0:00:09.120,0:00:12.639 hey everyone thank you for joining us 0:00:10.639,0:00:14.080 for the cleaning and cocktails podcast 0:00:12.639,0:00:15.519 this is where i get the opportunity to 0:00:14.080,0:00:16.080 speak with fellow cleaning business 0:00:15.519,0:00:18.480 owners 0:00:16.080,0:00:20.320 small medium and large we take the time 0:00:18.480,0:00:22.160 to let them share their stories on the 0:00:20.320,0:00:24.000 ups and downs in the industry 0:00:22.160,0:00:25.519 i also speak with other experts and 0:00:24.000,0:00:27.840 professionals in the industry 0:00:25.519,0:00:28.560 from your manufacturers your suppliers 0:00:27.840,0:00:30.800 trainers 0:00:28.560,0:00:32.480 as well as other types of entrepreneurs 0:00:30.800,0:00:33.040 my mission is to empower our cleaning 0:00:32.480,0:00:34.880 industry 0:00:33.040,0:00:36.880 to inspire and motivate each and every 0:00:34.880,0:00:38.480 one of you i want you guys to reach new 0:00:36.880,0:00:39.280 heights of success and learn from one 0:00:38.480,0:00:40.800 another 0:00:39.280,0:00:42.960 my goal is to have you walk away with 0:00:40.800,0:00:45.120 some tips secrets advice 0:00:42.960,0:00:47.280 and opinions that are relevant to all of 0:00:45.120,0:00:48.719 us in our day-to-day hustle and grind 0:00:47.280,0:00:51.120 while we're out there in the field 0:00:48.719,0:00:52.399 working every single day so sit back and 0:00:51.120,0:00:59.840 share a cocktail with us 0:00:52.399,0:00:59.840 and enjoy the show 0:01:01.840,0:01:05.040 well keith thanks for joining us man 0:01:04.159,0:01:06.799 appreciate it 0:01:05.040,0:01:09.040 you guys welcome to another episode of 0:01:06.799,0:01:10.960 cleaning in cocktails uh it's you know 0:01:09.040,0:01:12.159 it's a show where i get to speak to 0:01:10.960,0:01:14.400 entrepreneurs 0:01:12.159,0:01:16.000 people from the cleaning industry small 0:01:14.400,0:01:18.240 business owners and in this case 0:01:16.000,0:01:19.920 i get to speak to an innovative company 0:01:18.240,0:01:21.759 that's bringing innovation 0:01:19.920,0:01:22.960 to the cleaning industry like never 0:01:21.759,0:01:25.200 before 0:01:22.960,0:01:26.240 and we get to get an inside feel of of 0:01:25.200,0:01:29.439 what that looks like 0:01:26.240,0:01:30.159 right so without further ado keith again 0:01:29.439,0:01:31.920 welcome 0:01:30.159,0:01:33.759 i always start off with tell me a little 0:01:31.920,0:01:35.920 bit about yourself man tell us 0:01:33.759,0:01:36.799 how you got into this this glamorous 0:01:35.920,0:01:39.119 space 0:01:36.799,0:01:40.960 so i've been at softbank robotics for 0:01:39.119,0:01:44.000 about a year and a half 0:01:40.960,0:01:45.520 um previously i was in software um we 0:01:44.000,0:01:47.119 have a big play in software also right 0:01:45.520,0:01:48.960 now but with softbank 0:01:47.119,0:01:51.680 the opportunity came along about 0:01:48.960,0:01:53.840 automation the new future 0:01:51.680,0:01:55.119 it was time for a change in essentially 0:01:53.840,0:01:56.880 i've been you know 0:01:55.119,0:01:58.399 been a part of the whole journey from 0:01:56.880,0:02:00.560 the test to the launch 0:01:58.399,0:02:01.600 to now the full rollout phase of 0:02:00.560,0:02:04.399 softbank 0:02:01.600,0:02:05.840 or softbank robotics and whiz awesome 0:02:04.399,0:02:07.759 now 0:02:05.840,0:02:09.520 i mean not everybody starts with the 0:02:07.759,0:02:11.120 cleaning industry right so i know i did 0:02:09.520,0:02:11.360 a little you know research on yourself 0:02:11.120,0:02:12.800 and 0:02:11.360,0:02:15.599 and it sounds like i mean you were at 0:02:12.800,0:02:17.760 oracle correct so you know 0:02:15.599,0:02:19.680 oracle into the cleaning industry i mean 0:02:17.760,0:02:21.200 i know it's probably software related 0:02:19.680,0:02:23.200 exactly but like what yeah tell us how 0:02:21.200,0:02:25.760 how did you make that job so 0:02:23.200,0:02:27.280 two software companies uh previously so 0:02:25.760,0:02:29.760 it was software 0:02:27.280,0:02:30.800 um oracle and then i was at another 0:02:29.760,0:02:32.640 analytic company 0:02:30.800,0:02:34.959 all of them had analytics like 0:02:32.640,0:02:36.400 data-driven um industries where i could 0:02:34.959,0:02:37.040 really tell a story and paint a picture 0:02:36.400,0:02:39.120 for 0:02:37.040,0:02:40.800 the end user and that's really where the 0:02:39.120,0:02:43.519 whole automation piece comes into 0:02:40.800,0:02:45.120 um so seeing softbank robotics they're 0:02:43.519,0:02:46.480 the innovation that was taking place you 0:02:45.120,0:02:48.080 can see the whole arms 0:02:46.480,0:02:49.920 of softbank global where it was 0:02:48.080,0:02:50.480 initially i wanted i knew i wanted to be 0:02:49.920,0:02:52.879 part of that 0:02:50.480,0:02:55.040 then the technology um and the 0:02:52.879,0:02:56.400 innovation came next i really was able 0:02:55.040,0:02:58.239 to see 0:02:56.400,0:03:00.319 um where it's headed and where it's 0:02:58.239,0:03:01.519 going to be and actually where the whole 0:03:00.319,0:03:04.720 industry is going to be 0:03:01.519,0:03:08.480 uh soon so it's very exciting times 0:03:04.720,0:03:11.360 from my little path from oracle um 0:03:08.480,0:03:13.200 to dental intel to here nice nice every 0:03:11.360,0:03:16.640 time i forget to cheers 0:03:13.200,0:03:18.159 so here is a cheers cheers cause this is 0:03:16.640,0:03:19.760 called cleaning in cocktails right 0:03:18.159,0:03:21.200 right like we're drinking cocktails 0:03:19.760,0:03:22.560 we're talking about cleaning 0:03:21.200,0:03:25.599 all right it's gotta be fun it's gotta 0:03:22.560,0:03:28.400 be fun we're making it fun all right so 0:03:25.599,0:03:29.760 so let let's talk about you know what 0:03:28.400,0:03:30.560 what is it a year year and a half how 0:03:29.760,0:03:32.400 long have you been 0:03:30.560,0:03:33.680 with softbank for a year and a half year 0:03:32.400,0:03:35.120 and a half 0:03:33.680,0:03:37.040 now that you've been in the industry for 0:03:35.120,0:03:38.720 over a year what was what's your first 0:03:37.040,0:03:41.360 impressions that you got from 0:03:38.720,0:03:41.920 from from this industry as far as not 0:03:41.360,0:03:44.560 just 0:03:41.920,0:03:45.120 equipment and software but just the 0:03:44.560,0:03:46.720 people 0:03:45.120,0:03:48.560 the the types of companies that you're 0:03:46.720,0:03:51.680 you're getting to talk to so 0:03:48.560,0:03:53.680 yeah that's a great question and 0:03:51.680,0:03:55.040 it's been a fun journey so far a year 0:03:53.680,0:03:56.319 and a half and i've talked to 0:03:55.040,0:03:58.640 i feel like every different type of 0:03:56.319,0:04:00.799 facility possible and it's fun 0:03:58.640,0:04:02.560 it's i'm allowed to speak in this 0:04:00.799,0:04:05.040 industry with people 0:04:02.560,0:04:06.000 people person and that's where i really 0:04:05.040,0:04:07.680 you know that's 0:04:06.000,0:04:09.439 what really lines up for me i really 0:04:07.680,0:04:12.319 enjoy being able to 0:04:09.439,0:04:14.319 see the industry rather than and be able 0:04:12.319,0:04:15.599 to work with people hands-on we get to 0:04:14.319,0:04:17.759 train them we get to go 0:04:15.599,0:04:19.280 test the robots at all the locations and 0:04:17.759,0:04:20.079 then we'll really be able to help them 0:04:19.280,0:04:22.160 and see them 0:04:20.079,0:04:23.840 you know grow and scale too which was 0:04:22.160,0:04:26.080 actually the fun part too 0:04:23.840,0:04:29.120 so it's very fun very exciting things 0:04:26.080,0:04:31.040 are moving fast um 0:04:29.120,0:04:32.479 it's just you know everything from every 0:04:31.040,0:04:34.960 person i talk to there's a new 0:04:32.479,0:04:36.000 update on every type of equipment any 0:04:34.960,0:04:37.360 type of 0:04:36.000,0:04:39.040 you know operations how things are 0:04:37.360,0:04:39.840 happening a lot quicker and more 0:04:39.040,0:04:41.919 efficiently 0:04:39.840,0:04:43.520 well yeah i mean you you said it where 0:04:41.919,0:04:44.080 you know it's this is not just robots 0:04:43.520,0:04:45.759 today right 0:04:44.080,0:04:47.280 i mean there's a software that's in the 0:04:45.759,0:04:49.199 wiz right that you you know 0:04:47.280,0:04:50.720 you know yeah showed us earlier but 0:04:49.199,0:04:52.560 where you know 0:04:50.720,0:04:53.759 at first i gotta say i was probably one 0:04:52.560,0:04:56.479 of those people that 0:04:53.759,0:04:57.280 you hear robots you feel job replacement 0:04:56.479,0:04:58.960 you feel 0:04:57.280,0:05:00.400 you know a little scary right yeah first 0:04:58.960,0:05:02.320 small business owners you know your 0:05:00.400,0:05:05.440 small mom and pop shop may not 0:05:02.320,0:05:07.520 understand you know how can a robot 0:05:05.440,0:05:09.440 add value to me it's going to replace my 0:05:07.520,0:05:11.120 job you know so 0:05:09.440,0:05:12.240 what do you say when when people you 0:05:11.120,0:05:12.639 know because i'm sure you hear that yeah 0:05:12.240,0:05:14.320 like 0:05:12.639,0:05:15.600 what what do you say to that yeah people 0:05:14.320,0:05:16.560 always bring it up literally every 0:05:15.600,0:05:18.080 single day 0:05:16.560,0:05:19.520 um because they first they love the 0:05:18.080,0:05:20.800 robot they like what it does and then 0:05:19.520,0:05:23.280 the wheels start spinning 0:05:20.800,0:05:24.960 and they think start replacing my job 0:05:23.280,0:05:27.680 mm-hmm well the answer is no because 0:05:24.960,0:05:29.520 uh the cobot like method that we use we 0:05:27.680,0:05:31.520 want to working alongside somebody 0:05:29.520,0:05:33.280 so you can work more efficiently you can 0:05:31.520,0:05:35.120 be you're allowed now to 0:05:33.280,0:05:36.400 reallocate labor to go do different 0:05:35.120,0:05:37.680 tasks that you've never been able to do 0:05:36.400,0:05:40.880 before 0:05:37.680,0:05:42.400 so now that wiz is doing 80 90 of your 0:05:40.880,0:05:44.960 vacuuming your big vacuuming 0:05:42.400,0:05:46.240 that time is now spent on whatever other 0:05:44.960,0:05:48.560 tasks that you can get to now 0:05:46.240,0:05:49.680 okay and that's that's actually as i 0:05:48.560,0:05:52.000 looked past that 0:05:49.680,0:05:53.520 and i started to think that way that's 0:05:52.000,0:05:55.520 that's why you're here today right 0:05:53.520,0:05:57.120 we started to understand and i'll show 0:05:55.520,0:06:00.080 uh or i'll talk about it 0:05:57.120,0:06:01.039 in a scenario is we we won a large 0:06:00.080,0:06:03.520 contract 0:06:01.039,0:06:04.319 and we knew that okay we won the bid we 0:06:03.520,0:06:07.520 won the contract 0:06:04.319,0:06:08.639 it's ours now we know the price point 0:06:07.520,0:06:11.120 that we're at but 0:06:08.639,0:06:12.160 how do we you know we can't clean 0:06:11.120,0:06:14.080 bathrooms faster 0:06:12.160,0:06:15.840 we can't clean windows faster we can't 0:06:14.080,0:06:18.560 throw garbage out faster 0:06:15.840,0:06:20.000 where can we bring a little bit of value 0:06:18.560,0:06:22.080 to productivity 0:06:20.000,0:06:23.199 it's something like this with right i 0:06:22.080,0:06:24.479 mean and that's what me and you have 0:06:23.199,0:06:27.039 been talking about where 0:06:24.479,0:06:28.160 it's like keith how do i shave 15 0:06:27.039,0:06:29.919 minutes a day 0:06:28.160,0:06:32.160 five days a week four point three three 0:06:29.919,0:06:34.800 weeks in a in an average in a month 0:06:32.160,0:06:36.479 multiply that across the board each 0:06:34.800,0:06:38.800 facility 0:06:36.479,0:06:40.639 now now you're talking about savings now 0:06:38.800,0:06:41.360 you're now you see the savings maybe not 0:06:40.639,0:06:42.880 just with one 0:06:41.360,0:06:44.160 account but if there if you're a 0:06:42.880,0:06:44.960 cleaning company out there and you have 0:06:44.160,0:06:47.680 multi 0:06:44.960,0:06:48.720 facilities yeah i feel like you should 0:06:47.680,0:06:50.560 be talking to keith you should be 0:06:48.720,0:06:51.919 talking to these to softbank and these 0:06:50.560,0:06:53.919 type of companies exactly 0:06:51.919,0:06:55.759 because i mean that's where you guys add 0:06:53.919,0:06:58.240 value yeah and maybe we really like to 0:06:55.759,0:07:00.479 look at it and i look at it too is 0:06:58.240,0:07:01.520 not a piece of equipment right it's a 0:07:00.479,0:07:03.120 tool 0:07:01.520,0:07:05.120 to get it's to bridge the gap to help 0:07:03.120,0:07:06.479 you go a lot more efficiently and your 0:07:05.120,0:07:07.680 team's running more efficient 0:07:06.479,0:07:09.840 like you're saying cutting time right 0:07:07.680,0:07:12.400 there is that's a big piece of your uh 0:07:09.840,0:07:13.120 your guy's day-to-day jobs and and you 0:07:12.400,0:07:15.120 nailed it with 0:07:13.120,0:07:16.880 it's not a piece of equipment you're not 0:07:15.120,0:07:19.199 in the commercial cleaning equipment 0:07:16.880,0:07:20.080 industry you're in the innovative of 0:07:19.199,0:07:23.199 pairing 0:07:20.080,0:07:24.560 the piece of robotics equipment with the 0:07:23.199,0:07:25.599 brain right the smart i mean because 0:07:24.560,0:07:26.319 that's what it's called is that what 0:07:25.599,0:07:29.280 right 0:07:26.319,0:07:31.199 brain os inside it yeah okay right go 0:07:29.280,0:07:33.840 into it a little bit so brain os 0:07:31.199,0:07:34.720 is a company out of san diego um that is 0:07:33.840,0:07:38.080 the technology 0:07:34.720,0:07:40.720 in our whiz unit and it's 0:07:38.080,0:07:41.120 um the sensors uh that it creates so 0:07:40.720,0:07:42.960 whiz 0:07:41.120,0:07:44.240 is protecting itself against itself 0:07:42.960,0:07:45.759 people and property 0:07:44.240,0:07:47.120 essentially so it's not bumping into 0:07:45.759,0:07:48.160 things things like that so it can 0:07:47.120,0:07:49.840 actually read 0:07:48.160,0:07:51.759 understand the environment understand if 0:07:49.840,0:07:53.360 there's an object or person there 0:07:51.759,0:07:54.960 um if it's going around it if it's 0:07:53.360,0:07:56.319 blocked how does it stay on its path and 0:07:54.960,0:07:58.000 route 0:07:56.319,0:07:59.919 all right i like that word you use route 0:07:58.000,0:08:02.240 that was nice 0:07:59.919,0:08:03.120 all right now what okay so another 0:08:02.240,0:08:04.800 question is 0:08:03.120,0:08:07.199 and because you know again even some of 0:08:04.800,0:08:09.599 my team was had those questions of 0:08:07.199,0:08:10.879 is this too smart for me is it is it 0:08:09.599,0:08:12.479 hard to understand what is the 0:08:10.879,0:08:14.000 onboarding look like like 0:08:12.479,0:08:16.319 you know can our everyday cleaning 0:08:14.000,0:08:17.919 technician that's out in the field 0:08:16.319,0:08:19.280 service and use this machine 0:08:17.919,0:08:20.240 appropriately and it's not sitting there 0:08:19.280,0:08:22.400 and collecting dust 0:08:20.240,0:08:23.360 exactly um that's a great question 0:08:22.400,0:08:25.120 because it 0:08:23.360,0:08:26.639 definitely comes up all the time right 0:08:25.120,0:08:28.639 they're robots is it 0:08:26.639,0:08:30.000 scary is it are people going to be able 0:08:28.639,0:08:31.919 to actually use this 0:08:30.000,0:08:34.000 um and the great thing about whiz it's 0:08:31.919,0:08:35.519 not intimidating there's three buttons 0:08:34.000,0:08:37.680 i like to say if i can't teach you how 0:08:35.519,0:08:40.719 to do this in 15 minutes then 0:08:37.680,0:08:43.039 i might be looking for a new job 0:08:40.719,0:08:43.919 so it's uh it's pretty easy to 0:08:43.039,0:08:47.040 understand it's 0:08:43.919,0:08:48.560 multiple languages um like i said only a 0:08:47.040,0:08:49.760 couple buttons it's the teach and the 0:08:48.560,0:08:51.200 clean button 0:08:49.760,0:08:52.560 it's a full teach and repeat mode 0:08:51.200,0:08:53.519 whatever you teach it that's what it's 0:08:52.560,0:08:54.080 going to store and that's what it's 0:08:53.519,0:08:56.399 going to run 0:08:54.080,0:08:57.680 and i like that the the way you say that 0:08:56.399,0:08:59.760 too when you said it earlier 0:08:57.680,0:09:01.279 teach and repeat i mean that's think 0:08:59.760,0:09:03.200 about it you're doing that already when 0:09:01.279,0:09:04.560 you're training your teams in the field 0:09:03.200,0:09:06.640 we are right cleaning companies and 0:09:04.560,0:09:08.480 facilities managers they're training 0:09:06.640,0:09:08.880 their teams on multiple different ways 0:09:08.480,0:09:11.360 to 0:09:08.880,0:09:12.160 to clean this is just another way sure 0:09:11.360,0:09:15.040 to clean 0:09:12.160,0:09:16.080 now what about so let's talk about you 0:09:15.040,0:09:18.080 know the actual the wiz 0:09:16.080,0:09:19.600 a little bit further where the software 0:09:18.080,0:09:20.560 behind it is there an application that 0:09:19.600,0:09:22.959 somebody's using 0:09:20.560,0:09:24.399 is it the is it the management team 0:09:22.959,0:09:25.279 that's in the office and i'm sorry but 0:09:24.399,0:09:26.640 i'll i'll 0:09:25.279,0:09:28.320 continuously refer to commercial 0:09:26.640,0:09:29.600 cleaning companies that's what you know 0:09:28.320,0:09:33.200 that's our audience right 0:09:29.600,0:09:35.200 is do does the technician have access to 0:09:33.200,0:09:36.160 an app or is it like management back at 0:09:35.200,0:09:39.680 the home base 0:09:36.160,0:09:42.800 that is however you want to uh set it up 0:09:39.680,0:09:44.480 um a lot of people will set up their for 0:09:42.800,0:09:46.959 their operators and their leads 0:09:44.480,0:09:49.519 will essentially be attached to the sms 0:09:46.959,0:09:51.839 so they get the notifications 0:09:49.519,0:09:53.040 let's say if that is for you instance 0:09:51.839,0:09:54.560 you might just want to see a couple 0:09:53.040,0:09:55.839 locations you might want to see it on 0:09:54.560,0:09:57.040 quarterly or monthly you don't want to 0:09:55.839,0:09:58.959 see it every week on 0:09:57.040,0:10:00.160 every single piece of your portfolio you 0:09:58.959,0:10:02.160 might you also might 0:10:00.160,0:10:03.839 um so it's good for regional for people 0:10:02.160,0:10:05.279 to have like you know seven buildings 0:10:03.839,0:10:05.760 ten buildings and they can see all their 0:10:05.279,0:10:08.880 updates 0:10:05.760,0:10:10.800 all their data uh you know all the the 0:10:08.880,0:10:12.560 goods behind uh yeah the curtain well 0:10:10.800,0:10:14.399 and that's that's the thing is for you 0:10:12.560,0:10:16.079 know i'm a big advocate on technology 0:10:14.399,0:10:17.839 and data driven right where 0:10:16.079,0:10:19.279 that's how you know you that's one of 0:10:17.839,0:10:20.640 the ways you can differentiate yourself 0:10:19.279,0:10:23.040 as a commercial cleaning company 0:10:20.640,0:10:24.959 where if you have access to this type of 0:10:23.040,0:10:25.519 of equipment and software and technology 0:10:24.959,0:10:27.519 where 0:10:25.519,0:10:28.959 you can offer the data to the customers 0:10:27.519,0:10:30.640 too is this something you can 0:10:28.959,0:10:32.720 say like you have a monthly meeting with 0:10:30.640,0:10:34.720 a client can you share some of the 0:10:32.720,0:10:36.160 is there reports that are shareable or 0:10:34.720,0:10:37.680 so you'll have that full access 0:10:36.160,0:10:39.360 to what's called wiz connect and that's 0:10:37.680,0:10:41.040 the analytic piece behind it so you'll 0:10:39.360,0:10:42.800 definitely have all access to that 0:10:41.040,0:10:44.160 so you can go in and see is you know you 0:10:42.800,0:10:46.320 can see all your confirmed cleans 0:10:44.160,0:10:47.839 you know if you have six units at a a 0:10:46.320,0:10:49.040 building or three of them sitting in the 0:10:47.839,0:10:50.480 closet not getting used 0:10:49.040,0:10:52.320 all right so we can kind of see what's 0:10:50.480,0:10:54.079 trending up trending down type thing 0:10:52.320,0:10:55.839 uh but you'll get you'll work with a 0:10:54.079,0:10:57.200 customer success person which is 0:10:55.839,0:10:59.440 essentially helping you 0:10:57.200,0:11:00.880 ensure like your efficiency yeah yeah 0:10:59.440,0:11:03.120 and they'll meet with you also 0:11:00.880,0:11:05.519 anytime you want but um they'll do like 0:11:03.120,0:11:07.360 a 30 60 90 day reviews with you 0:11:05.519,0:11:09.680 okay yeah right off the bat make sure 0:11:07.360,0:11:10.320 you're you know ensuring success to get 0:11:09.680,0:11:12.000 you guys going 0:11:10.320,0:11:13.360 yeah because so now let's let's talk 0:11:12.000,0:11:15.200 about so 0:11:13.360,0:11:16.720 the best setting for a whiz product 0:11:15.200,0:11:18.320 today and i know we'll talk a little bit 0:11:16.720,0:11:20.560 about the future of wiz too but 0:11:18.320,0:11:21.920 like the perfect setting for these for 0:11:20.560,0:11:22.640 these type of of equipment and 0:11:21.920,0:11:25.200 technology 0:11:22.640,0:11:27.440 what would you say average square 0:11:25.200,0:11:29.360 footage type of a facility 0:11:27.440,0:11:31.760 sure yeah you're looking from anywhere 0:11:29.360,0:11:35.120 probably at least 50 000 square feet 0:11:31.760,0:11:38.000 um for the bread and butter you also 0:11:35.120,0:11:38.000 want to be able to have 0:11:38.720,0:11:42.720 environments that aren't continuously 0:11:40.480,0:11:44.320 moving you know we don't want 0:11:42.720,0:11:46.720 these open areas that are you know 0:11:44.320,0:11:48.160 different type of facilities where 0:11:46.720,0:11:49.600 you know different couches and things 0:11:48.160,0:11:51.200 are getting moved in and out but we 0:11:49.600,0:11:52.480 really want it to be 0:11:51.200,0:11:53.440 i mean if you want the bread and butter 0:11:52.480,0:11:54.560 the bread and butter is the cookie 0:11:53.440,0:11:56.399 cutter thing like 0:11:54.560,0:11:57.680 you know any business buildings that go 0:11:56.399,0:11:58.800 up and it's kind of you have the same 0:11:57.680,0:12:02.240 cubicles but that's 0:11:58.800,0:12:04.480 easy um where because we can teach 0:12:02.240,0:12:05.440 everything yeah it's super easy to scale 0:12:04.480,0:12:08.560 like that okay 0:12:05.440,0:12:08.880 um environments if it's got carpet and 0:12:08.560,0:12:12.320 it's 0:12:08.880,0:12:14.880 open and it's you know even flooring too 0:12:12.320,0:12:16.399 we're fine okay like because i cuz i'm 0:12:14.880,0:12:17.680 just trying to you know my wheels are 0:12:16.399,0:12:18.959 spinning out too where 0:12:17.680,0:12:20.800 you know because we're we're always 0:12:18.959,0:12:22.720 talking to a lot of cleaning companies 0:12:20.800,0:12:24.160 where they're just trying to stick out 0:12:22.720,0:12:25.920 right they're trying to win the big bid 0:12:24.160,0:12:27.760 but by winning the big bid you got a lot 0:12:25.920,0:12:28.720 of labor and intensive pricing that you 0:12:27.760,0:12:31.680 have to price 0:12:28.720,0:12:31.920 so it's like how have you guys figure 0:12:31.680,0:12:34.959 out 0:12:31.920,0:12:37.519 dialogue and presentations or 0:12:34.959,0:12:38.000 things that you can help in this case a 0:12:37.519,0:12:39.360 smaller 0:12:38.000,0:12:40.800 size cleaning company that's trying to 0:12:39.360,0:12:41.519 win that big contract that you could say 0:12:40.800,0:12:45.360 hey 0:12:41.519,0:12:46.560 you know by leveraging the wiz here is 0:12:45.360,0:12:48.160 you know you're not telling them what to 0:12:46.560,0:12:49.839 go in on a price but here's where you 0:12:48.160,0:12:52.160 could say you can add value 0:12:49.839,0:12:53.760 to these smaller businesses to say you 0:12:52.160,0:12:55.519 know this doesn't replace somebody but 0:12:53.760,0:12:56.800 it replaces the productivity of that 0:12:55.519,0:12:59.360 person vacuuming 0:12:56.800,0:13:00.399 so now you know we can that company 0:12:59.360,0:13:03.600 could be competitive 0:13:00.399,0:13:06.000 does that make sense yeah so uh 0:13:03.600,0:13:07.680 yeah long-winded that questions that 0:13:06.000,0:13:09.360 happens a lot 0:13:07.680,0:13:11.279 and it's really about you know like 0:13:09.360,0:13:13.519 you're using this term mom and pops 0:13:11.279,0:13:15.040 first kind of like the big guys right 0:13:13.519,0:13:16.639 that usually we're gonna try to undercut 0:13:15.040,0:13:18.320 everyone and it's the race to zero what 0:13:16.639,0:13:19.440 this is gonna allow you to do is provide 0:13:18.320,0:13:21.360 that better service 0:13:19.440,0:13:22.800 and beat them you know beat them to the 0:13:21.360,0:13:23.920 punch on that and that's going to set 0:13:22.800,0:13:25.360 yourself apart 0:13:23.920,0:13:27.040 on what you're doing to take care of 0:13:25.360,0:13:28.399 your tenants and your clients yeah 0:13:27.040,0:13:28.880 because i mean it's inevitable right i 0:13:28.399,0:13:30.560 mean we 0:13:28.880,0:13:32.560 we have the different fragmentation of 0:13:30.560,0:13:33.680 the industry and that's okay like 0:13:32.560,0:13:35.519 it is what it is because at the same 0:13:33.680,0:13:37.279 time those larger companies give the 0:13:35.519,0:13:39.199 smaller companies opportunity 100 0:13:37.279,0:13:40.639 but there's no reason why the smaller 0:13:39.199,0:13:43.440 company can't out 0:13:40.639,0:13:45.279 can't win somebody's larger clients with 0:13:43.440,0:13:45.680 the assistance of tools like you said 0:13:45.279,0:13:48.639 right 0:13:45.680,0:13:49.839 it's a tool it's a co co-op working 0:13:48.639,0:13:51.839 partner with you 0:13:49.839,0:13:54.240 so it's it's just fascinating to see 0:13:51.839,0:13:55.920 where we can go with this because 0:13:54.240,0:13:57.600 five years ago when i was you know much 0:13:55.920,0:13:58.480 smaller company i always wanted that 0:13:57.600,0:14:00.880 bigger contract 0:13:58.480,0:14:03.120 right but to me it was oh i got a higher 0:14:00.880,0:14:05.120 x amount of people they've got a sweep 0:14:03.120,0:14:06.399 mop come back do like there's a lot of 0:14:05.120,0:14:07.760 variables well that's the same thing 0:14:06.399,0:14:09.680 with wiz like 0:14:07.760,0:14:11.040 it's it can't do everything right 0:14:09.680,0:14:12.320 there's sweet spots for whiz and there's 0:14:11.040,0:14:13.120 sweet spots for businesses where to 0:14:12.320,0:14:15.199 focus 0:14:13.120,0:14:16.160 um not everyone can do every little 0:14:15.199,0:14:17.920 thing right yeah 0:14:16.160,0:14:19.680 just like the wiz you can't do 0:14:17.920,0:14:20.720 everything but there's sweet spots for 0:14:19.680,0:14:21.199 it and you've got to stay in your sweet 0:14:20.720,0:14:23.440 spot 0:14:21.199,0:14:24.959 so what and now let's uh not that we 0:14:23.440,0:14:25.680 have to get dig into price right but 0:14:24.959,0:14:28.800 like 0:14:25.680,0:14:30.079 how is it affordable for a i guess 0:14:28.800,0:14:32.160 and i'm thinking of the small business 0:14:30.079,0:14:34.240 right because again 90 of the market 0:14:32.160,0:14:35.279 is your small business cleaning company 0:14:34.240,0:14:36.720 so 0:14:35.279,0:14:38.160 how how do they take advantage is there 0:14:36.720,0:14:39.839 any programs that you guys have for a 0:14:38.160,0:14:41.519 smaller business or what 0:14:39.839,0:14:43.199 is it the same across the board same 0:14:41.519,0:14:46.560 across the board for right now 0:14:43.199,0:14:49.120 as of today there's no pricing discount 0:14:46.560,0:14:51.600 things like that unless you're scaling 0:14:49.120,0:14:52.800 to a higher amount uh but right now it's 0:14:51.600,0:14:55.839 549 a month 0:14:52.800,0:14:56.320 okay um essentially 27 bucks and change 0:14:55.839,0:14:57.920 a day 0:14:56.320,0:14:59.519 okay uh that's how i kind of look at 0:14:57.920,0:15:02.880 today's good yeah look at it per day 0:14:59.519,0:15:03.920 exactly okay so 27 bucks 28 bucks a day 0:15:02.880,0:15:05.760 you can look at it 0:15:03.920,0:15:06.880 um but you guys handle a lot of the mate 0:15:05.760,0:15:08.240 or all the maintenance all the 0:15:06.880,0:15:08.880 maintenance everything comes underneath 0:15:08.240,0:15:10.480 us 0:15:08.880,0:15:12.560 um just you're gonna have a couple 0:15:10.480,0:15:14.000 consumables that you'll need and 0:15:12.560,0:15:15.839 we handle everything else we ship 0:15:14.000,0:15:17.519 everything we train everyone 0:15:15.839,0:15:19.760 uh and like i said we set you up for 0:15:17.519,0:15:21.360 success okay site with wiz 0:15:19.760,0:15:22.959 cool well i mean that's what intrigued 0:15:21.360,0:15:23.519 me too is because there's it's not like 0:15:22.959,0:15:25.360 you have to 0:15:23.519,0:15:27.279 have such a big output of money in the 0:15:25.360,0:15:28.880 beginning to take one on right to test 0:15:27.279,0:15:31.279 it see if it works 0:15:28.880,0:15:32.240 if you have the environment for it um 0:15:31.279,0:15:34.079 but now let's 0:15:32.240,0:15:36.079 let's talk about productivity could we 0:15:34.079,0:15:37.680 share some just share some numbers right 0:15:36.079,0:15:38.720 like square footage per hour square 0:15:37.680,0:15:40.480 footage per minute 0:15:38.720,0:15:41.920 yeah things like that so then somebody 0:15:40.480,0:15:43.600 can take that into perspective 0:15:41.920,0:15:45.279 so each battery it comes with two 0:15:43.600,0:15:45.759 batteries too each battery is gonna get 0:15:45.279,0:15:49.199 you about 0:15:45.759,0:15:50.399 16 000 square feet that's in a class a 0:15:49.199,0:15:53.600 building 0:15:50.399,0:15:55.120 um open open cubes 0:15:53.600,0:15:57.120 uh things like that that you'll get that 0:15:55.120,0:15:58.720 type of um success you can get more 0:15:57.120,0:16:00.240 actually we see it a lot of times when 0:15:58.720,0:16:02.000 it's you know running down at some of 0:16:00.240,0:16:03.120 these big you know uh complexes and it's 0:16:02.000,0:16:05.440 just running straight 0:16:03.120,0:16:08.240 yeah you're gonna get more out of it but 0:16:05.440,0:16:08.720 if it's spinning if it's going in and 0:16:08.240,0:16:10.399 out of 0:16:08.720,0:16:12.000 little cubicles and little spots it's 0:16:10.399,0:16:13.360 gonna not be running as efficiently so 0:16:12.000,0:16:17.279 you'll see less than that 0:16:13.360,0:16:19.199 okay now today it's for carpet 0:16:17.279,0:16:20.399 light heart surface or correct me if i'm 0:16:19.199,0:16:23.680 wrong 0:16:20.399,0:16:25.519 but future is what for for the next 0:16:23.680,0:16:26.880 the next i know i'm not jumping to that 0:16:25.519,0:16:29.120 question just yet but like 0:16:26.880,0:16:30.079 we're carpet and then hard surface like 0:16:29.120,0:16:31.680 i have here 0:16:30.079,0:16:34.079 but like what what i mean what other 0:16:31.680,0:16:36.720 floor types are we looking at 0:16:34.079,0:16:39.120 yeah so uh any hard surfaces that the 0:16:36.720,0:16:40.399 next ones that will be coming out 0:16:39.120,0:16:41.759 i don't know too much on this or 0:16:40.399,0:16:42.959 anything but it's gonna be designed to 0:16:41.759,0:16:45.839 be more hard surface 0:16:42.959,0:16:47.040 any type of manufacturing any warehouses 0:16:45.839,0:16:48.800 um 0:16:47.040,0:16:50.160 you know you're gonna have malls uh 0:16:48.800,0:16:52.000 grocery stores 0:16:50.160,0:16:54.000 things like that that hospitals will be 0:16:52.000,0:16:56.320 big too in healthcare 0:16:54.000,0:16:57.920 now is there anything so let's get back 0:16:56.320,0:16:59.279 to analytics because you're an analytics 0:16:57.920,0:17:02.399 guy right so 0:16:59.279,0:17:04.319 if if i am putting out 550 a month 0:17:02.399,0:17:06.559 right and i know i've increased 0:17:04.319,0:17:08.559 productivity and i've shaved 15 minutes 0:17:06.559,0:17:09.760 you know a day per five days call it 0:17:08.559,0:17:10.720 whatever you want to call it is there 0:17:09.760,0:17:12.240 something 0:17:10.720,0:17:14.799 within the dashboard and the reporting 0:17:12.240,0:17:18.079 that that you guys have 0:17:14.799,0:17:20.880 that'll tell a a not a user but a 0:17:18.079,0:17:21.919 company who's using the product hey day 0:17:20.880,0:17:24.240 21 0:17:21.919,0:17:25.600 you've now reached your roi right or 0:17:24.240,0:17:27.199 you're like a break even you've right 0:17:25.600,0:17:29.760 you've reached break even 0:17:27.199,0:17:30.320 now everything else is this is your true 0:17:29.760,0:17:32.799 bonus 0:17:30.320,0:17:33.360 bonus off of making this decision so we 0:17:32.799,0:17:36.160 have that 0:17:33.360,0:17:37.760 um it's gonna be i believe in the we 0:17:36.160,0:17:38.320 have a bunch of different calculators we 0:17:37.760,0:17:40.559 play with 0:17:38.320,0:17:42.160 um to really show your time savings 0:17:40.559,0:17:44.640 because roi can also just be like you're 0:17:42.160,0:17:46.480 saying reallocate hours back to yourself 0:17:44.640,0:17:48.240 so that's actually essentially doesn't 0:17:46.480,0:17:50.640 have to be dollars exactly it could be 0:17:48.240,0:17:51.919 production time exactly um so we can 0:17:50.640,0:17:53.760 actually see you know because it comes 0:17:51.919,0:17:55.679 on three years did you break even at 0:17:53.760,0:17:57.200 you know month 18 do you break even on 0:17:55.679,0:17:58.480 month four and now everything's in the 0:17:57.200,0:18:01.039 bonus so we can see that stuff 0:17:58.480,0:18:01.600 yeah nice nice and break it fully down 0:18:01.039,0:18:04.480 monthly 0:18:01.600,0:18:06.400 weekly for you okay yep now what what 0:18:04.480,0:18:07.840 else is softbank 0:18:06.400,0:18:09.679 interested in in the cleaning space like 0:18:07.840,0:18:11.840 what i mean what are the other projects 0:18:09.679,0:18:12.880 that are on the horizon for is it 0:18:11.840,0:18:14.480 strictly just 0:18:12.880,0:18:16.080 the whiz product or is there other 0:18:14.480,0:18:17.360 products in the line i believe there's 0:18:16.080,0:18:18.799 other products on the line they don't 0:18:17.360,0:18:22.000 tell me much because i'll tell you 0:18:18.799,0:18:24.400 okay but uh right 0:18:22.000,0:18:25.679 uh but there'll be another whiz unit 0:18:24.400,0:18:27.200 that will be coming out it's already 0:18:25.679,0:18:30.080 released in japan so far 0:18:27.200,0:18:31.200 okay the whiz eye cool coming out nice 0:18:30.080,0:18:34.640 now 0:18:31.200,0:18:35.919 let's uh the industry itself 0:18:34.640,0:18:38.160 you've been in it you've gone to the 0:18:35.919,0:18:38.880 trade shows yep now that covet has 0:18:38.160,0:18:40.320 happened 0:18:38.880,0:18:42.320 you guys aren't able to do trade shows 0:18:40.320,0:18:44.559 right now right everything's virtual yep 0:18:42.320,0:18:45.919 i mean how is that affected the way you 0:18:44.559,0:18:47.440 guys are trying to reach your audience 0:18:45.919,0:18:48.320 reach our audience right reach our 0:18:47.440,0:18:50.400 industry like 0:18:48.320,0:18:51.360 what is that done to you guys um i mean 0:18:50.400,0:18:52.799 i think on 0:18:51.360,0:18:54.559 march and april it put a lot of things 0:18:52.799,0:18:57.440 on hold you guys were probably 0:18:54.559,0:18:58.000 oh everybody yeah um but so it's really 0:18:57.440,0:18:59.919 done is 0:18:58.000,0:19:01.440 you know forced and enhanced clean and 0:18:59.919,0:19:02.880 forced uh 0:19:01.440,0:19:04.880 which probably you're taking full 0:19:02.880,0:19:07.039 advantage of is 0:19:04.880,0:19:08.320 showing how much like actual detailed 0:19:07.039,0:19:10.320 clean you are doing 0:19:08.320,0:19:11.760 and being able to actually show that 0:19:10.320,0:19:14.559 service that's actually being out there 0:19:11.760,0:19:16.160 and what you're kind of owed and because 0:19:14.559,0:19:17.919 obviously people now want 0:19:16.160,0:19:19.200 they want more for less yeah and you got 0:19:17.919,0:19:21.280 to do more you got to do it 0:19:19.200,0:19:23.039 and you have to do it and this is a tool 0:19:21.280,0:19:25.440 that allows you to get to those tasks 0:19:23.039,0:19:26.640 without adding more right without adding 0:19:25.440,0:19:29.039 another three bodies 0:19:26.640,0:19:29.760 is there keith do you guys have any type 0:19:29.039,0:19:33.520 of messaging 0:19:29.760,0:19:36.480 that helps us share like a good message 0:19:33.520,0:19:38.960 to our to our customers to show like why 0:19:36.480,0:19:40.480 why why we why it's a good idea that the 0:19:38.960,0:19:42.400 company that you've used to be your 0:19:40.480,0:19:44.480 cleaning service partner 0:19:42.400,0:19:45.919 has purchased this or is using this 0:19:44.480,0:19:47.760 product here's the 0:19:45.919,0:19:48.960 bonuses and the added value for your 0:19:47.760,0:19:52.320 facility because of 0:19:48.960,0:19:54.080 the wiz being there so that's um hits 0:19:52.320,0:19:55.919 right on the head for especially the 0:19:54.080,0:19:58.000 whole service model we have 0:19:55.919,0:19:59.280 um when we work with you i mean you also 0:19:58.000,0:20:00.960 will be able to 0:19:59.280,0:20:02.400 create white papers case studies on 0:20:00.960,0:20:04.960 locations that you have 0:20:02.400,0:20:06.960 um you know and with our internal our 0:20:04.960,0:20:08.159 marketing team we do have options like 0:20:06.960,0:20:10.720 that that uh 0:20:08.159,0:20:12.960 allow you to leverage your data and your 0:20:10.720,0:20:16.320 locations for future locations too 0:20:12.960,0:20:17.760 okay that that's actually where i 0:20:16.320,0:20:19.520 think that's exactly what i wanted to 0:20:17.760,0:20:20.400 know and here because that that's 0:20:19.520,0:20:21.919 something that 0:20:20.400,0:20:23.600 we you know we're making the investment 0:20:21.919,0:20:25.919 in purchasing something like this or 0:20:23.600,0:20:27.120 adding this to the arsenal of equipment 0:20:25.919,0:20:29.600 that we use 0:20:27.120,0:20:30.159 but it's great for the customer to see 0:20:29.600,0:20:32.000 you know 0:20:30.159,0:20:33.280 wow they're they're going the extra mile 0:20:32.000,0:20:35.679 exactly to do that you know 0:20:33.280,0:20:37.120 and it's appreciative yep that you care 0:20:35.679,0:20:40.159 yeah you care right 0:20:37.120,0:20:41.120 cool man well let's i always end with a 0:20:40.159,0:20:43.360 funny story 0:20:41.120,0:20:44.640 okay a funny story being i mean you've 0:20:43.360,0:20:46.159 only been in the business or in the 0:20:44.640,0:20:48.240 industry for a year and a half 0:20:46.159,0:20:49.520 but you know talking to cleaning 0:20:48.240,0:20:52.320 companies visiting 0:20:49.520,0:20:53.440 facilities what you got anything for us 0:20:52.320,0:20:55.760 i got a pretty funny one 0:20:53.440,0:20:57.679 all right um i mean like the wiz has 0:20:55.760,0:20:59.520 come so far in one year 0:20:57.679,0:21:00.840 uh we were getting them shipped from 0:20:59.520,0:21:03.280 overseas 0:21:00.840,0:21:04.880 and you know they looked like they 0:21:03.280,0:21:08.080 weren't getting 0:21:04.880,0:21:10.000 um inspected as as good as they 0:21:08.080,0:21:11.840 should have and we were speaking with um 0:21:10.000,0:21:12.400 some people and they all had their back 0:21:11.840,0:21:15.360 turn but 0:21:12.400,0:21:16.320 we didn't know whiz had to actually uh 0:21:15.360,0:21:17.600 have the wheels 0:21:16.320,0:21:20.000 actually screwed in they didn't come 0:21:17.600,0:21:22.559 screwed in and oh my god so day one 0:21:20.000,0:21:23.120 when we're at uh the location you know 0:21:22.559,0:21:24.240 they were 0:21:23.120,0:21:25.760 i'm talking to a couple of the 0:21:24.240,0:21:26.720 executives and they have their back and 0:21:25.760,0:21:28.400 my buddies 0:21:26.720,0:21:30.400 you know running wiz and it's just going 0:21:28.400,0:21:32.000 through the mall as a test site 0:21:30.400,0:21:33.840 and all of a sudden the wheel falls off 0:21:32.000,0:21:37.120 come on it starts veering over 0:21:33.840,0:21:39.280 my god and he looks at it we 0:21:37.120,0:21:40.559 find some duct tape we jerry-rig it and 0:21:39.280,0:21:40.960 you know we still had it they had no 0:21:40.559,0:21:43.919 clue 0:21:40.960,0:21:44.559 no clue no clue and uh to this day oh my 0:21:43.919,0:21:47.679 god 0:21:44.559,0:21:50.559 day one day one on my first trip with 0:21:47.679,0:21:51.039 uh for a test site oh my god that that's 0:21:50.559,0:21:53.200 a good one 0:21:51.039,0:21:54.320 right i appreciate it all right well you 0:21:53.200,0:21:56.240 guys uh 0:21:54.320,0:21:58.640 thanks again for tuning in uh this is 0:21:56.240,0:22:00.320 keith with with softbank robotics 0:21:58.640,0:22:01.840 uh we're going to be showing you know 0:22:00.320,0:22:03.440 your your linkedin 0:22:01.840,0:22:05.039 the website any kind of material that 0:22:03.440,0:22:06.240 you want to show we'll put it we'll put 0:22:05.039,0:22:09.360 it down on the bottom in 0:22:06.240,0:22:11.679 the youtube clip um so you guys again 0:22:09.360,0:22:12.880 thank you for watching uh cleaning 0:22:11.679,0:22:15.600 cocktails guys 0:22:12.880,0:22:15.600 cheers