no I just kind of give it a flat fee 0:39:51.080,0:39:55.220 because I work with a lot of 0:39:52.880,0:39:59.240 organizations that you know budget and 0:39:55.220,0:40:02.060 forecast and you know in bad economic 0:39:59.240,0:40:05.540 years they've come to me and say hey 0:40:02.060,0:40:10.040 like we've lost membership numbers and 0:40:05.540,0:40:12.940 so we need a reduction in costs or 0:40:10.040,0:40:16.730 expenses you know can we work out a deal 0:40:12.940,0:40:20.360 so I guess having that fixed number 0:40:16.730,0:40:22.490 helps but you know may-maybe it there's 0:40:20.360,0:40:30.830 different opportunities to do it our 0:40:22.490,0:40:32.570 there like Ricky doesn't for them I was 0:40:30.830,0:40:34.400 gonna expand you on the main topic you 0:40:32.570,0:40:38.060 know residential to commercial it's a 0:40:34.400,0:40:40.010 it's a easy way for us residential 0:40:38.060,0:40:41.630 companies to transition to commercial 0:40:40.010,0:40:44.150 because when you walked him into a 0:40:41.630,0:40:46.280 commercial place and it's a huge big 0:40:44.150,0:40:48.230 place you're like oh holy crap you know 0:40:46.280,0:40:50.270 how long is it gonna take me how much 0:40:48.230,0:40:52.760 what's the right number I don't want to 0:40:50.270,0:40:56.090 under beta over it so it's a safe way I 0:40:52.760,0:40:58.160 would say to transition from residential 0:40:56.090,0:41:00.200 residential to commercial because again 0:40:58.160,0:41:00.730 we're only charging for what we do earn 0:41:00.200,0:41:03.220 no more 0:41:00.730,0:41:05.260 less no and I you know what I would say 0:41:03.220,0:41:08.950 Dominic for my team I think you might 0:41:05.260,0:41:11.140 have Ricky right yeah that is a good way 0:41:08.950,0:41:14.200 to look at how to match expectations 0:41:11.140,0:41:15.580 because I'm commercial you don't you 0:41:14.200,0:41:16.870 don't know what you're walking into 0:41:15.580,0:41:19.840 you don't know that you're walking into 0:41:16.870,0:41:22.180 an office that had 13 cleaning companies 0:41:19.840,0:41:25.560 in the last 13 years every year they go 0:41:22.180,0:41:25.560 out for bid and they change the company 0:41:26.160,0:41:30.400 prices you don't get what they want for 0:41:28.450,0:41:33.220 the price or if you came in and said hey 0:41:30.400,0:41:35.920 your expectations are X I'm gonna match 0:41:33.220,0:41:38.590 it with X you know and let's just try it 0:41:35.920,0:41:40.270 for 30 days so I think yeah again that 0:41:38.590,0:41:42.100 would be that would be interesting man 0:41:40.270,0:41:43.480 that's I was gonna say the next question 0:41:42.100,0:41:46.330 I have for you guys which that could be 0:41:43.480,0:41:48.670 one of them or one answer to it is what 0:41:46.330,0:41:50.110 are tips what are some tips that you 0:41:48.670,0:41:52.660 guys would give to a residential 0:41:50.110,0:41:53.260 cleaning business that you know cuz we 0:41:52.660,0:41:54.880 see it all the time 0:41:53.260,0:41:57.760 right guys on all the Facebook groups is 0:41:54.880,0:41:59.500 I getting my first commercial contract 0:41:57.760,0:42:01.450 I'm about to go to to my first 0:41:59.500,0:42:02.290 walkthrough just won my first commercial 0:42:01.450,0:42:04.150 contract 0:42:02.290,0:42:05.500 you know there's excitement there when 0:42:04.150,0:42:07.750 you when you are getting into the 0:42:05.500,0:42:09.280 commercial space because the ability to 0:42:07.750,0:42:11.970 work with corporate the ability to work 0:42:09.280,0:42:15.010 with government the ability to work with 0:42:11.970,0:42:18.400 multi-location clients you talk about 0:42:15.010,0:42:23.170 life-changing revenue and opportunities 0:42:18.400,0:42:26.740 there I me I just won a six a six 0:42:23.170,0:42:30.370 location account that is like 17,000 a 0:42:26.740,0:42:32.950 month in business you know we it's gonna 0:42:30.370,0:42:36.910 be a great account for us yeah change 0:42:32.950,0:42:38.770 somebody's life that was literally at a 0:42:36.910,0:42:40.780 hundred thousand a year in business this 0:42:38.770,0:42:44.320 account alone doubles that right so it's 0:42:40.780,0:42:48.130 like and those are very easy to win with 0:42:44.320,0:42:52.300 approach with a open mindset with the 0:42:48.130,0:42:54.550 right tools advice tactics so I mean I 0:42:52.300,0:42:56.530 go out or not but you guys touch on a 0:42:54.550,0:42:59.380 couple tidbits that have helped you 0:42:56.530,0:43:01.060 successfully win contracts and why why 0:42:59.380,0:43:04.440 should somebody go from residential to 0:43:01.060,0:43:06.940 commercial or at least have a 0:43:04.440,0:43:09.480 diversification of both in their 0:43:06.940,0:43:09.480 portfolio 0:43:11.020,0:43:19.800 oh you want to take it or I'll take it 0:43:14.830,0:43:22.570 good okay for me I would say there's 0:43:19.800,0:43:25.690 diversification never hurts if you're 0:43:22.570,0:43:27.520 established in residential and you know 0:43:25.690,0:43:29.350 I'm not saying I'm established I've only 0:43:27.520,0:43:31.980 been in the game three years but I do 0:43:29.350,0:43:35.380 have a few accounts in commercial space 0:43:31.980,0:43:36.670 but it never hurts I mean a lot of us 0:43:35.380,0:43:40.330 have experienced 0:43:36.670,0:43:42.340 down time during in residential I would 0:43:40.330,0:43:45.430 say we've experienced down time through 0:43:42.340,0:43:49.660 the whole pandemic and coded I mean I 0:43:45.430,0:43:53.550 was closed for three months from early 0:43:49.660,0:43:53.550 my way to the second weekend 0:43:53.940,0:43:59.890 but I was able to keep some employees 0:43:57.100,0:44:02.770 and I was still paying my bills and I 0:43:59.890,0:44:04.270 still was able to pay myself because I 0:44:02.770,0:44:07.090 did have those commercial accounts that 0:44:04.270,0:44:11.170 were being serviced every every every 0:44:07.090,0:44:13.810 day or every week so I guess it never 0:44:11.170,0:44:16.510 hurts to to diversify I think that's 0:44:13.810,0:44:20.830 business 101 right there right diversify 0:44:16.510,0:44:24.310 your assets eyes would be just you know 0:44:20.830,0:44:26.530 talk to the client talk to the lead make 0:44:24.310,0:44:30.460 sure you have the right expectation set 0:44:26.530,0:44:32.070 this first account make sure you're 0:44:30.460,0:44:35.320 going in there with the right 0:44:32.070,0:44:37.540 information from the client and then you 0:44:35.320,0:44:40.660 said the expectation of what you your 0:44:37.540,0:44:43.210 services can do an offer and also get 0:44:40.660,0:44:46.360 from them what they want and what's the 0:44:43.210,0:44:51.280 biggest pet peeve for them I have found 0:44:46.360,0:44:53.050 that every client one thing that will 0:44:51.280,0:44:55.030 irritate them if it doesn't get done 0:44:53.050,0:44:57.670 every day or every every try every 0:44:55.030,0:44:59.590 service some some could be as small as 0:44:57.670,0:45:02.440 you know the bathrooms don't ever have 0:44:59.590,0:45:04.390 enough toilet paper which I do have a 0:45:02.440,0:45:07.300 client that that's the biggest pet peeve 0:45:04.390,0:45:09.070 so how do I train my employee the 0:45:07.300,0:45:11.530 service that I count is by always making 0:45:09.070,0:45:14.110 sure there's enough toilet paper in the 0:45:11.530,0:45:17.290 bathrooms in the stalls because if I 0:45:14.110,0:45:19.510 know that's not bugging them you know we 0:45:17.290,0:45:22.270 can work through anything else and have 0:45:19.510,0:45:24.880 a very peaceful business relationships 0:45:22.270,0:45:27.640 and so 0:45:24.880,0:45:32.140 for me communication with my clients has 0:45:27.640,0:45:35.140 been really key from the beginning from 0:45:32.140,0:45:36.849 the walk through to the bidding if you 0:45:35.140,0:45:38.529 have any questions with my proposal or 0:45:36.849,0:45:41.410 if I was in clearing anything please 0:45:38.529,0:45:43.749 don't hesitate to call or and I even 0:45:41.410,0:45:44.349 follow up to the day after I send the 0:45:43.749,0:45:46.299 proposal 0:45:44.349,0:45:48.430 a few days after hey do you have any 0:45:46.299,0:45:51.789 questions what can I answer you know 0:45:48.430,0:45:53.229 what can we do to get this sign I mean I 0:45:51.789,0:45:54.970 don't tell them that but in my mind I'm 0:45:53.229,0:45:56.950 like alright well what do I have to do 0:45:54.970,0:45:58.900 to make sure that they feel secure in 0:45:56.950,0:46:01.269 doing business with me 0:45:58.900,0:46:03.549 and then we can get the sign and then 0:46:01.269,0:46:05.380 moving forward training there are so 0:46:03.549,0:46:07.660 many resource out there to train 0:46:05.380,0:46:10.989 employees and I've never done you know a 0:46:07.660,0:46:13.420 commercial space and you know make sure 0:46:10.989,0:46:15.190 that you are trained yourself in case of 0:46:13.420,0:46:18.309 an emergency or in case you have to be 0:46:15.190,0:46:20.019 the one doing it the first few weeks but 0:46:18.309,0:46:22.420 I always like to be with my employees 0:46:20.019,0:46:24.970 the first few days of a contract 0:46:22.420,0:46:26.589 obviously I'm not big enough to have a 0:46:24.970,0:46:29.469 supervisor but if I did I would have a 0:46:26.589,0:46:31.630 supervisor but till then there's me and 0:46:29.469,0:46:34.779 I'm you know I'm there if it's every 0:46:31.630,0:46:35.859 night account there two weeks every 0:46:34.779,0:46:38.079 night making sure that we're doing 0:46:35.859,0:46:40.059 everything on the scope of work and 0:46:38.079,0:46:43.630 we're meeting those expectations and I'm 0:46:40.059,0:46:47.589 constantly doing reviews with the cry 0:46:43.630,0:46:49.799 and hey quarterly you know what what can 0:46:47.589,0:46:52.359 we be improving on what are you liking 0:46:49.799,0:46:53.289 so yeah those are those would be my tips 0:46:52.359,0:46:57.999 okay 0:46:53.289,0:47:00.190 okay Ricky what about you you know it's 0:46:57.999,0:47:03.369 funny because when when Carlos you were 0:47:00.190,0:47:05.440 saying about you know being there it's 0:47:03.369,0:47:07.089 impossible on the residential side you 0:47:05.440,0:47:09.219 know you have a hundred fifty two 0:47:07.089,0:47:11.469 hundred clients there's no way that 0:47:09.219,0:47:14.140 you're gonna be there at all times or 0:47:11.469,0:47:18.059 even once once a month because it's so 0:47:14.140,0:47:20.019 much so many clients you know which is 0:47:18.059,0:47:21.880 opposite on the commercial side on the 0:47:20.019,0:47:23.829 commercial you can you can spend the 0:47:21.880,0:47:26.799 time to actually visit clients and be 0:47:23.829,0:47:31.170 there for them so I want to talked about 0:47:26.799,0:47:36.970 the I know you talked about about 0:47:31.170,0:47:39.990 diversify I would recommend pick one 0:47:36.970,0:47:44.200 you either go residential or commercial 0:47:39.990,0:47:46.119 now it's funny because our tagline on 0:47:44.200,0:47:48.550 our business is residential and 0:47:46.119,0:47:50.470 commercial cleaning it just I didn't 0:47:48.550,0:47:53.320 know at the time and now we do both 0:47:50.470,0:47:56.890 residential and commercial but I want to 0:47:53.320,0:47:59.560 talk to you know if someone is about to 0:47:56.890,0:48:01.990 start a cleaning company I would choose 0:47:59.560,0:48:04.390 you either go residential or you go 0:48:01.990,0:48:06.820 commercial and if you ask me I would go 0:48:04.390,0:48:10.869 commercial just get the education you 0:48:06.820,0:48:13.450 need to do it right and go go all in on 0:48:10.869,0:48:14.740 the commercial again two different 0:48:13.450,0:48:17.410 businesses 0:48:14.740,0:48:20.380 I feel like completely different 0:48:17.410,0:48:22.030 I feel the commercial side and 0:48:20.380,0:48:23.740 especially I want to talk to all the 0:48:22.030,0:48:27.099 residential cleaners they're thinking 0:48:23.740,0:48:29.560 about going commercial or you know that 0:48:27.099,0:48:31.720 they have no idea what's what Intel's on 0:48:29.560,0:48:33.270 the commercial I can give you the 0:48:31.720,0:48:37.390 difference that I see between them both 0:48:33.270,0:48:39.340 that might help someone out there I see 0:48:37.390,0:48:41.710 on the commercial side you don't need 0:48:39.340,0:48:43.839 company vehicles really you just find 0:48:41.710,0:48:45.490 the Kline you find that employee you 0:48:43.839,0:48:47.950 tell them you're supposed to go here 0:48:45.490,0:48:50.500 three times a week for X amount of hours 0:48:47.950,0:48:53.560 you go you're done you go home because 0:48:50.500,0:48:55.240 all this stuff is at the at the facility 0:48:53.560,0:48:58.500 you don't have to come back to the 0:48:55.240,0:49:01.210 office refill the truck or pick up stuff 0:48:58.500,0:49:02.680 everything will be there for you so that 0:49:01.210,0:49:05.800 right there is that is a big difference 0:49:02.680,0:49:08.950 that I mean just getting rid of of 0:49:05.800,0:49:10.510 company vehicles and partially at the 0:49:08.950,0:49:12.250 beginning you can get rid of enough is 0:49:10.510,0:49:14.800 that on the residential side I feel 0:49:12.250,0:49:16.930 there is more need for an office to for 0:49:14.800,0:49:18.280 people to come and and pick up stuff and 0:49:16.930,0:49:20.109 I know a lot of people at the beginning 0:49:18.280,0:49:22.420 in my use their home I use a storage 0:49:20.109,0:49:24.040 facility but as they grow and it 0:49:22.420,0:49:26.619 happened to us we needed to move to an 0:49:24.040,0:49:28.630 office on the commercial side I see it 0:49:26.619,0:49:30.190 more of an option that you choose to 0:49:28.630,0:49:32.290 because you want to be professional you 0:49:30.190,0:49:34.420 want to have an office on the 0:49:32.290,0:49:37.119 residential side it's more like a need 0:49:34.420,0:49:38.830 so just to recap you don't need I don't 0:49:37.119,0:49:40.720 feel like you you don't need commercial 0:49:38.830,0:49:42.550 vehicles unless you want to for some 0:49:40.720,0:49:45.369 reason that's gonna be positive for the 0:49:42.550,0:49:48.880 business you don't need an office unless 0:49:45.369,0:49:50.740 again you want to so I feel that there's 0:49:48.880,0:49:53.350 that big difference between 0:49:50.740,0:49:55.510 commercial and residential that if I 0:49:53.350,0:49:59.590 were to start from zero I would go 0:49:55.510,0:50:01.630 commercial 100% residential I love 0:49:59.590,0:50:06.130 residential don't get me wrong but as 0:50:01.630,0:50:10.450 you mentioned before it's intricate I 0:50:06.130,0:50:14.560 will say you know I try to be nice you 0:50:10.450,0:50:16.780 know it's not easy you have your you 0:50:14.560,0:50:20.820 walking into someone's home so that's 0:50:16.780,0:50:23.260 there there Alice they're there they're 0:50:20.820,0:50:25.920 you know they're placing in life it's 0:50:23.260,0:50:28.930 your home and you know it's very tricky 0:50:25.920,0:50:31.060 when you do a facility yes I mean there 0:50:28.930,0:50:34.000 are you know things that you have to 0:50:31.060,0:50:37.690 match but it's different it's just a 0:50:34.000,0:50:41.350 facility different then it's a home do 0:50:37.690,0:50:44.410 different complete scenarios good good 0:50:41.350,0:50:46.030 thank you guys for that so and it again 0:50:44.410,0:50:48.610 because because what what this is about 0:50:46.030,0:50:50.650 right this episode is is about from 0:50:48.610,0:50:54.310 going to residential to commercial so 0:50:50.650,0:50:57.010 but but a blanket a blanket statement or 0:50:54.310,0:51:02.619 a blanket I don't I'd like to address is 0:50:57.010,0:51:04.330 what do you guys have a lot of I'd like 0:51:02.619,0:51:06.550 to state and say the perception of our 0:51:04.330,0:51:08.680 industry is not difficult you know it's 0:51:06.550,0:51:11.080 just cleaning you know why do you charge 0:51:08.680,0:51:12.280 so much for an hourly rate you know and 0:51:11.080,0:51:13.630 and these are things that you'll get on 0:51:12.280,0:51:16.570 the commercial side I think a little bit 0:51:13.630,0:51:18.880 more than residential where there is a 0:51:16.570,0:51:20.770 lot of competition right so you have to 0:51:18.880,0:51:22.540 stand out you have to do you have a 0:51:20.770,0:51:24.130 brand you have to have an image you have 0:51:22.540,0:51:27.580 to you know look perfection or look the 0:51:24.130,0:51:29.109 part but but you'll still see you have 0:51:27.580,0:51:30.820 those people that say it's you know oh 0:51:29.109,0:51:32.859 it's just cleaning you know how the hell 0:51:30.820,0:51:35.890 you know how could you charge this much 0:51:32.859,0:51:37.810 you know uh you know how much really 0:51:35.890,0:51:40.030 goes into running a cleaning operations 0:51:37.810,0:51:43.020 I mean we've talked about a lot of stuff 0:51:40.030,0:51:44.890 already but like shed some light on our 0:51:43.020,0:51:48.190 industry and the way we run our business 0:51:44.890,0:51:49.570 right even though you could be 250 0:51:48.190,0:51:51.790 thousand a year business five hundred 0:51:49.570,0:51:54.010 thousand a million five ten million as 0:51:51.790,0:51:57.910 you grow it as you scale and as you want 0:51:54.010,0:52:00.310 to what you start running innovation 0:51:57.910,0:52:02.260 Ricky right that's how much how much 0:52:00.310,0:52:03.400 innovation does cleaning involved what 0:52:02.260,0:52:04.420 have you guys seen from when you first 0:52:03.400,0:52:06.400 started to where 0:52:04.420,0:52:10.690 today and I'm just saying cleaning in 0:52:06.400,0:52:12.730 general like so I do want to take this 0:52:10.690,0:52:15.160 question because I'm gonna defer from 0:52:12.730,0:52:17.710 you I see it the other way around and 0:52:15.160,0:52:21.849 and and I do have a we do have a lot of 0:52:17.710,0:52:26.200 experience in residential so the biggest 0:52:21.849,0:52:29.019 problem in residential is that the lady 0:52:26.200,0:52:31.240 or man down the road with the bucket and 0:52:29.019,0:52:33.940 a vacuum that could be your competition 0:52:31.240,0:52:35.650 in a way because you show up to a home 0:52:33.940,0:52:38.559 and you tell them you know it's gonna be 0:52:35.650,0:52:41.920 130 for a three-two every two weeks and 0:52:38.559,0:52:45.250 they tell you oh but the lady down the 0:52:41.920,0:52:47.410 road does it for 60 bucks why because 0:52:45.250,0:52:50.500 she doesn't mean she doesn't pay me 0:52:47.410,0:52:53.230 workers comp she doesn't have really any 0:52:50.500,0:52:56.680 overhead you know it that's and that's 0:52:53.230,0:52:58.240 the biggest difference I don't see that 0:52:56.680,0:52:59.470 in commercial so that's why I said I'm 0:52:58.240,0:53:01.630 gonna defer from you and it's good to 0:52:59.470,0:53:03.490 have different point of views because in 0:53:01.630,0:53:09.279 commercial you you're not gonna find 0:53:03.490,0:53:11.140 that that problem in a way and that's 0:53:09.279,0:53:13.150 one of the things and I used to spend a 0:53:11.140,0:53:15.130 lot of money on residential we used to 0:53:13.150,0:53:17.230 have this like booklet with all the 0:53:15.130,0:53:19.329 stuff that we done and you know put it 0:53:17.230,0:53:21.339 in a book and give it to the residential 0:53:19.329,0:53:24.579 when we were just doing an estimate and 0:53:21.339,0:53:26.319 drive for 20 minutes they spent 45 0:53:24.579,0:53:28.299 minutes because the person wants to talk 0:53:26.319,0:53:30.430 and that's fine and then drive another 0:53:28.299,0:53:33.339 foot so you you lost about two hours and 0:53:30.430,0:53:34.809 a half probably doing an estimate and at 0:53:33.339,0:53:36.849 the end of the day when you tell them 0:53:34.809,0:53:38.049 well it's gonna be 120 they tell you oh 0:53:36.849,0:53:40.359 no I'm sorry 0:53:38.049,0:53:43.660 you know I have someone that does it for 0:53:40.359,0:53:46.390 80 and you're like with 80 bucks I don't 0:53:43.660,0:53:48.279 even pay my cleaners you know so I feel 0:53:46.390,0:53:50.559 like coming from a residential side 0:53:48.279,0:53:53.230 point of view you don't have those 0:53:50.559,0:53:55.119 issues in commercial you might have a 0:53:53.230,0:53:58.480 different kind of set of problems but no 0:53:55.119,0:54:00.609 those problems because you do have that 0:53:58.480,0:54:03.069 and I know a lot of people would say 0:54:00.609,0:54:04.329 well you know that decline is probably 0:54:03.069,0:54:05.710 not for you so that's not your 0:54:04.329,0:54:07.269 competition I agree with that you know 0:54:05.710,0:54:09.789 we don't want that client we want 0:54:07.269,0:54:11.380 clients are happy that they're happy 0:54:09.789,0:54:13.029 pain what they're supposed to pay and 0:54:11.380,0:54:16.470 they're happy with the service and that 0:54:13.029,0:54:16.470 those are the clients that we look for 0:54:17.710,0:54:22.839 very very good point and that's actually 0:54:20.080,0:54:23.950 I like both perspectives right cuz yeah 0:54:22.839,0:54:26.440 I didn't know that 0:54:23.950,0:54:28.260 I mean I would see it you know like I 0:54:26.440,0:54:30.910 live in an apartment building right now 0:54:28.260,0:54:32.410 and it just boggles my mind to see that 0:54:30.910,0:54:35.410 there's like 50 cleaning companies that 0:54:32.410,0:54:37.750 come in to my 400 unit apartment 0:54:35.410,0:54:39.520 building where it's like man you know 0:54:37.750,0:54:41.650 why wouldn't one company just get all 0:54:39.520,0:54:43.450 the units well it doesn't work like that 0:54:41.650,0:54:45.640 right everybody's you know the the 0:54:43.450,0:54:47.260 property manager doesn't choose what 0:54:45.640,0:54:49.270 cleaning companies come in at each unit 0:54:47.260,0:54:52.150 its each tenant oh yeah you're right I 0:54:49.270,0:54:56.230 mean I would see sometimes you know just 0:54:52.150,0:54:57.940 a very unprofessional looking person 0:54:56.230,0:55:00.250 that's coming to clean somebody's space 0:54:57.940,0:55:03.550 and then you see the professional that 0:55:00.250,0:55:05.770 comes in and it's like man I wonder who 0:55:03.550,0:55:07.690 I would assume the person who looks 0:55:05.770,0:55:10.480 professional gets more business but you 0:55:07.690,0:55:13.570 might not know the person that doesn't 0:55:10.480,0:55:15.160 look may have a better price point and 0:55:13.570,0:55:18.010 just get more business because a lot of 0:55:15.160,0:55:19.450 times its base right but they might not 0:55:18.010,0:55:21.430 have a business and the person that 0:55:19.450,0:55:22.869 looks more professional might have a 0:55:21.430,0:55:24.970 business or might be part of a business 0:55:22.869,0:55:26.890 that's that's the biggest difference and 0:55:24.970,0:55:29.230 I gotta tell you when I do residential 0:55:26.890,0:55:30.849 estimates I explain that to them you 0:55:29.230,0:55:32.020 know when whenever they they feel like 0:55:30.849,0:55:33.550 might be a bit too much 0:55:32.020,0:55:35.470 hey explain it you know if you're 0:55:33.550,0:55:37.480 looking into price we might not be the 0:55:35.470,0:55:39.250 right company for you I would and I 0:55:37.480,0:55:40.690 recommend just look for the one person 0:55:39.250,0:55:42.280 that does it and that that'd be probably 0:55:40.690,0:55:45.040 your your best fit 0:55:42.280,0:55:47.589 you know we again we we have insurance 0:55:45.040,0:55:50.880 we have workers comp we have a we have a 0:55:47.589,0:55:53.200 front we have a store in on Main Street 0:55:50.880,0:55:55.810 so we don't we're not running our 0:55:53.200,0:55:58.210 business out of our home you know we're 0:55:55.810,0:56:00.099 a professional respect respected company 0:55:58.210,0:56:02.560 in the community so you know these are 0:56:00.099,0:56:03.849 our prices we guarantee our work you 0:56:02.560,0:56:06.339 know if you have any problems we'll come 0:56:03.849,0:56:09.460 back we'll make it right you know we're 0:56:06.339,0:56:11.500 not gonna show up with a beat-up car 0:56:09.460,0:56:14.109 that's gonna leak oil all over your 0:56:11.500,0:56:16.030 driveway and if for some reason even if 0:56:14.109,0:56:17.890 our company vehicles do that you know 0:56:16.030,0:56:20.890 what it's covered you know we have 0:56:17.890,0:56:24.220 insurance so I feel like those are a big 0:56:20.890,0:56:28.119 difference Carlos what about what about 0:56:24.220,0:56:29.859 you on the fact of do you see the 0:56:28.119,0:56:31.840 cleaning industry as an innovative 0:56:29.859,0:56:34.900 industry 0:56:31.840,0:56:36.550 moving forward right now we haven't even 0:56:34.900,0:56:53.260 talked about Cove in 19 here this whole 0:56:36.550,0:56:55.930 first time I got well what about yeah no 0:56:53.260,0:56:58.030 I honestly do think and I'm sure some of 0:56:55.930,0:57:01.060 the same believes that Ricky does with 0:56:58.030,0:57:03.460 his business because you know you don't 0:57:01.060,0:57:05.950 want there are some customer she don't 0:57:03.460,0:57:08.710 want honestly and this is the price 0:57:05.950,0:57:11.130 choppers not that he you know you may be 0:57:08.710,0:57:13.660 fairly in comparison with another 0:57:11.130,0:57:15.730 established business but you definitely 0:57:13.660,0:57:17.800 don't want to be attracting the clients 0:57:15.730,0:57:19.960 that are used to paying $60 for their 0:57:17.800,0:57:22.840 three-bedroom two-bath home and then 0:57:19.960,0:57:26.710 you're charging than 140 you know that's 0:57:22.840,0:57:29.560 not what you want but I do think that 0:57:26.710,0:57:32.200 the cleaning industry right now and 0:57:29.560,0:57:34.960 moving forward is innovative we have 0:57:32.200,0:57:38.650 technology that sets us apart that we 0:57:34.960,0:57:45.340 can be better in training better in 0:57:38.650,0:57:49.000 quality assurance and that to me sets us 0:57:45.340,0:57:51.730 apart from you know Joe Schmoe down the 0:57:49.000,0:57:54.100 street trying to you nothing wrong with 0:57:51.730,0:57:55.930 Joe Schmo doing it on his own but when 0:57:54.100,0:57:58.500 you're trying to do a business and 0:57:55.930,0:58:02.320 you're trying to produce quality 0:57:58.500,0:58:04.780 consistent you need those innovative 0:58:02.320,0:58:06.790 tools to train your employees to train 0:58:04.780,0:58:09.040 the rest of your staff and train 0:58:06.790,0:58:11.560 yourself and then that's how you are 0:58:09.040,0:58:16.240 able to provide the quality and 0:58:11.560,0:58:19.750 consistent service to your clients yes I 0:58:16.240,0:58:22.180 mean that we this this industry is a 0:58:19.750,0:58:24.940 lucrative industry if it's done right 0:58:22.180,0:58:27.880 and taken serious right like if if you 0:58:24.940,0:58:29.470 got you know you guys very serious right 0:58:27.880,0:58:30.670 that's why I you know I invited you guys 0:58:29.470,0:58:33.010 I'm here because I wanted to get your 0:58:30.670,0:58:34.330 perspective on the residential side 0:58:33.010,0:58:37.240 because I don't know I don't have much 0:58:34.330,0:58:38.800 experience in it right and but you're 0:58:37.240,0:58:41.410 talking to the audience of your fellow 0:58:38.800,0:58:44.080 residential cleaners to tell you know to 0:58:41.410,0:58:45.010 let them know that commercial is is a 0:58:44.080,0:58:49.900 good option 0:58:45.010,0:58:51.790 right it is it is beneficial to buy vice 0:58:49.900,0:58:53.680 versa too because I think we learned a 0:58:51.790,0:58:55.270 little bit on residential because I've 0:58:53.680,0:58:57.970 really haven't talked about residential 0:58:55.270,0:59:00.100 so this was very important to to the 0:58:57.970,0:59:01.630 listeners to know on the residential 0:59:00.100,0:59:03.280 side what does that look like you know 0:59:01.630,0:59:06.310 how was the perspective of residential 0:59:03.280,0:59:08.590 business owners because most of the 0:59:06.310,0:59:10.540 talks that we've had is is commercial 0:59:08.590,0:59:13.240 based right guys but think about it guys 0:59:10.540,0:59:16.660 is the products don't change right the 0:59:13.240,0:59:17.950 equipment doesn't change you know it 0:59:16.660,0:59:20.230 doesn't say you know billing changes a 0:59:17.950,0:59:22.869 little bit here in there but it's it's 0:59:20.230,0:59:26.170 there's similarities in it but it's just 0:59:22.869,0:59:28.840 much easier the commercial side now that 0:59:26.170,0:59:31.600 I know wedding town of I think I think 0:59:28.840,0:59:38.800 Carlos do you agree that I think Ricardo 0:59:31.600,0:59:56.170 thinks commercial is easier I really 0:59:38.800,0:59:58.780 think you like commercial but a lot of 0:59:56.170,1:00:02.770 people just miss and and there may be 0:59:58.780,1:00:07.060 some of that in commercial because I 1:00:02.770,1:00:10.119 have run into and Ricky you can stop me 1:00:07.060,1:00:13.570 at any point if I'm going way beyond my 1:00:10.119,1:00:17.250 scope of talking here but when when 1:00:13.570,1:00:20.410 ricardus talking about his business in 1:00:17.250,1:00:22.660 Florida talking about the clients she's 1:00:20.410,1:00:25.080 been you know 20 minute drive time 45 1:00:22.660,1:00:28.240 minutes walked through in the home 1:00:25.080,1:00:30.220 estimate and in another 20 minutes drive 1:00:28.240,1:00:32.470 time back to the house or his office 1:00:30.220,1:00:35.850 whatever you know you spend two and a 1:00:32.470,1:00:40.180 half hours of your day to maybe get a 1:00:35.850,1:00:43.359 client maybe not but the same thing so I 1:00:40.180,1:00:47.410 don't want to this or give the solution 1:00:43.359,1:00:49.480 to anyone that wants to jump into 1:00:47.410,1:00:52.330 commercial side you will have those up 1:00:49.480,1:00:55.300 moments in commercial cleaning where you 1:00:52.330,1:00:57.460 do spend 45 minutes or an hour doing a 1:00:55.300,1:00:58.809 whole you know fifteen thousand square 1:00:57.460,1:01:00.880 foot building walk there 1:00:58.809,1:01:02.739 and you're like yes this is a great 1:01:00.880,1:01:07.619 opportunity in the clients like nope we 1:01:02.739,1:01:10.269 went with someone that's $200 cheaper is 1:01:07.619,1:01:14.259 on the commercial side you're gonna end 1:01:10.269,1:01:16.359 up with a $30,000 a year contract maybe 1:01:14.259,1:01:19.119 and with the residential side you can 1:01:16.359,1:01:22.769 end up with you know 2,000 or 3,000 you 1:01:19.119,1:01:31.209 know that's I guess the I guess that's 1:01:22.769,1:01:34.299 oh I think we lost Carlos Carlos is gone 1:01:31.209,1:01:36.009 I feel just to expand on that I feel 1:01:34.299,1:01:38.380 like that's a big difference and going 1:01:36.009,1:01:40.089 back to the you know this this company 1:01:38.380,1:01:42.159 that I know in Chicago they made you 1:01:40.089,1:01:44.529 know 250,000 with 15 clients or their 1:01:42.159,1:01:47.619 second year my second year I did the 1:01:44.529,1:01:49.089 same money with 150 clients ten times so 1:01:47.619,1:01:51.369 I feel like that's the biggest 1:01:49.089,1:01:53.799 difference I'm willing to waste three 1:01:51.369,1:01:57.009 hours of my day trying to get a thirty 1:01:53.799,1:01:59.469 thousand dollar contract I'm just I'm 1:01:57.009,1:02:01.959 trying not to waste three hours of my 1:01:59.469,1:02:07.029 day trying to get a two thousand per 1:02:01.959,1:02:09.939 year contract with the residential that 1:02:07.029,1:02:12.909 makes sense you just don't you just 1:02:09.939,1:02:15.489 don't want to always be thinking that 1:02:12.909,1:02:16.869 you're gonna like that that was my I'm 1:02:15.489,1:02:18.999 talking from my experience and when I 1:02:16.869,1:02:21.759 walked into like let's say my third I 1:02:18.999,1:02:24.279 think walk through I was like this is a 1:02:21.759,1:02:24.729 7,000 square foot building I'm gonna 1:02:24.279,1:02:27.119 nail it 1:02:24.729,1:02:30.579 I I think I have enough experience now 1:02:27.119,1:02:32.289 and then like I submit the bid they're 1:02:30.579,1:02:34.559 like great your numbers look great and 1:02:32.289,1:02:37.229 then I get the email saying hey we wants 1:02:34.559,1:02:41.409 $200 cheaper and I'm like seriously buy 1:02:37.229,1:02:43.539 $200 yeah I agree with you you know you 1:02:41.409,1:02:46.509 you always have those those like 1:02:43.539,1:02:49.900 teaching moments like you may oh you may 1:02:46.509,1:02:52.839 have what it takes and you may have the 1:02:49.900,1:02:54.549 knowledge but you will run into the same 1:02:52.839,1:02:57.130 situation in a commercial side of 1:02:54.549,1:02:58.809 sometimes price shop words and then you 1:02:57.130,1:03:01.299 know what you may be lucky enough that 1:02:58.809,1:03:07.419 they weren't impressed by two hundred 1:03:01.299,1:03:11.679 dollar difference and you can just you 1:03:07.419,1:03:12.610 know come back to they'll come back to 1:03:11.679,1:03:15.520 you that's what I mean 1:03:12.610,1:03:17.740 so there's always opportunity yeah in a 1:03:15.520,1:03:20.740 little just a little marketing tip that 1:03:17.740,1:03:24.790 I give out with clients that don't take 1:03:20.740,1:03:27.970 you as a as a client right away always 1:03:24.790,1:03:30.510 try to get in touch you know after a few 1:03:27.970,1:03:34.120 months and there are ways for you to 1:03:30.510,1:03:35.410 sell but not be really selling not look 1:03:34.120,1:03:38.260 like you're selling you know you can 1:03:35.410,1:03:40.150 always three months after whatever the 1:03:38.260,1:03:42.010 contract is done or when it comes close 1:03:40.150,1:03:43.780 to being done you know you can send them 1:03:42.010,1:03:45.960 an email saying hey I forgot to attach 1:03:43.780,1:03:47.770 my my insurance information here it is 1:03:45.960,1:03:50.110 even though that it's been three months 1:03:47.770,1:03:52.660 so you're not saying hey Here I am 1:03:50.110,1:03:54.400 you know remember me you're just sharing 1:03:52.660,1:03:57.040 some information with them that that's a 1:03:54.400,1:03:58.570 little marketing tip that I think it 1:03:57.040,1:04:01.630 works it worked out for us 1:03:58.570,1:04:04.210 yeah you got to think with commercial 1:04:01.630,1:04:06.610 guys right you you are nurturing the 1:04:04.210,1:04:09.760 client expect I think you know I saw a 1:04:06.610,1:04:11.200 percentage of a three percent of the 1:04:09.760,1:04:13.750 prospects I should reach out to the 1:04:11.200,1:04:16.390 commercial side are gonna be business no 1:04:13.750,1:04:18.610 nobody's ever in the moment to buy your 1:04:16.390,1:04:21.790 services so you've got to reach out 1:04:18.610,1:04:24.520 connect nurture the client continue to 1:04:21.790,1:04:25.860 add value you know know who the persona 1:04:24.520,1:04:27.910 is of the client that you going after 1:04:25.860,1:04:30.040 because then you can replicate that 1:04:27.910,1:04:32.020 process over and over again you know 1:04:30.040,1:04:35.110 so again residential side I don't know 1:04:32.020,1:04:37.830 much on that part as far as how do you 1:04:35.110,1:04:40.360 identify your target customers but I'm 1:04:37.830,1:04:42.220 commercial if you do a good job at 1:04:40.360,1:04:44.110 identifying that customer you can 1:04:42.220,1:04:46.600 replicate that customer because there's 1:04:44.110,1:04:48.250 only so many verticals you know for for 1:04:46.600,1:04:50.620 the commercial side it's healthcare its 1:04:48.250,1:04:53.980 restaurants hospitality its general 1:04:50.620,1:04:56.950 office co-chairing you know top 10 or 12 1:04:53.980,1:04:58.810 verticals that if you have one you can 1:04:56.950,1:05:01.330 reference you know if you have two or 1:04:58.810,1:05:02.950 three you can reference and people feel 1:05:01.330,1:05:05.590 comfortable working with somebody who's 1:05:02.950,1:05:07.840 who's worked with a similar type of 1:05:05.590,1:05:09.700 client and they'll give you the business 1:05:07.840,1:05:12.700 based on on a referral based on 1:05:09.700,1:05:15.240 reference I think we lost Carlos again 1:05:12.700,1:05:15.240 this guy 1:05:18.710,1:05:23.870 but there's a black screen I think he 1:05:21.800,1:05:25.580 lost the camera this is this is the most 1:05:23.870,1:05:38.510 important this is this is where we end 1:05:25.580,1:05:39.890 in Cheers now it's all right guys I you 1:05:38.510,1:05:41.660 know I don't want to take up much more 1:05:39.890,1:05:44.180 time this is awesome 1:05:41.660,1:05:45.950 again this is perspective for me because 1:05:44.180,1:05:48.260 I don't know much the residential side 1:05:45.950,1:05:50.180 so I appreciate the information that you 1:05:48.260,1:05:51.890 guys have given us again I think we 1:05:50.180,1:05:54.170 could do another two or three episodes 1:05:51.890,1:05:56.480 on so many more topics but I wanted to 1:05:54.170,1:05:58.910 keep this just really your perspective 1:05:56.480,1:06:02.300 I'm going from residential to commercial 1:05:58.910,1:06:04.820 but I always like to end with some funny 1:06:02.300,1:06:08.210 stuff right give me give me some some 1:06:04.820,1:06:08.990 funny stories each one of you more so 1:06:08.210,1:06:11.960 you guys in the field 1:06:08.990,1:06:16.430 give me a funny story of you know Ricky 1:06:11.960,1:06:18.680 in the field cleaning or at a walk see 1:06:16.430,1:06:20.630 decline you know we like to end with 1:06:18.680,1:06:23.900 laughter right so give me some that's 1:06:20.630,1:06:29.120 funny I have a funny story that happened 1:06:23.900,1:06:31.580 a few days ago so for Hitler three for 1:06:29.120,1:06:33.320 three years you know you can still make 1:06:31.580,1:06:36.290 mistakes and it's not being on the field 1:06:33.320,1:06:38.510 it's actually with management so it's 1:06:36.290,1:06:41.840 kind of funny I feel kind of embarrassed 1:06:38.510,1:06:44.960 but so there was there was this employee 1:06:41.840,1:06:46.940 that uh she wasn't feeling very good and 1:06:44.960,1:06:49.700 and you know with the risk of risk of 1:06:46.940,1:06:51.770 kovat you know we asked her to stay home 1:06:49.700,1:06:53.930 because we don't want again we go into 1:06:51.770,1:06:56.300 homes so we don't want to spread the 1:06:53.930,1:06:57.590 virus and all that we worried I mean we 1:06:56.300,1:06:58.820 weren't sure if she actually had the 1:06:57.590,1:07:00.200 virus or anything like that but we don't 1:06:58.820,1:07:01.670 want to take any risks you know if you 1:07:00.200,1:07:05.840 have temperature you don't feel good 1:07:01.670,1:07:09.440 stay home so you know we agree to that 1:07:05.840,1:07:13.310 and I started I started with playing 1:07:09.440,1:07:15.380 through text you know when it when is it 1:07:13.310,1:07:17.570 a good time for us to talk and blah blah 1:07:15.380,1:07:19.730 so I said okay let me I've been busy the 1:07:17.570,1:07:21.650 last couple of days just keep I'll talk 1:07:19.730,1:07:23.960 to you tomorrow the next day I'm like 1:07:21.650,1:07:26.030 I'm sorry you know it's late I'm sorry 1:07:23.960,1:07:32.520 for the text I'll get to you tomorrow 1:07:26.030,1:07:34.830 blah blah so all the sudden I get a text 1:07:32.520,1:07:36.930 says you know since since you haven't 1:07:34.830,1:07:39.030 got him back to me you know I had to 1:07:36.930,1:07:41.610 find a new job and when I looked down at 1:07:39.030,1:07:44.340 the text all that time that I was 1:07:41.610,1:07:47.370 texting back to her so it was actually I 1:07:44.340,1:07:49.320 was setting back to someone else someone 1:07:47.370,1:07:51.990 else there was asking me for help with 1:07:49.320,1:07:56.640 their business and blah blah so I feel 1:07:51.990,1:07:58.320 like oh my god she felt like I haven't 1:07:56.640,1:07:59.730 got him back to her and all this time I 1:07:58.320,1:08:02.010 was actually getting back to her through 1:07:59.730,1:08:05.160 text but it wasn't her so what about 1:08:02.010,1:08:09.000 this other person I still have to get 1:08:05.160,1:08:10.920 back to them actually kind of fed on 1:08:09.000,1:08:12.510 because they both wanted to talk to me 1:08:10.920,1:08:14.340 so I was replying to the wrong person 1:08:12.510,1:08:15.360 about okay when it's a good time so I 1:08:14.340,1:08:18.210 wouldn't be see I'll talk to you 1:08:15.360,1:08:20.520 tomorrow blah blah so I still have to 1:08:18.210,1:08:24.029 get back to the other place that woman I 1:08:20.520,1:08:37.529 just wanted to come on that bad 1:08:24.029,1:08:39.000 communication this is a few years I 1:08:37.529,1:08:43.140 think this is year one when I first 1:08:39.000,1:08:45.180 started my business I had to go into the 1:08:43.140,1:08:47.880 field with with a team member like I had 1:08:45.180,1:08:49.710 to two girls working for me part-time 1:08:47.880,1:08:53.190 when I first started and you know they 1:08:49.710,1:08:54.810 did two appointments a day for like 1:08:53.190,1:08:58.380 three days a week and so one of them 1:08:54.810,1:08:59.970 called out and then so I was like well 1:08:58.380,1:09:03.210 we gotta get the appointments on like 1:08:59.970,1:09:06.299 you know we had a new client deep-clean 1:09:03.210,1:09:08.370 so like it was like things like a $400 1:09:06.299,1:09:12.930 appointment or something that so it's 1:09:08.370,1:09:15.810 like I don't want to just let go $400 it 1:09:12.930,1:09:19.109 was an empty home it was a move out you 1:09:15.810,1:09:21.920 know special service I walk in and it 1:09:19.109,1:09:24.029 was just like the nastiest smell 1:09:21.920,1:09:28.650 possible like I've never smelled 1:09:24.029,1:09:31.049 something so so gross so funky it was 1:09:28.650,1:09:34.980 just the worst I immediately turned 1:09:31.049,1:09:39.839 around walked out and just puked all 1:09:34.980,1:09:44.279 over the front steps it turned out but 1:09:39.839,1:09:45.819 the I guess the tenants before I don't 1:09:44.279,1:09:48.700 know how long I had been antsy 1:09:45.819,1:09:52.440 they uh there were some rats that had 1:09:48.700,1:09:55.060 gotten stuck behind the refrigerator 1:09:52.440,1:09:57.280 like you know the refrigerator back and 1:09:55.060,1:09:59.200 then it backs into the wall but in 1:09:57.280,1:10:01.720 between though there's like a like a 1:09:59.200,1:10:04.900 panel or something like wiring or 1:10:01.720,1:10:07.470 something so there was two mice they got 1:10:04.900,1:10:10.900 like stuck there and I guess they got 1:10:07.470,1:10:13.240 electrocuted and so that it's just it 1:10:10.900,1:10:14.830 was the worst smell ever and I couldn't 1:10:13.240,1:10:17.710 figure and so the entire time I was 1:10:14.830,1:10:20.830 there helping clean and doing this job 1:10:17.710,1:10:22.510 we were there for three hours I you know 1:10:20.830,1:10:24.250 I couldn't figure it out so we pulled 1:10:22.510,1:10:34.720 out the fridge to clean around it I was 1:10:24.250,1:10:39.670 like found it yeah still remember very 1:10:34.720,1:10:41.740 vividly obviously but yeah I remember 1:10:39.670,1:10:43.180 someone I remember a video on Facebook 1:10:41.740,1:10:45.100 someone cleaned their own house so 1:10:43.180,1:10:49.600 that's you know come on 1:10:45.100,1:10:50.860 yes someone actually walked in because I 1:10:49.600,1:10:54.310 I thought that's where you were going 1:10:50.860,1:10:56.890 Carlos someone did a moving move I'll 1:10:54.310,1:10:58.240 clean that that's usually empty and they 1:10:56.890,1:11:04.830 said they cleaned their own house they 1:10:58.240,1:11:04.830 had the wrong address so you know what 1:11:15.660,1:11:19.990 you know 1:11:16.960,1:11:24.400 both of my clients have I guess had 1:11:19.990,1:11:27.190 identical doors the girls you know they 1:11:24.400,1:11:29.170 were like separated by a neighbor so you 1:11:27.190,1:11:32.050 know same neighborhood but they were 1:11:29.170,1:11:34.390 separated by a neighbor they went to the 1:11:32.050,1:11:50.890 wrong home they and they clean the 1:11:34.390,1:11:54.479 entire they clocked in but I get to be 1:11:50.890,1:11:56.579 here 30 minutes ago they're not here 1:11:54.479,1:11:58.139 and I'm like what are you talking about 1:11:56.579,1:12:02.670 like I talk to you you know so-and-so 1:11:58.139,1:12:05.729 and they said they had just arrived it 1:12:02.670,1:12:11.900 turns out they were you know door down 1:12:05.729,1:12:11.900 from them and yeah I felt so embarrassed 1:12:14.809,1:12:21.059 all right guys thank you guys for being 1:12:18.929,1:12:22.949 a part of this I appreciate the time you 1:12:21.059,1:12:23.340 guys have had Ricky there you go fill it 1:12:22.949,1:12:26.150 up buddy 1:12:23.340,1:12:38.459 so how else we're going to do a blackout 1:12:26.150,1:12:41.400 cheers with you cheers you guys thank 1:12:38.459,1:12:42.929 you so much after we take this sip I 1:12:41.400,1:12:53.639 want you guys to let everybody know how 1:12:42.929,1:12:55.650 to find good LinkedIn Facebook just 1:12:53.639,1:12:57.659 searching Carlos Magee I'm happy to talk 1:12:55.650,1:13:00.599 to anyone and share my three years of 1:12:57.659,1:13:05.280 wisdom I guess Thank You Ricky without 1:13:00.599,1:13:09.239 you break your funk so folks out there 1:13:05.280,1:13:14.760 so I think we're gonna be Facebook or 1:13:09.239,1:13:17.159 YouTube or LinkedIn look me up I usually 1:13:14.760,1:13:20.099 do some videos trying to share you know 1:13:17.159,1:13:24.030 whatever it's inside my head hopefully 1:13:20.099,1:13:26.309 helping out other people again for being 1:13:24.030,1:13:28.789 a part of this I'll be talking to you 1:13:26.309,1:13:32.489 guys soon and seeing you guys soon 1:13:28.789,1:13:34.670 appreciate it all right all right bye 1:13:32.489,1:13:34.670 guys